Foto del docente

Alessio Carrozzo Magli

Teaching tutor

Department of Economics

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: SECS-P/01 Economics


-Manfredi, P., d'Onofrio, A., Bliman, PA, Carrozzo Magli, A. Tiered social distancing policies and epidemic control. Accepted for publication in Proceedings A

-Carrozzo Magli, A., Manfredi, P. (2022) Coordination games vs prisoner's dilemma in sustainability games: A critique of recent contributions and a discussion of policy implications Ecological economics 192, 107268


-Carrozzo Magli, A., Manfredi, P., della Posta P. The tragedy of the commons as a Prisoner’s dilemma. its relevance for sustainability games Sustainability, 13 (2021) x. doi:10.3390/xxxxx


-Carrozzo Magli, A., Manfredi, P., d'Onofrio, A. (2020) Deteriorated Covid19 control due to delayed lockdown resulting from strategic interactions between Governments and oppositions (currently on medrxive) doi:


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