Foto del docente

Alessandro Giovanni Michele Petroccia

Research fellow

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


My research interest lies in geological mapping, field geology, ductile and brittle deformation, and tectonics in collisional frameworks (such as Variscan and Alpine belts), from low-grade metamorphism up to High-Pressure conditions. My activity focuses on a multidisciplinary approach combining geological field mapping, meso- and microstructural investigations on both brittle and ductile deformed rocks, kinematic of the flow and finite strain analyses, Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Material thermometer, Pressure-Temperature estimations by forward and conventional approaches integrated with high-resolution geochronology, particularly with in situ monazite geochronology. During my career, I used different instruments, such as SEM-EDS, EPMA-WDS, LA-ICP-MS, Raman Spectroscopy; Micro-CT tomography.

Currently I'm working on on the PRIN project: “RISING - The Role of continental lithosphere In Subduction zones: sINking or floatinG” - Supervisor Prof. Francesco Giuntoli

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