Foto del docente

Alessandro Morri

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/C Metallurgy


Bignozzi M.C.; Calcinelli L.; Carati M.; Ceschini L.; Chiavari C.; Masi G.; Morri A., Effect of Heat Treatment Conditions on Retained Austenite and Corrosion Resistance of the X190CrVMo20-4-1 Stainless Steel, «METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL», 2020, 26, pp. 1318 - 1328 [Scientific article]Open Access

Morri A.; Ceschini L.; Martini C.; Bernardi A., Influence of plasma electrolytic oxidation on fatigue behaviour of ZK60A-T5 magnesium alloy, «COATINGS», 2020, 10, Article number: 1180 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zamani M.; Toschi S.; Morri A.; Ceschini L.; Seifeddine S., Optimisation of heat treatment of Al–Cu–(Mg–Ag) cast alloys, «JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY», 2020, 139, pp. 3427 - 3440 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tonelli, Lavinia*; Morri, A.; Toschi, S.; Shaaban, M.; Ammar, H.R.; Ahmed, M.M.Z.; Ramadan, R.M.; El-Mahallawi, I.; Ceschini, L., Effect of FSP parameters and tool geometry on microstructure, hardness, and wear properties of AA7075 with and without reinforcing B4C ceramic particles, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2019, 102, pp. 3945 - 3961 [Scientific article]

Zamani, Mohammadreza; Toschi, Stefania; Morri, Alessandro; Ceschini, Lorella; Seifeddine, Salem, Effect of Mo Addition on Room and High Temperature Tensile Behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Alloy in As-Cast and Heat-Treated Conditions, in: Advanced Materials and Technologies III, Zurigo, Trans Tech Publications Ltd - Stanislav Kolisnychenko, 2019, pp. 71 - 79 (ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH) [Chapter or essay]

Toschi, Stefania; Balducci, Eleonora; Ceschini, Lorella; Mørtsell, Eva; Morri, Alessandro; Di Sabatino, Marisa, Effect of Zr Addition on Overaging and Tensile Behavior of 2618 Aluminum Alloy, «METALS», 2019, 9, Article number: 130 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Neri, Alessandro; Pasello, Vittorio; Martini, Carla; Morri, Alessandro, High performance industrial DLC coatings deposited by PVD and PPD, «LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA», 2019, 111, pp. 59 - 65 [Scientific article]

Morri, Alessandro*; Ceschini, Lorella; Toschi, Stefania; Masaggia, Stefano, Mechanical Performance of Nodular Cast Irons After Prolonged High-Temperature Exposure, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE», 2019, 28, pp. 3864 - 3877 [Scientific article]

Bertuccioli, C.; Garzoni, A.; Martini, C.; Morri, A.; Rondelli, G., Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) layers from silicate/phosphate baths on Ti-6Al-4V for biomedical components: Influence of deposition conditions and surface finishing on dry sliding behaviour, «COATINGS», 2019, 9, Article number: 614 , pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tonelli, L.; Refat, M.; Toschi, S.; Ahmed, M. M. Z.; Ahmed, Essam; Morri, A.; El-Mahallawi, I.; Ceschini, L., Production of AlSi12CuNiMg/Al2O3 Micro/Nanodispersed Surface Composites Using Friction Stir Processing for Automotive Applications, in: Friction Stir Welding and Processing X, 2019, pp. 233 - 242 (atti di: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2019, San Antonio, Texas, 10-14 Marzo 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Colombo M.; Gariboldi E.; Morri A.; Tonelli D., SKPFM investigations of intermetallic compounds of innovative Er- and Zr-containing Al–Si–Mg alloys and their influence on corrosion localization in saline solution, «MATERIALS AND CORROSION», 2019, 70, pp. 1570 - 1577 [Scientific article]

Chiara BERTUCCIOLI, Eustachio CALIA, Lorella CESCHINI, Fabrizio CONSOLI, Carla MARTINI, Alessandro MORRI, Andrea MORRI, Failure analysis in tribology: two case histories involving contact fatigue of metal components, in: Proceedings of the 6th AIT (Associazione Italiana di Tribologia) Workshop, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, 2018, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 6th AIT Workshop "Tribology & Industry", Torino, 18-19 aprile 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Sola, R.*; Veronesi, P.; Giovanardi, R.; Merlin, M.; Garagnani, G.L.; Soffritti, C.; Morri, A.; Parigi, G., Influence of a post-tempering cryogenic treatment on the toughness of the AISI M2 steel, in: ICS 2018 - 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking: The Challenge of Industry 4.0, Milano, Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, 2018, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2018, ita, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ceschini, Lorella; Morri, Alessandro; Toschi, Stefania*; Bjurenstedt, Anton; Seifeddine, Salem, Influence of sludge particles on the fatigue behavior of Al-Si-Cu secondary aluminium casting alloys, «METALS», 2018, 8, Article number: 268 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Colombo, Marco*; Gariboldi, Elisabetta; Morri, Alessandro, Influences of different Zr additions on the microstructure, room and high temperature mechanical properties of an Al-7Si-0.4Mg alloy modified with 0.25%Er, «MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING», 2018, 713, pp. 151 - 160 [Scientific article]

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