PhD in sociology and social research (excellent)
University of Bologna - Department of Sociology and Business Law
Title: Discrimination and inequality in access to housing of the foreign population in Bologna
Supervisor: Prof. Maurizio Bergamaschi
Master’s degree in Occupazione, mercato, ambiente, politiche sociali e servizio sociale class LM-88 sociology and social research (110 cum laude)
University of Bologna - Faculty of Political Science
Bachelor in Sociology Class L-40 Sociology
University of Bologna - Faculty of Political Science
6-12 June 2015
V Summer School of Territorial Sociology (AIS Territorial Section) Mirandola, on the theme: 'Natural disasters, the resilience of local communities and socio-territorial planning'.
12-16 September 2016
Summer School methodology seminars 'Non-standard days' Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, on the topic 'Images in social research'.
September 2017
Summer School on Method and Social Research, held by Prof. A. Marradi, -Tortorella (SA)
01-05-2020 - ongoing
Research Fellow, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna
a.y. 2019/2020 - ongoing
Member of the examination commission for the Sociology of Migration course at the University of Bologna, in the capacity of Cultrice della Materia
a.y. 2019/2020 - ongoing
Tutor for the teaching of Laboratorio di guida al tirocinio of the CdL in Social Work, University of Bologna
a.y. 2015-2016 - ongoing
Member of the Examination Commissions for the teaching of "Sociology of Social Services" as Cultrice della Materia, University of Bologna
a.y. 2015-2016 - ongoing
Member of the Examination Commissions for the teaching of "Methods and Techniques of Social Research", as Cultrice della Materia, University of Bologna
a.y. 2015-2016
Didactic tutor for the teaching of "Methods and Techniques of Social Research" at the School of Political Science, University of Bologna
a.y. 2015-2016
Tutor supporting the coordination of teaching evaluation at the School of Political Science - Bologna Vice-Presidency
November 2015
Tutor of the permanent training course 'Helping Professions: competences and skills to be achieved', University of Bologna
a.y. 2012-2013
Tutor for the degree course in Social Work at the University of Bologna
01.12.2021 - ongoing
UNIBO team member of the project 'Visualising migration and local development in European non-urban contexts: an explorative research', Utrecht University -
01.05.2020 - ongoing
Member of the UNIBO team of the H2020 project 'Welcoming Spaces: Data collection and analysis of social inclusion processes and sustainable development in shrinking areas through the involvement of migrants' (Research and innovation programme, call H2020-SC6-Migration-2019, under grant agreement 870952), Bologna, University of Bologna
September 2018 to March 2020
Member of the UNIBO team of the H2020 project MICADO 'Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards' (call H2020-SC6-migration-2018-2019-2020 Work Programme Part: Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies).
July 2018 to March 2020
Member of the UNIBO sociological unit of the H2020 project OPERANDUM OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks. (Call: H2020 SC5-2018-2019-2020 Work Programme Part: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials).
June 2015 to June 2019
Collaborates in the research group coordinated by Prof. Maurizio Bergamaschi on homeless people at the San Marcellino Association (Ge).
January 2015 to January 2017
Collaborates in the research group coordinated by Prof. Maurizio Bergamaschi on Defining the measurement of the social impact of social welfare interventions (Social Return on Investment).
September 2014 to September 2015
Collaborates in the research group coordinated by Prof. Maurizio Bergamaschi, on Evaluation and accessibility of neighbourhood libraries in the Municipality of Bologna, processing and data analysis of library membership.
December 2013 to June 2015
Collaborates, as a training consultant, with the American NGO CADCA, on the environmental addiction prevention project (commissioned by the Department of Anti-Drug Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers) as the territorial contact person for Italy for the American NGO, with project organisation and management skills. Institutional relations officer and trainer of addiction prevention methodology in CADCA courses in Bologna and Naples.
Visiting researcher at CRISES (Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales), UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), in June 2022
Visiting scholar at the CEE (Centre d'études europénnes), SciencesPo (Paris), as part of the PhD in Sociology, under the supervision of Prof. Marco Cremaschi, in July-August 2018
Visiting scholar at NIBR (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research), OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University), as part of the PhD programme in Sociology, under the supervision of Prof. Susan Søholt, in September-December 2018
Fellowships and Awards
24 November 2021
Prize “Pari opportunità, benessere nel lavoro e contro le discriminazioni” to PhD thesis financed by the CUG (Comitato Unico di Garanzia, University of Bologna)
Seminar lecture entitled “Discriminazioni e disuguaglianze nell’accesso alla casa della popolazione straniera a Bologna” for the course in Urban Sociology - 10 cfu - Degree in Political, Social and International Sciences, Prof. M. Bergamaschi. University of Bologna
Seminar lecture entitled “Le disuguaglianze abitative dei migranti nell’accesso alla casa” in the course of Inequalities and Marginality - 8 cfu, Master Degree in Criminological Sciences for Investigation and Security Prof. Marco Alberio. University of Bologna
Seminar lecture entitled “Shrinking areas e migrazioni: è possibile rigenerare le aree interne italiane attraverso l’accoglienza dei migranti?” in the course Sociology of Migration - 10 cfu, in the Sociology Degree Course, Professors M. Alberio, C.M. Marelli. University of Bologna
26.09.2021 - 2.10.2021
Participates as a tutor in the Welcoming Spaces international PhD School on Migration and Socioecological Change, Soria (Spain)
Seminar lecture entitled “Discriminazioni istituzionali nell’accesso all’abitazione” in the course of Urban Sociology - 10 cfu - Degree in Political, Social and International Sciences, Prof. M. Bergamaschi. University of Bologna
Seminar lecture entitled “Discriminazioni nell’accesso alla casa della popolazione straniera” in the Sociology of Migration course - 10 cfu, Degree in Sociology, Professors M. Bergamaschi, Valeria Piro. University of Bologna (2 hours)
Seminar lecture entitled “Disuguaglianze nell’accesso alla casa per la popolazione straniera” for the course in Urban Sociology - 10 cfu - Degree in Political, Social and International Sciences, Professors M. Castrignanò, M. Bergamaschi. University of Bologna (2 hrs.)
Support for the preparation of four dissertations (Bachelor's and Master's) on the topic of migration and shrinking areas, in Italy and abroad (Utrecht University)
Master's theses: 2
Bachelor's theses: 5
Supervisor curricular placements: 5
Conference Presentations
Speaker at the Espanet-Italia conference “I silenzi del PNRR: migranti, integrazione e strategie di sviluppo locale” Title of contribution: “Il welfare locale accogliente e generativo come agente di sviluppo territoriale” (with Moralli M.)
Speaker at the Espanet-Italia conference “I silenzi del PNRR: migranti, integrazione e strategie di sviluppo locale” Title of contribution: Il cohousing pubblico tra le possibili declinazioni di housing sociale: l’esperienza di Porto15 a Bologna (with Maggio M.)
Speaker at the 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference 'Migration and Time: Temporalities of Mobility, Governance, and Resistance' in Oslo and online (29th June-1st July 2022). Title of paper: Changing communities: social and economic well-being in migrant welcoming localities in Southern Italy (with Bergamaschi M, Moralli M.).
Speaker at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference - 'Crossing borders, connecting cultures'. 7-9 July 2021. Title of contribution: "Exploring welcoming spaces in Europe: a narrative approach" (with Bergamaschi M, Moralli M, Parmiggiani P.).
Speaker at the IV Midterm Conference Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures - European Sociological Association Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology). University of Bologna, 27th-29th of January 2021 (Online conference). Title of paper: "Welcoming spaces? Opportunities and challenges for newcomers" (with Bergamaschi M, Moralli M, Musarò P., Parmiggiani P.).
Speaker at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, "Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures", Barcelona, Spain, 31 August - 3 September 2021. Title of paper: "Migration as Generative Local Welfare: Insights from the Italian Shrinking Regions" (with Bergamaschi M, Moralli M, Musarò P., Parmiggiani P.).
Speaker at the Conference Territories, mobility, jobs, organised by the Ambiente e territorio Section of the Associazione italiana di Sociologia. University of Padua, 21-22 February 2018. Title of the paper: “Vulnerabilità abitativa degli stranieri proprietari”.
Speaker at the X National Conference of Sociologists of the Environment in memory of Fulvio Beato, Bologna, 18-19 June 2015. Title of paper: “Empowerment territoriale come risorsa comunitaria: il caso statunitense”
Speaker at the conference “Rinascimento dell’E45”, promoted by the Department of Sociology "Achille Ardigò" and Coldiretti Emilia-Romagna, Bagno di Romagna (FC)
Invited lectures and seminars
Speaker at the International Conference "Premières rencontres Italie-Québec Territoires, économies et sociétés" (Lévis, Québec, 16-17 June 2022). Title of contribution: "Les territoires face aux crises. Le cas de la gestion des migrants et de l'exclusion sociale des ainés en temps de pandémie".
Speaker at the Forum international 2022 sur l'habitation sociale, communautaire et coopérative - 8-9 June 2022 Université Laval, Québec (Quebec) Canada. Title of contribution: Discrimination et inégalité dans l'accès au logement de la population étrangère
Participation as a speaker in the CRISES seminar (Montréal, 6 June 2022) with a presentation entitled 'Welcoming Spaces : la migration comme source de bien-être local ? Quelques réflexions sur les régions italiennes en déclin".
22.04.2021 (online)
Seminar entitled “casa e radicalizzazione”, organised by Idee in Movimento as part of the 'Rizoma Living Lab' series of meetings
Conference organisation activities
Member of the organising committee of the international conference 'Multidimensional Housing deprivation. Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future'. 13-14 October 2021 (online).
14.10.2021 (online).
Session coordinator, International Conference 'Multidimensional Housing Deprivation. Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future'. 13-14 October 2021 (online). Session title: 'Public housing policies and practices' (with Maggio M.)
8 September 2021
Session coordinator at the XIV ESPAnet Italy Conference (8-11 September 2021). Session title: “Panel 4 Covid-19 e disagio abitativo: l’impatto della pandemia su vissuti, strumenti e politiche di contrasto” (with Bergamaschi M., Maggio M.)
Member of the local committee of the X Convegno Nazionale dei Sociologi dell’ambiente.
Workshop 'Welcoming spaces': migration and new communities in marginalised regions
30. 11. 2021
Participation as moderator of the Working Table on “Benessere abitativo, salute e welfare di prossimità”, at the Giornata di approfondimento nazionale su dati e indicatori di genere - Initiative promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region and Period Think Tank, at the Emilia-Romagna Region
Speaker at the public event Homeless More Rights 2021. Festival dei diritti delle persone senza dimora - Initiative by the association Avvocato di strada. Title “Discriminazione e diseguaglianza nell’accesso alla casa della popolazione straniera”
Speaker at the public event “Riabitare e accogliere” (Corchia, Italy, 23 October 2021)
Participation in the European Night of Researchers (24 September 2021) as dissemination of the H2020 project 'Welcoming Spaces' (Research and innovation programme, call H2020-SC6-Migration-2019, under grant agreement 870952), Bologna, University of Bologna
From 2021 - ongoing
IMISCOE, International Migration Research Network
2021 - 2022
ESA, European Sociological Association
Since 2011 - ongoing
Ce.P.Ci.T., Centro Studi sui Problemi della Città e del Territorio University of Bologna
From 2016 - ongoing
AIS - Italian Sociology Association
Sociologia dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Section
Editorial committees
Since 2015, coordinator of the editorial office of the journal Sociologia Urbana e Rurale (Milan: FrancoAngeli).
Since 2011, member of the editorial board of the journal Sociologia Urbana e Rurale (Milan: FrancoAngeli).
Since June 2011, member of the editorial board of the Sociologia Urbana e Rurale book series (Milan: FrancoAngeli).