Foto del docente

Andrea Cavallini

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IIND-08/B Electrical Power Systems


Keywords: Reliability Insulation systems Partial discharges Adjustable speed drives More Electrical Aircraft HVDC systems

Rotating machines fed by power converters
Partial discharge detection in insulation models fed by silicone carbide power converters. Investigation on the impact elevated slew rates and switching frequencies. Impact of atmospheric conditions typical of aircraft: low pressure, high humidity and high/low temperature (EU 2020 project RAISE).
Qualification of low voltage insulation systems for automotive and aircraft actuators (EU projects SYRNEMO and RAISE)
Behavior of varnishes and resins used for the impregnating process as a function of temperature and frequency.
Design criteria for reliable insulation systems based on FEM and streamer inception criterion.

Endurance of insulating films
Investigation on the long term withstand properties and partial discharge endurance of corona resistant polyimide films for turn insulation of rotating machines subjected to thermal aging. Correlation with dielectric properties as dielectric spectroscopy, conductivity and chemical properties as FTIR spectra, DSC and TGA.
Investigation on the behavior of thin films subjected to pulsed high electric stress in the absence of partial discharge phenomena (intrinsic aging).

Power cables
Diagnostics of the insulation system based on partial discharge detection and analysis. Analysis of HVDC accessories interfaces when stressed by DC components: inception of partial discharges and their behavior prior breakdown.

Power transformers
Investigations concerning the withstand properties of natural and synthetic esters and innovative fluids based on nanoparticles.
Diagnosis based on partial discharge detection and analysis. Activity carried out with the support of Trafoexperts CH.

Transformer and HVDC bushings
Characterization of dielectric and long term withstand properties of materials used for the manufacturing (RIP, paper, oil), both in AC and in DC.

High voltage rotating machines
Partial discharge detection and recognition through artificial intelligence techniques(fuzzy logic and fuzzy trees).

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