Curriculum vitae
Academic degrees:
- Degree summa cum laude in Philosophy,
University of Venice, 1979
- Degree summa cum laude in Chinese Language and
Literature, University of Venice, 1994
- PhD in Chinese Studies, University of Venice, 2012
- National Scientific Qualification for Teaching as Associate
Professor (scientific field: East Asia Cultures), 2014
Research field:
· Analysis, translation and commentary of classical Confucian texts, such as the works of Xunzi (III c. B.C.)
. Analysis, translation and commentary of ancient Daoist sources, such as Neiye (IV c. B.C.)
· Reinterpretations of the ancient Confucianism, in the
light of contemporary hermeneutical perspectives
· Confucianism and New Confucianism as a topic of global
philosophy and intercultural debates
· Cultural and religious minorities in China: Muslims and
· Aspects of ethical consensus between cultures and new
critical approaches to the problem of defining "humanity" and "human rights".
· East and West, modernity and tradition in Chinese
contemporary cultural debates
. Gender issues in ancient Chinese thought.
Teaching activities (as Temporary
· From 2000/2001
to 2007/2008: Teacher of Sinology (Classical Chinese Language and
Thought), Dept. of Philosophy, University of Padua.
· From 2001/2002 to
2009/2010: Teacher of Sinology (Classical Chinese Language
and Thought), Master in Intercultural Studies, University of
· 2006/2007: Teacher
of History of Chinese Religions, Dept. of Foreign Languages,
University of Urbino.
· From 2007/2008
to the present day: Teacher of Philosophies of Oriental
Asia, Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Bologna.
· Member of AISC
(Italian Society of Chinese Studies)
. Member of
CTI (Women's Italian Theological Association)
. Member of The Ways of Translation, University of Venice
· Member of CIRSSI
(Interdipartimental Center of Intercultural Studies and
Researches), University of Padua, until 2010
· Member of the
scientific board of Cosmopolis (,
intercultural review (Perugia)
· Member of the
editorial staff of Simplegadi, philosophical and
intercultural review (Padua)
· Member of the
editorial staff of Inchiesta, sociological and cultural
review (Bologna)
Participation in research programs:
- research project “Conflict in Political Thougt”, directed by
Prof. Giuseppe Duso, University of Padua (Cofin 2000)
- research project “Constitution and Governance” (2005-2006)
directed by Prof. Giuseppe Duso, University of Padua
- research project “Relationships between Eastern and Western
Thought” directed by Prof. Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, University of
- project “Sciences of Religions in XX century” directed by Prof.
Alberto Melloni, FSCIRE, Fondazione Scienze Religiose, Bologna
- “Dossier sur les minorités ethniques, culturelles,
religieuses”, directed by Joseph Yacoub, Chaire UNESCO, Université
Catholique de Lyon
Participation in international conferences:
- “Islam in China, a plural identity”, paper at the International
Conference “Human Rights and Cultural Identities”, promoted by the
European Community, University Federico II, Napoli, 30-31 january
- “Esprit de réforme et confucianisme”, paper at the
International Conference « Religions and Reforms »
promoted by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Royal Institute for
InterFaith Studies of Jordan, and coordinated by Prof. M. Haddad,
(University of Tunis), Jordan, Movenpick Resort, 29-30 january
- “Sainteté intérieure (neisheng) et royauté extérieure
(waiwang), paper at the International workshop « La
responsabilité sociale des religions », promoted by Ecole
Normale Supérieure de Tunis, Chaire UNESCO d'Etudes Comparatives
des Religions de Tunis, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, University of Tunis, 25-26
april 2008
- « Réalité de l'Etat chinois et potentialités de la
tradition confucéenne face au problème du rapport aux
minorités », paper at the International
Conference “Les minorités ethniques, culturelles et
religieuses”, Université Catholique di Lyon – Chaire
april 2009
- “Man like God: Theomorphic powers of human
beings in early Chinese thought”, paper at the International
Conference Ad Imaginem Dei. Foundations and Objections within
the Discourse of Human Dignity, promoted by
FSCIRE- Fondazione Scienze religiose and UNESCO Chair for Religious
Pluralism and Peace, Bologna, Antonio Banfi Institute and
Weltethos Stiftung Tübingen, (Chairs: Alberto Melloni, PierCesare Bori), Bologna and Rossena/Canossa,
16-17-18 July 2009
- "The Confucian Tradition", lecture at the "International
Conference on the Interreligious Dialogue", promoted by University
Lateranense and Religions for Peace, Rome, 22
november 2011
- "Friendship in Confucian Tradition", lecture at the
International Conference "Between West and East, Friendship as a
Central Issue in Different Cultures and Religions", promoted by
Religions for Peace and Accademia di Scienze Umane e Sociali
(ASUS), Rome,25-26 october 2012
- "Western Images of China and
Chinese Migration: for a Pluralistic Approach", paper at the
International Conference "Making the Invisible Visible. Chinese
Immigrant Culture beyond the Marketplace" promoted by University of
Padua, FISPPA (Dept. of Philosophy, Sociology, Psycology, Sciences
of Education), LABREL (Laboratory on Religions) and
Confucius Institute, Padova,
7-9 october 2013
- "L'alterité de la Chine", lecture at the International Conference "Philosophie et Masques de la Pensée" promoted by Université Rabelais, Tours, and CRISI University San Raffaele, Milan 25-26 october 2016
- "Interpreting Chinese Diversity today", paper at the X Dies Academicus, Accademia Ambrosiana, Milan 19-21 october 2017
- "How can we translate ren, confucian humanity?", paper at the panel Translation in the interreligious communication, Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion, Bologna 7 march 2018
Amina Crisma is the author of many essays, articles and books on ancient Chinese thought and on the current intercultural philosophical debates (see PUBLICATIONS).
She also collaborates to the following reviews:
Etudes Interculturelles,Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, Cosmopolis, Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee, Asiatica Venetiana, Inchiesta (also ), Prometeo, Parolechiave.
For a more detailed biobibliographic note, see