Pavlovic, A.*; Fragassa, C., Investigating the resistance of reinforced barriers to high velocity projectiles, «ENGINEERING STRUCTURES», 2018, 174, pp. 384 - 395 [Scientific article]
Cristiano Fragassa; Ana Pavlovic; Carlo Santulli, Mechanical and impact characterisation of flax and basalt fibre vinylester composites and their hybrids, «COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING», 2018, 137, Article number: JCOMB 4815 , pp. 247 - 259 [Scientific article]Open Access
Fragassa, Cristiano; de Camargo, Felipe Vannucchi*; Pavlovic, Ana; Silveira, Antonio Carlos de Figueiredo; Minak, Giangiacomo; Bergmann, Carlos Pérez, Mechanical characterization of gres porcelain and low-velocity impact numerical modeling, «MATERIALS», 2018, 11, Article number: 1082 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access
Lukic, Ljubomir; Djapic, Mirko; Fragassa, Cristiano; Pavlovic, Ana*, Optimization Model for Machining Processes Design in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, «JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS», 2018, 17, pp. 137 - 153 [Scientific article]
Kaufmann C.G.; Zampiva R.Y.S.; Bergmann C.P.; Alves A.K.; Mortari S.R.; Pavlovic A., Production of multi-wall carbon nanotubes starting from a commercial graphite Pencil using an electric arc discharge in aqueous medium, «FME TRANSACTIONS», 2018, 46, pp. 151 - 156 [Scientific article]
Minak G, Brugo T, Fragassa C, Pavlovic A, Zavatta N, De Camargo F, Ponzini R., Progettazione e realizzazione di un veicolo solare, in: Atti AIAS 2018 - 47° Convegno Nazionale, Associazione Nazionale Analisi delle Sollecitazioni, 2018, 47, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: AIAS 2018 - 47° Convegno Nazionale, Reggio Calabria, 05-08 Settembre 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Kakkassery J.J.; Arumugam V.; Saravanakumar K.; Durga S.; Santulli C.; Pavlovic A., Residual strength estimation and damage characterization by acoustic emission of drilled thermally conditioned fiberglass laminates, «FME TRANSACTIONS», 2018, 46, pp. 489 - 496 [Scientific article]
Sadeghi S.; Karimi N.Z.; Fotouhi M.; Hasani M.; Najafabadi M.A.; Pavlovic A., Residual stress evaluation in friction stir welding of aluminum plates by means of acoustic emission and ultrasonic waves, «FME TRANSACTIONS», 2018, 46, pp. 230 - 237 [Scientific article]
Giaglianoni, W.C.; Cunha, M.A.; Bergmann, C.P.; Fragassa, C.; Pavlovic, A., Synthesis, Characterization and Application by HVOF of a WCCoCr/NiCr Nanocomposite as Protective Coating Against Erosive Wear, «TRIBOLOGY IN INDUSTRY», 2018, 40, pp. 477 - 487 [Scientific article]Open Access
Fragassa, Cristiano*; Pavlovic, A.; Živković, I., The accelerated aging effect of salt water on lignocellulosic fibre reinforced composites, «TRIBOLOGY IN INDUSTRY», 2018, 40, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Andelic N.; Braut S.; Pavlovic A., Variation of natural frequencies by circular saw blade rotation, «TEHNICKI VJESNIK - STROJARSKI FAKULTET», 2018, 25, pp. 10 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access
Milovanovic , Miroslav B.; Antic , Dragan S.; Rajic , Milena N.; Milosavljevic , Pedja M.; Pavlovic , A.; Fragassa, C., Wood resource management using an endocrine NARX neural network, «HOLZ ALS ROH-UND WERKSTOFF», 2018, 76, pp. 687 - 697 [Scientific article]
Sljivic M, Mirjanić D, Sljivic N, Fragassa C, Pavlovic A, 3D Printing and 3D Bioprinting to Use for Medical Applications, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Materials, 2018, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: International Conference of Contemporary Materials, Banja Luka (BiH), September, 2th-3rd, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Vannucchi de Camargo, F; Fragassa, C; Pavlovic, A; Martignani, M, Analysis of the Suspension Design Evolution in Solar Cars, «FME TRANSACTIONS», 2017, 45, pp. 394 - 404 [Scientific article]
Pavlovic, A.; Fragassa, C.; Minak, G., Buckling analysis of telescopic boom: Theoretical and numerical verification of sliding pads, «TEHNICKI VJESNIK - STROJARSKI FAKULTET», 2017, 24, pp. 729 - 735 [Scientific article]Open Access