Assistant professor
Department of Architecture
Academic discipline: CEAR-09/A Architectural and Urban Design
Researcher at the Department of Architecture of University of Bologna. Andreina’s scope of research is urban and architectural design, her interests focus in particular on the relationship between recently built artefacts, heritage and functional energetic retrofitting in relation to the changes determined by the technological innovation of today’s industrialised societies. Andreina worked with national and international research projects, and collaborated with several national and European institutes. She authored monographs as well as national and international publications.
Other contacts
Dipartimento di Architettura Via dell'Università 50, Cesena - Go to map
il Lunedì, dalla ore 10.00-12.00, previo appuntamento via mail:
It is necessary to make an appointment by email:
Convegno STC 2019 Salerno - 19-20 sett. 2019.
Published on: June 17 2019
Convegno AISU Bologna 2019 "La città globale e la condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivo" - 11-14 settembre 2019
Convegno "Energia-Architettura-Paesaggio", Milano, 20 Novembre 2015.
Published on: December 18 2015
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