Foto del docente

Andrea Annese

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: HIST-04/B History of Christianity and Churches

Curriculum vitae



Current Position

Since 2022: Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-b) of History of Christianity (s.s.d. M-STO/07) at Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Department of “History and Cultures”).

2020-2031: National Scientific Habilitation to function as Associate Professor of History of Christianity (SC 11/A4, s.s.d. M-STO/07) [Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, L. 240/2010, art. 16].


Main Research Fields

Early Christianity; transmission of Jesus traditions; Nag Hammadi codices and their context; Christian literature, 1st-5th centuries; reception of Early Christian and Patristic texts and themes in 19th-20th centuries; History of Christianity in 19th-20th centuries; methodology of the history of Christianity.


Previous Positions

2020 – 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, “Raffaele Pettazzoni Postdoctoral Fellowship” 2020, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy). Workplace: Department of “Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo – SARAS,” Sapienza University of Rome.

2018 – 2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca) in History of Christianity at Sapienza University of Rome (24 months).

2019: Invited Visiting Researcher, Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien (CERES), Ruhr Universität Bochum.

2013 – 2021: Teaching Assistant in History of Christianity and Scientific Collaborator at Sapienza University of Rome.


Teaching Experience

Since AY 2021/2022: BA and MA courses of “History of Christianity” (M-STO/07), Dept. of History and Cultures, University of Bologna. Advisor and co-advisor for BA and MA theses. Member of examination board for BA and MA theses.

AY 2023/2024: lecturer at the "Coptic Summer School 2024," organized by the Waldensian Faculty of Theology (Rome) together with Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, and Institut Protestant de Théologie (Paris) (May-July 2024).

AY 2023/2024: teaching activity for the PhD course “Civiltà e culture linguistico-letterarie dall’Antichità al Moderno,” Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi Roma Tre (May 2024).

May – June 2023: course "Evangelio según Tomás," Centro de Estudios Bíblicos LIMUD (Lima, Perú).

AY 2021/2022: lecturer at the "Coptic Summer School," Waldensian Faculty of Theology, Rome, 4-15 July 2022.

AY 2021/2022: lecturer at the Winter School “Alterity and Identity,” Université de Strasbourg, 1-4 March 2022.

AY 2015/2016 – AY 2021/2022: teaching activity for the MA courses “History of Christianity,” “Biblical Hermeneutics,” and “History of Christian Doctrines” (M-STO/07, Prof. G. Lettieri); “Early Christian Literature” (L-FIL-LET/06, Prof. A. Camplani); “Advanced Coptic” (L-OR/02, Prof. A. Soldati); and for the BA course “History of Religions” (M-STO/06, Prof. A. Saggioro), Dept. SARAS and Dept. of Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome.

AY 2013/2014 – AY 2021/2022: Member of the examination board for the courses “History of Christianity and Churches,” “Biblical Hermeneutics,” and “History of Christian Doctrines” (Prof. G. Lettieri), Sapienza University of Rome. Co-advisor for MA theses.

AY 2019/2020: teaching activity for a series of seminars for BA students, course of “Philology and Exegesis of the New Testament” (L-FIL-LET/06, Prof. G. Lacerenza), Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale.”

AY 2019/2020: teaching activity for the PhD course “Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo,” Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale.” Seminar lesson, November 2019.

AY 2017/2018: Tutor of the Advanced Study Course in “Storia del cristianesimo: dalla formazione alla ricerca” (dir. by Prof. E. Prinzivalli), Dept. of History, Cultures, Religions, Sapienza University of Rome. Lecturer at the Course and coordinator (with E. Prinzivalli and T. Canella) of the module n. 6 of the Course, 16 hours of practical class.

AY 2016/2017: teaching activity for the Master of First level (for graduate students) in “Religions and Cultural Mediation” (dir. by Prof. A. Saggioro), Sapienza University of Rome.

Evaluation of PhD Dissertations

2019: External reviewer for one PhD thesis, Universidad de Cantabria (Spain).


Academic Training and Qualifications

2020: National Scientific Habilitation to function as Associate Professor in History of Christianity (SC 11/A4, s.s.d. M-STO/07).

2017: PhD in “History, Anthropology, Religions,” Sapienza University of Rome. Grade: Excellent.

2012: MA in “Philosophy and History of Philosophy,” Sapienza University of Rome. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.

2010: BA in “Philosophy,” Sapienza University of Rome. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.

Postgraduate courses (with certification)

2018: Summer School in “Coptic Literature and Manuscript Tradition,” Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (Universität Hamburg).



2019: Desiderio Pirovano Prize 2017-2018 for the book Tra Riforma e patristica. Il metodismo in Italia dall’Unità al caso Buonaiuti (2018).

2018: Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (SISR) Prize for the best doctoral thesis on a historical-religious topic defended in the years 2016-2017.

2013: Sapienza University Award as “Excellent Graduate 2011-2012”.


Research Projects and Groups

2023 – 2025: Coordinator of one Research Unit (University of Bologna) of the PRIN 2022 project “The Renaissance Papacy’s Political Theology and Its Projects of Religious Reform” (24 months, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research / EU - Next Generation EU; PI: Prof. L. Battista, Sapienza University of Rome).

Since 2019: participation in the activities of the “Laboratorio Erasmo. Opera, contesto e ricezione di Erasmo da Rotterdam,” research centre of Sapienza University, directed by Prof. G. Lettieri and Prof. L. Geri.

Since 2017: member of Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina (GIROTA).

Since 2017: member of the international Scientific Committee of CISSR.

2015 – 2017: member of the research project “Defining religious pluralism: a research hub for the study of religions” (24 months, hosted and funded by Sapienza University of Rome; PI: Prof. A. Saggioro).


Academic Affiliations and Memberships

Since 2020: Consulta Universitaria per la Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese (CUSCC).

Since 2018: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

Since 2018: Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (SISR), European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), and International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR).

Since 2017: Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina (GIROTA).

Since 2014: CISSR (Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni / Italian Centre for Advanced Studies on Religions).


Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees

Since 2020: member of the editorial board of the journal Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi.

Since 2019: member of the editorial secretariat of the journal Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni.

Since 2017: member of the international Scientific Committee of CISSR.

Since 2016: member of the editorial board of the journal Filosofia e Teologia (Rome office).


Refereeing for Peer-Reviewed Journals

Since 2017: referee for the journals Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni; Rosmini Studies; Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi; Giornale di Storia; Archivio Italiano per la Storia della Pietà; Henoch; Modernism.


Evalutation of Competitive Calls for Academic Positions

2023: Comparative procedure for a post-doc position (Assegno di ricerca) in History of Christianity (M-STO/07), Department of “History and Cultures,” Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. 

2022 – 2024: Member of evaluation committees for the conferment of self-employment positions, Department of “History and Cultures,” Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.


Chaired and Organized Conference Panels

Since 2018: Panel “Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi, and Gnosticism.” Panel chair and organizer (with C. Gianotto and F. Berno), CISSR Annual Meeting on Christian Origins (Centro Universitario di Bertinoro [FC]) 2018 - pres.

2024: Panel “The Renaissance Papacy’s Projects of Religious Reform between Early Christianity and 'Catholic Orientalism'. New Approaches to the Study of a Key Moment in the Genesis of Modernity” (with C. Facchini and A. Gerace), “EUARE Seventh Annual Conference. Paradigm Shifts” (Palermo, May 20-23, 2024)

2023: Panel "Secret Books, Heavenly Realms, and Non-Human Ritual Specialists in the Nag Hammadi Literature and Ancient Manichaeism." Panel chair and organizer (with E. Iricinschi), "EUARE Sixth Annual Conference: Religion from the Inside" (University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, June 19-23, 2023).

2021: Panel “Resilient Gnosis. Ancient Gnosticism, Its Sources, and Its Transformations,” three sessions. Panel chair and organizer (with F. Berno), “18th Annual Conference of the EASR. Resilient Religion” (University of Pisa, August 30 – September 3, 2021).

2019: Panel “Continuities, Disruptions, and Multiple Religious Identities in Late Antique Egypt (2nd-6th Centuries),” two sessions. Panel chair and organizer (with F. Berno), “17th Annual Conference of the EASR. Religion – Continuations and Disruptions” (University of Tartu, June 25-29, 2019).

2018: Panel “Multiple Religious Identities in Late Antique Egypt (2nd-6th Centuries).” Panel chair and organizer (with F. Berno), “16th Annual Conference of the EASR. Multiple Religious Identities – Individuals, Communities, Traditions” (University of Bern, June 17-21, 2018).


Organization of Scientific Conferences and Meetings

Organization of several conferences and seminars, among which:

2017: International conference “Riforma/Riforme: continuità o discontinuità? Sacramenti, pratiche spirituali e liturgia fra il 1450 e il 1600” (Sapienza University of Rome – Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm – Waldensian Faculty of Theology, October 25-27, 2017): organizing committee.

2016: National Conference of the Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (SISR), “La Storia delle religioni e la sfida dei pluralismi” (Sapienza University of Rome, April 8-9, 2016): organizing committee.