Foto del docente

Alessandro Giovanni Michele Petroccia

Research fellow

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


  1. Petroccia A*., Bonasera M., Caso F., Nerone S., Morelli M., Bormioli D. & Moletta G. (2020): Structural and geomorphological framework of the upper Maira Valley (Western Alps, Italy): the case study of the Gollone Landslide. Journal of Maps, 16:2, 534-542, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1784806
  2. Simonetti M*., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Corsini M., Petroccia A., Cottle J.M. & Iaccarino S. (2020): Timing and kinematics of flow in a transpressive dextral shear zone, Maures Massif (Southern France). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109, 2261-2285, DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01898-6
  3. Carosi R., Petroccia A*., Iaccarino S., Simonetti M., Langone A. & Montomoli C. (2020): Kinematics and timing constraints in a transpressive tectonic regime: the example of the Posada-Asinara shear zone (NE Sardinia, Italy). Geosciences, 10, 288, DOI: 10.3390/geosciences10080288
  4. Petroccia A*., Bonasera M., Nerone S., Caso F., Morelli M., Bormioli D. & Moletta G. (2020): Geological guide to the excursion in the upper Maira Valley (Western Alps, Italy). Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem., Serie A, 127 (2020), 55-59, doi: 10.2424/ASTSN.M.2020.02
  5. Oberto M. & Petroccia A*. (2021): Preliminary data of the Cannero Riviera mineralized system (Southern Alpine Domain, Western Alps, Italy). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, Vol. 53 (2021),
  6. Caso F*., Nerone S., Petroccia A. & Bonasera M. (2021): Geology of the southern Gran Paradiso Massif and Lower Piedmont Zone contact area (middle Ala Valley, Western Alps, Italy). Journal of Maps, 17, 2, 237–246,
  7. Petroccia A. & Iaccarino S*. (2021): Metaconglomerate in the Pinerolo Unit (Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps): a key outcrop for Alpine geology and training structural geologists. International Journal of Earth Sciences,
  8. Carosi R*., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Benetti B., Petroccia A. & Simonetti M.(2022): Constraining the timing of evolution of shear zones in two collisional orogens: fusing structural geology and geochronology. Geosciences 2022, 12, 231.
  9. Petroccia A*., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Vitale Brovarone A. (2022): Deformation and temperature variation along thrust-sense shear zones in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional settings: a case study from the Barbagia Thrust (Sardinia, Italy). Journal of Structural Geology, 161,
  10. Petroccia A*., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Carosi R. (2022): Geology of the contact area between the Internal and External Nappe Zone of the Sardinian Variscan Belt (Italy): new insights on the complex polyphase deformation occurring in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional belts. Journal of Maps,
  11. Petroccia A*., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Vitale Brovarone A. (2022): Thermal variation across collisional orogens: insights from the hinterland-foreland transition zone of the Sardinian Variscan belt. Terra Nova,
  12. Petroccia A*. (2023): Spatial variation of pure and simple shear across transpressive shear zones: flow kinematics map of the Posada-Asinara shear zone (NE Sardinia, Italy). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 60, 35-47,
  13. Dana D., Iaccarino S.*, Schmid S.M., Petroccia A. & Michard A. (2023): Structural and metamorphic evolution of a subducted passive margin: insights from the Briançonnais nappes of the Western Alps (Ubaye – Maira valleys, France-Italy). Swiss Journal of Geosciences,
  14. Nerone S., Petroccia A*., Caso F., Dana D. & Maffeis A. (2023): Assessing the importance of H2O content in the tectono-metamorphic evolution of shear zones: a case study from the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 10.1111/jmg.12750

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