Foto del docente

Alessia Zangrando

PhD Student

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: L-ART/07 Musicology and History of Music

Curriculum vitae

Alessia Zangrando is currently a PhD student at the University of Bologna - Department of Cultural Heritage - PhD programme Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Her PhD project focuses on mapping and analysing the musical evidence in some ancient texts written between the 15th and 18th centuries by travellers who crossed the Western Balkans (Supervisor: Prof. Donatella Restani).



2014: Bachelor's degree in Cultural Heritage (University of Udine);

2018: Master's degree in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World (University of Bologna);

2019: Bachelor's degree in Opera singing (Conservatory of Udine);



  • Seminars Ecosistemi musicali europei in età moderna e contemporanea at the Department of Cultural Heritage, in Ravenna:The Symbolism and Decorative Transformation of the Gusle among the Croats and Serbs by Zdravko Blažekovic (23/02/2023); Musiche e suoni del viaggio in Età moderna con un focus sull’Egitto by Paola Dessì and Elena Murarotto; Africa in Translation: Early Modern European Epistemic Horizons by Gabriela Currie (16/05/2023); Archeologia musicale nei Balcani in età antica (V a.C.-II d.C.) by Daniela Castaldo and Musicologists without Borders: un progetto per salvare la musica in Pakistan by Dinko Fabris (26/09/2023); Healthy throats, national sounds: vocal education as national heritage in 19th century Europe by Josephine Hoegaerts (10/10/2023).
  • La produzione musicale a Gorizia tra Sette e Ottocento: una riflessione attraverso la documentazione d’archivio, XXX Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana di Musicologia, Catania, October 27-29 2023;
  • The Balkan soundscape in travelogues: the embassies of Walter Leslie and Kara Mehmet Pasha, 8th International Conference of the IMS Regional Association for the Study of Music of the Balkans, Musical Cultures and Diasporas in the Balkans, Thessaloniki, August 31-September 2 2023;

  • Eventi sonori dai Balcani occidentali (XV-XVIII secolo), Convegno Echos. Sound ecosystems in Travelogues, Padova, May 25-26 2023;

  • Visual Representation and Reception of the Ancient Roman Music in the Collection of the Palazzo Coronini Cronberg Foundation, 19th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Iconography of the Performing Arts, Images of Music in Rome: Past and Present, Roma, May 18-20 2023;
  • Balkan Music in Seventeenth-Century Travelogues: The Voyages of “Sieur” Poullet and “Monsieur” Quiclet, International Symposium Music in Society/Muzika u Društvu, Sarajevo, December 7-10, 2022;

  • Sonorità balcaniche nei resoconti di due viaggiatori francesi del Seicento, XXVI Colloquio del "Saggiatore Musicale", Imola-Bologna, November 4-6, 2022;

  • Da Vienna a Costantinopoli: testimonianze sonore dai Balcani del XVII secolo, Convegno scientifico internazionale Turismo musicale: storia, geografia e formazione, Cremona, September 26-29, 2022;
  • Understanding the cultural heritage of the Ancient Mediterranean world through the material musical evidence: the TeMA project, realizzato assieme alla dott.ssa Giovanna Casali (Università di Bologna) nell'ambito della tavola rotonda della MOISA Society, Music across Borders in the Ancient Mediterranean World, 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society, Music across Borders, Athens, August 21-26, 2022;
  • Musical Presence in the Cults of Magna Mater and Attis: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence from Trieste and Aquileia, XIIIe Colloque International MOISA, The Sounds of the Beyond. The Mysteries of Ancient Greek and Roman Music, Strasbourg, June 27-29, 2022;
  • Strumenti musicali e oggetti sonori nelle collezioni archeologiche del Friuli Venezia Giulia: primi risultati del censimento e analisi dei contesti espositivi, Convegno internazionale Patrimonio musicale dei popoli nel mondo antico: definizioni, stato della ricerca, prospettive, Padova-Ravenna March 21-23, 2022;

  • Un percorso attraverso i beni musicali della Fondazione Coronini Cronberg di Gorizia, XXV Colloquio di musicologia del “Saggiatore musicale”, Ravenna, November 12-14, 2021;

  • Per aspera ad astra: Unusual Division Tables in P. Rain Unterricht kopt. 326, Tavola rotonda Arithmetical Texts in the Graeco-Roman World, Università degli Studi di Udine, February 25-26, 2019.



She is collaborating on two international musicological projects - RIMAnt (Repertorium Instrumentorum Musicorum Antiquorum) e TeMA (Testimonianze Musicali dell'Antichità in Triveneto), University of Padua - aimed at mapping the Egyptian, Pre-Roman and Roman musical instruments housed in the museums.


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