Foto del docente

Andrea Ciurli

Research fellow

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Teaching tutor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences


Ciurli, A., Giagnoni, L., Sega, D., Pastorelli,  R., Varanini, Z., Renella, G., & Zamboni, A (2022). A novel FePO4 nanosized fertilizer is as effective as triple superphosphate in sustaining the growth of cucumber plants. Pedosphere, in Press, Journal pre-proof


Ciurli, A., Giagnoni, L., Pastorelli, R., Sega, D., Zamboni, A., Renella, G., & Varanini, Z. (2022). A novel P nanofertilizer has no impacts on soil microbial communities and soil microbial activity. Applied Soil Ecology, 178, 104570.


Thais Huarancca Reyes, Andrea Scartazza, Antonio Pompeiano, Andrea Ciurli, Yu Lu, Lorenzo Guglielminetti, Junji Yamaguchi (2018). Nitrate Reductase Modulation in Response to Changes in C/N Balance and Nitrogen Source in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology, Volume 59, Issue 6, June 2018, Pages 1248–1254.



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