Turrini S.; Avenanti A., Cerebellum function: The chronometry of social perception, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2024, 34, pp. R340 - R343 [Scientific article]
Bevacqua, Naomi; Turrini, Sonia; Fiori, Francesca; Saracini, Chiara; Lucero, Boris; Candidi, Matteo; Avenanti, Alessio, Cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation highlights asymmetrical communication between rostral premotor cortices and primary motor cortex, «BRAIN STIMULATION», 2024, 17, pp. 89 - 91 [Scientific article]
Chiappini E.; Turrini S.; Zanon M.; Marangon M.; Borgomaneri S.; Avenanti A., Driving Hebbian plasticity over ventral premotor-motor projections transiently enhances motor resonance, «BRAIN STIMULATION», 2024, 17, pp. 211 - 220 [Scientific article]Open Access
Botta, A.; Zhao, M.; Samogin, J.; Pelosin, E.; Bonassi, G.; Lagravinese, G.; Mantini, D.; Avenanti, A.; Avanzino, L., Early modulations of neural oscillations during the processing of emotional body language, «PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY», 2024, 61, Article number: e14436 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access
Tanaka, M.; Battaglia, S.; Giménez-Llort, L.; Chen, C.; Hepsomali, P.; Avenanti, A.; Vécsei, L., Innovation at the Intersection: Emerging Translational Research in Neurology and Psychiatry, «CELLS», 2024, 13, Article number: 790 , pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access
Di Luzio, Paolo; Brady, Laura; Turrini, Sonia; Romei, Vincenzo; Avenanti, Alessio; Sel, Alejandra, Investigating the effects of cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation in the human brain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, «NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS», 2024, 167, Article number: 105933 , pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]Open Access
Botta, A.; Pelosin, E.; Lagravinese, G.; Marchese, R.; Di Biasio, F.; Bonassi, G.; Terranova, S.; Ravizzotti, E.; Putzolu, M.; Mezzarobba, S.; Cosentino, C.; Avenanti, A.; Avanzino, L., Modulation of response times in early-stage Parkinson’s disease during emotional processing of embodied and non-embodied stimuli, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2024, 14, Article number: 13031 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Simone Battaglia , Alessio Avenanti , László Vécsei , Masaru Tanaka, Neural Correlates and Molecular Mechanisms of Memory and Learning, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2024, 25, Article number: 2724 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Battaglia, S.; Avenanti, A.; Vécsei, L.; Tanaka, M., Neurodegeneration in Cognitive Impairment and Mood Disorders for Experimental, Clinical and Translational Neuropsychiatry, «BIOMEDICINES», 2024, 12, Article number: 574 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Fino, Edita; Menegatti, Michela; Avenanti, Alessio; Rubini, Monica, Reading of ingroup politicians’ smiles triggers smiling in the corner of one’s eyes, «PLOS ONE», 2024, 19, Article number: e0290590 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access
Turrini, S.; Fiori, F.; Bevacqua, N.; Saracini, C.; Lucero, B.; Candidi, M.; Avenanti, A., Spike-timing-dependent plasticity induction reveals dissociable supplementary– and premotor–motor pathways to automatic imitation, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2024, 121, Article number: e2404925121 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Battaglia, Simone; Di Fazio, Chiara; Mazzà, Matteo; Tamietto, Marco; Avenanti, Alessio, Targeting Human Glucocorticoid Receptors in Fear Learning: A Multiscale Integrated Approach to Study Functional Connectivity, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2024, 25, Article number: 864 , pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article]Open Access
Borgomaneri S.; Vitale F.; Battaglia S.; de Vega M.; Avenanti A., Task-related modulation of motor response to emotional bodies: A TMS motor-evoked potential study, «CORTEX», 2024, 171, pp. 235 - 246 [Scientific article]Open Access
Cenka, K.; Spaccasassi, C.; Petkovic, S.; Pezzetta, R.; Arcara, G.; Avenanti, A., Temporal dynamics of implicit moral evaluation: From empathy for pain to mentalizing processes, «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2024, 205, Article number: 109033 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access
Vicario, CM; Mucciardi, M; Perconti, P; Lucifora, C; Nitsche, MA; Avenanti, A, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic performance: a comparative analysis of face-to face and online assessment, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 14, Article number: 1299136 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access