Foto del docente

Alessandro Vanelli Coralli

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications


Keywords: Information Theory Communication Theory Wireless Communications Semantic Goal-oriented Communications Satellite Communications and Non Terrestrial Networks 5G/6G Systems

For a detailed overview of Prof. Vanelli-Coralli research areas, please visit the Digicomm Research group web site at 

  • Advanced system architectures including terrestrial and Non Terrestrial Networks
  • Information theoretic aspects of wireless communications
  • Semantic and goal-oriented Communications
  • AI based communications and signal processing
  • Advanced physical layer techniques (synchronisation, estimation, detection, ...)
  • Interference exploitation techniques
  • Source Coding (audio, image and video coding)
  • Standardization and regulatory aspects for next generation mobile wireless systems