Foto del docente

Andreina Milan

Assistant professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-09/A Architectural and Urban Design

Curriculum vitae

ANDREINA MILAN work of Architecture at the University of Bologna. She studied architecture at the University of Venice, where she also lectured between 1987 – 1994. Her primary research interests concern history of architecture, especially relationships between old buildings and modern urban development, also considering effects of climate and environmental influences. Since 2003 is she engaged in several projects dealing with national and international urban development planning, as well as organisation of work-shops and intercultural e-learnings projects. Currently she researches on rebuilding of German cities after World War II.

Brief Curriculum - (as at May 31st, 2011)


1977-78: High School Diploma as Magisterial Title.  1-year primary school teaching experience.

1986: University Master Degree in Architecture (Summa cum Laude) in Architectonic Composition, awarded by Venice University Institute, rapporteur: professor G. Braghieri; (with: professor A. Foscari, IUAV; professor M. Zambon, University of Padua).

1987: Ranked 1st in the competition for “Carlo Scarpa” Architecture Prize.

1987- 88:  1-year study in Art History and Middle Ages Archaeology at the University of Venice.


Academic Activities

1987-1994, collaborator in the university teaching at IUAV for the course of Architectonic Composition and Design (with professor F. Buzzi, G. Valle and professor R. Sordina).


Scientific and Professional Activities

1988-2001: professional activity, both in team and individually, in the sector of large-scale urban Architectonic planning and design (industrial and fair/exhibition sector). Diverse and numerous projects as to the recovery and restoration of monumental buildings and design of museum institutions and systems.

1987-1996:  experience as consultant and trainer on cataloguing and archiving, re-use and preservation of monumental and historical heritage: In collaboration with the Superintendence of the Architectural Heritage of the Venetian Region and other European Preservation Institutions, she worked in the sector of vocational training as to Architectural Restoration and Tradition Building Practices.

1996-1998: ideation and direction of scientific-educational projects and initiatives in the conservation sector with specific focus on a Italian-German partnership.

1998-2001: morphologic-typological studies on the German architectural, urban and building tradition.

Teaching Activities at the University of Bologna

2001-2011: teaching and research activity in technological, planning and design disciplines at the Architecture Faculty “A. Rossi” , University of Bologna;

2003-2006: numerous laboratories, master theses, seminars and design workshops, at national and international level, with Italian-German partnerships, held in Italy and abroad. The research themes focused on the recovery of regional architectural heritage by means of functional and energy retrofitting and the insertion of new interventions in diverse climatic-environmental and historical-architectural contexts. [WS: Bologna; Johor-Bahru (Malaysia); Cologne (D); Cortona (Arezzo)¸ Sogliano al Rubicone (FC); Brenner Pass (BZ), Trieste].

2007-2011: Intense experimentation activity in the field of sustainability, planning, design and recovery of school and residential buildings, eco-districts, urban re-generation.

International Relations

2001-2011:  partnership activities with foreign universities and research centres through the Office of International Relations ( later called Erasmus Office) of the Architecture Faculty. She is in charge for international exchanges with Germany, Austria, Sweden, Poland, Belgium, Turkey, Malaysia.

Didactics and Technological Innovation

Training and Educational Activities : relation between functional needs and urban representation of the architectural project ( coordination of the final Synthesis Lab and Master Theses, developed in European and extra-European contexts).

Scientific and Educational Activities : analysis of the relation between the architectural language and sustainability in newly-built areas and as to building recovery, with specific focus on so-called practices of urban regeneration.

Scientific Activities

2001-2003: Studies on urban and morphologic-typological analysis in the German cultural framework, with specific focus on the Rhine-Westphalian area and the Ruhr District.

2003: “Marco Polo” Grant : six-month stay as research fellow hosted at FH-Koeln.

2003-2009: Studies on residential building in Gartenstadt (1910-1933) (Clueb, 2007) and building for youth education in Germany (1900-1939) (Editura Orizontur Univesitare, Timisoare (RO), 2007.

2003-2007: Studies and project research in the cultural territory of the Appennines and mountain  areas in general, coordinated for the deployment of international summer schools and educational collaborations with Cologne Polytechnic University.

2009-2010: Articles and essays on the theme of forma urbis;  Monograph on German after-war reconstruction. (Clueb, 2009).

2008: Studies and research on the relation between cities and a-Catholic worship places within Italian and European  urban areas.

2006-2011: Gender Studies on the theme  of “ Women City”: women architecture and open issues linked to the use and the perception of public urban areas.

2010-2011: Studies on European technical and professional migrations and  dispersion.

Post-Graduate Training and Activities

2009: Participation in the organization of didactical modules for (21-23.04.2009) the International Workshop "Hands-on", 3rd level at the PhD School of Turin Polytechnic University (SCU.DO) – 2nd Architecture Faculty - (coordinated by professor A. Magnaghi). For that event she was also curator of the homonymous publication (CLUEB, Bologna, 2009).

2009-2010: 20-hour course, within the activities of PhD in Design and History (Academic Year 2009-10) at the Architecture Faculty "A. Rossi". Theme: relation among shape/urban structure/ architectonic planning & design.

Inter-University Collaborations

2003-2011: Collaboration with the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Trieste University on the topic of inter-cultural studies, relation between the language of architecture in North-European urban culture and the Mediterranean Basin (EUT, Trieste, 2006). 

2008: Coordination, on behalf of Bologna University, of the 2008 edition of the International Summer School “EUROPAEUM”, at Bonn University [Theme: “Sacred Building in European Cities”], in collaboration with Oxford, Cracow and Helsinki universities.

2008-2011: Didactical-scientific collaboration with Torino Polytechnic University. Studies and research on the recovery of urban morphologic plots and orders in historical city centres and in the so-called “uncertain territories” of industrial outskirts.

Participation in national and international competitions and conferences (2009-2011):


·         Participation in the 4th edition of "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin" (6-8.12.2009) – at the Italian-Egyptian Centre for Restoration and Archeology (CIERA), Sama Khan Complex, Cairo – with the communication:  "Museums for the Environment and for Territorial Areas. From Museum as Cultural Identity to Museum as a driving force for Socio-Economic Development – Experiences and results in Northern Italy (1989-2009)". (Roma, 2010)


·         International Conference: “U_H. Urban Hybridization in Contemporary Territories Hybrid Landscape / Hybrid Design Processes and design strategies for contemporary urban territories”, (Polytechnic University of Milan, (15-16.04.2010), - Communication:  "Città-cluster, Ibridazioni urbane e prassi operativa in nuovi scenari sociali". (Milan, 2010),  Maggioli ed., 2011.)

·         International Conference: “Giornate internazionali di studio EURAU '10”, (Naples University, Naples, June 2010), with the communication: "Dar struttura alla bellezza. Sui concetti di ruolo, corrispondenza, relazione e rete nella composizione architettonica";  (Naples 2010).

·         International Study Days "Abitare il futuro, dopo Copenhagen", at DPPU- Department of Urban Planning, University "Federico II", (Naples, 13-14.12.2010 ). She presented in the section entitled "Models of ecological city", the communication: "Città ecologica in nuce" (with M. Pellegrino, Polytechnic University of Torino); in the section "Uno sguardo sul mondo", the communication: "Histria: l'identità contesa. Abitare i vecchi centri, tra recupero urbano e nuova architettura (1991-2010)."(CLEAN, Naples, 2010).


1st International Conference of the Italian Architecture Inter-University Network "Rete Vitruvio"- "Il progetto di architettura tra didattica e ricerca" (Bari, 02-06.05.2011) - Communication : "Futurama, il mito magmatico dell'innovazione in architettura" (with M. Pellegrino), (Polibapress, Bari, 2011).

1st Biennial Exhibition of Public Space, Rome 12-14 May 2011, promoted  and organized by: INU (National Town-Planning Institute), University Roma Tre,

University of Naples. Communications: "La rigenerazione urbana delle piccole e medie città della Romagna" and "Fiumi di pietra, flussi di vita, teatri di aggregazione" (inclusion of migrant women in the reality of Italian provinces).

International Conference: "GBCS2011- 2011 International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Cities" - Bologna-Ravenna, 15-16.09.2011 -- " Auditoria and Public Halls. The preserved Architectonic Heritage, in the Perspective of Sustainability" (with M. Simonetti, Politecnico di Torino). Elsevier, Paris 2011.

International Conference: "Keywords/Places - concetti e luoghi emblematici del progetto architettonico e urbano", Politecnico di Milano,18.10.2011. She presented the communication: "Reef city"- Floating aggregations. New and old Mediterranean" -- (work in progress)

International Conference: " Trieste e le culture del mare: navigazioni interculturali", 5 ottobre 2011 - Comnunication: "Il mar ritratto. Paradigmi urbanistici delle città mediterranee" (work in progress).

Giornate di studio: "Il Disegno delle trasformazioni", Napoli,1-2 dicembre 2011 - "Pietra, suolo, tracciato: il mito mediterraneo nei processi di rigenerazione urbana". (Pubblicato: risorsa elettronica, CLEAN, Napoli 2010).

International Conference:-Va ed. "Science and International Conference: Tecnology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin" (22-25.11.2011) - Istanbul University, Istanbul - Communoication "Restoration and energy Retrofitting"- Re-thynking the restoration  project while verifyng its reversiility and sustainability" (with: K. Fabbri). (Roma, 2011) -  Elsevier, Paris, work in progress.

Participation in PRIN Research (Research Programs of National Interest)

·         PRIN 2004 – National Coordination, professor C. D'Amato Guerrieri, Polytechnic University of Bari  - "Tipi e forme dell'abitazione contemporanea" (“Types and Forms of Contemporary Living”)- (Coordinated by professor and architect G. Braghieri, DAPT, UniBO) - A. Maahsen-Milan, “Studio di casi europei - Il caso tedesco" (“Study of European Cases : The German case”).

·         PRIN 2008 – National Coordination, professor R. Di Giulio, University of Ferrara – protocol # 2008YZWT5L - "Riqualificazione, rigenerazione e valorizzazione degli insediamenti di edilizia sociale ad alta intensità abitativa realizzati nella periferie urbane nella seconda metà del ‘900". (“ Re-qualification, re-generation and valorization of high-intensity social building built in urban outskirts in the second half of 1900”) - (Coordinated by professor and architect A. Boeri, DAPT, UniBO); A. Maahsen-Milan "Studio di casi europei - il caso tedesco" (“Study of European Cases: The German case”). [project still running].