Foto del docente

Alina Scudieri

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Cultural Heritage

Teaching tutor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Curriculum vitae


▪ Degree in Political Science from Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II with a110/110 grade (thesis in History of Political Thought, entitled "Torquato Accetto and honest dissimulation", supervisor Prof. Antonio Sarubbi).

▪ In the academic year 1994-95 I attended, as a scholarship holder, the Training and Refresher Course in History of Political Thought at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples.

▪ In the academic year 1995-96 I attended, as a scholarship holder, the Training and Refresher Course in History of Political and Civil Thought at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies.

▪ In the academic year 1995-96 I attended the Specialization Course in Historical-Philosophical Disciplines For a philosophical reading of institutions at the University Institute "Suor Orsola Benincasa" in Naples.

▪ In the academic year 1996-97 I participated in the Training and Refresher Course in History of Political, Legal and Civil Thought at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies.

▪ 2009-2012. Scholarship holder in the Scientific Specialization Course - title equivalent with D.M. 22-05-1989 to the title of PhD - at the Institute of Political and Social Studies "San Pio V" in Rome, on "Economic and social development of Italy in the twentieth century: the contribution of personalities of Catholic inspiration". Title of the thesis "Costantino Mortati: the person as the foundation of the legal system".



▪ “Prudenza e dissimulazione nel pensiero politico del ‘500 e ‘600”, estratto dagli Atti della Accademia Pontaniana Volume XLIV a.a. 1995.

▪ Collaboration to n. 30 (Dicembre 1996) of the learned journal Informazione filosofica (“Il pensiero politico nel Seicento”, p. 65).

▪ (with A. Sarubbi), I Teorici della Ragion di Stato. Mito e Realtà, Napoli, E.S.I, 2000.

  • ▪ Entry Assolutismo in Lexikon di Dottrine Politiche, Napoli, Simone, 2000; Lexikon di Filosofia del diritto e della politica, Napoli, Simone, 2001.
  • ▪ Entry Giordano Bruno, in Lexikon di Dottrine Politiche, Napoli, Simone, 2000.
  • ▪ Entry Controriforma, in Lexikon di Dottrine Politiche, Napoli, Simone, 2000; Lexikon di Filosofia del diritto e della politica, Napoli, Simone, 2001.
  • ▪ Entry Sovranità, in Lexikon di Dottrine Politiche, Napoli, Simone, 2000; Lexikon di Filosofia del diritto e della politica, Napoli, Simone, 2001.

L’individuo liberale: una nozione obsoleta? in “Filosofia Politica” 25 (2011) n. 3, pp. 415-430.

▪ Entry Pandolfo Petrucci, in Enciclopedia Machiavelliana, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “G. Treccani”, 2014, Vol. II, pp. 301-303.

▪ Entry Girolamo Riario, in Enciclopedia Machiavelliana, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “G. Treccani”, 2014, Vol. II, pp. 407-408.

▪ Entry Raffaello Riario, in Enciclopedia Machiavelliana, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “G. Treccani”, 2014, Vol. II, pp. 409-410.

▪ Entry Ottaviano Riario, in Enciclopedia Machiavelliana, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “G. Treccani”, 2014, Vol. II, pp. 408-409.

Plato on Evil in T. Nys, S. de Wijze (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil, London, Routledge, 2019, pp. 15-29.

Teorizzazioni contemporanee della democrazia diretta negli Stati Uniti: il pensiero di Cass Sunstein in A. Braendli-G. Vale (a cura di), Going Digital?, Basel, Schwabe Verlag. 2020, pp. 109-120.

▪ Translation of P. Cartledge, Democracy: A life (Oxford University Press 2016) Milano, Edizioni Ariele, 2022.

J. Rawls in R. Gherardi (a cura di) La politica e gli stati , Roma, Carocci, 2022, pp. 544-551.


▪ English: excellent written and spoken knowledge

▪ Spanish: good written and spoken knowledge


▪ 1995-2003: Teaching Assistant in History of Political Thought at the Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

  • ▪1999-2000: Tutor in Italian Politica System at the Accademia Aeronautica di Agnano, Napoli.
  • ▪ From 2011: Research Assistant in Political Philosophy at the Università di Bologna.
  1. ▪ February 2011: Speaker at the School of Social and Political Education of the Institute of Ancient Culture Diocese of Comacchio, in the series of lessons on "The Reason of State".
  • ▪ February 2012: Speaker at the School of Social and Political Education of the Institute of Ancient Culture Diocese of Comacchio, in the series of lessons on “History and Future of Human Rights”
  1. ▪ 2014-2015. Research fellow at the Chair of Political Philosophy - Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ September 2014. Participation as a speaker with a paper on "Popular sovereignty and restoration of legality: the right of resistance in Costantino Mortati" at the 14thInternational Conference of the Collegium Politicum held on 5/6 September at the University of Milan Bicocca.
  • ▪ 2015. Renewal of post-doc fellowship up to 2016.
  1. ▪ February 2015. Speaker at the School of Political and Social Education of the Institute of Ancient Culture Diocese of Comacchio, at the course of lessons on "The common good".
  1. ▪ March 2015. Lectures in the PhD in "Global and International Studies" II cycle, of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ 2015-16. Tutor at the Chair of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. R. Gherardi.
  1. ▪ 2015-16. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ March 2016. Lectures in the PhD in "Global and International Studies" III cycle, of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ 26-28 May 2016. Participation as a speaker at the 16thInternational Conference of the Collegium Politicum held at Bonn University with a paper on The problem of Pluralism in the Age of Multiculturalism: Charles Taylor and Aristotelian phronesis.
  1. ▪ 2016-17. Tutor at the Chair of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. G. Giorgini.
  1. ▪ 2016-17. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  2. ▪ 2016-17. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ March 2017. Lectures in the PhD in "Global and International Studies" 4th cycle, of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.
  2. ▪ 2017-18. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna. Member of the examination committee of the aforementioned course.
  1. ▪ 2017-18. Tutor at the Chair of History of Political Doctrines of the University of Bologna, prof. G. Giorgini.
  2. ▪2017- current. Member of the examination board of Political Philosophy and History of Political Doctrines
  1. ▪ 19-20 October 2018. Speaker at the international conference "Past, present, future of direct democracy" of the Swiss Institute of Rome with a paper on "Contemporary theorizations of direct democracy in the United States: the thought of Cass Sunstein";published in 2021.
  1. ▪ From October 2018: member of the international research project "Direct democracy between past and future"; scientific director prof. G. Vale (Unicusano, Rome).
  2. ▪ 2018-19. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  3. ▪ 2018-19. Tutor at the chairs of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. R. Gherardi and prof. G. Giorgini.
  4. ▪ 2019-20. Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  1. ▪ 2019-20. Tutor at the chairs of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. R. Gherardi and prof. G. Giorgini.
  2. ▪ 2020-21 Tutor at the chairs of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. G. Giorgini and prof. G. Sciara
  3. ▪ 2021-22 Tutor at the Chair of History of Political Thought of the University of Bologna, prof. G. Sciara
  1. ▪2020-2021 Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna
  2. ▪2020-2021 Adjunct Professor of History of Political Thought (O-Z), contract renewed for the academic year 2021-2022
  3. ▪2021-2022 Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna
  4. ▪2021-2022 Adjunct Professor of History of Political Thought (O-Z), at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

    ▪2022-2023 Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

    • Fellow del Centre for the Study of Machiavelli's Thought and Reception directed by Prof. Manuel Knoll.

      ▪2023-2024 Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna


▪ Machiavelli; Treatises on Reason of State; Renaissance political thought; John Rawls; Communitarianism; Contemporary liberal theory; Crisis of contemporary democracy; Costantino Mortati and 20th century Personalism.

La sottoscritta presta consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 675/96.

Bologna, 25-07-2023 Alina Scudieri

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