Foto del docente

Alessandro Morri

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/C Metallurgy

Curriculum vitae

Alessandro Morri was born on the 21st of January 1972.


  • Associate professor in Metallurgy at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna.
  • web site:
  • Scopus Author ID: 6506122812
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-7062-2951



  • 2000 5-Year Degree Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bologna (17th March) discussing a thesis on “Measures of toughness on Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy subjected to different heat treatments” (Tutor: Prof. A.Freddi).
  • 2000 Professional Qualification (on 16th June)
  • 2004 Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Padova (23rd January) with a Thesis on “Fracture Mechanics of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy under different experimental conditions” (Tutor: Prof. G.P. Cammarota).
  • From the 1st January 2004 to the 7th October 2019 Researcher in Metallurgy at the University of Bologna
  • From the 8th October 2019 Associate Professor in Metallurgy at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN) of the University of Bologna



Alessandro has been teaching in degree programmes of the School of Engineering and Architecture as well as of the School of Science at the University of Bologna since 2004, holding several Metallurgy courses such as:

  • Light alloys and Composite Materials
  • Metals Science and Material Technology with Laboratory
  • Metallurgy
  • Applied Metallurgy
  • Equipment and methods for the characterization of metals

Moreover he was involved in the organization of several metallurgy summer schools and metallurgy courses:

  • Metallurgy Summer School “Experimental techniques for metal analysis: theory and applications” organized by COMET. Bertinoro, 26-29 July 2016.
  • Metallurgy Summer School “Simulation of phase transformations in metal processing” organized by COMET. Bertinoro, 22-25 July 2018
  • Metallurgy Winter School “Metal Additive Manufacturing” organized by COMET. Trento, 26-29 January 2020.
  • Course “Tradition and innovation in the technologies for titanium”, organized by Centro di Studio Metalli e Tecnologie Applicative of the Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. Bologna, 12 March 2019.
  • Course “Aluminium alloys”, organized by the Centro Studi Metalli Leggeri dell’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. Bologna ,27 June 2019.
  • Course “Aluminium alloys”, organized by the Centro Studi Metalli Leggeri dell’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. (on-line) 16 and 17 November 2021



The research activities are focused on the relationships among production process, microstructure and mechanical properties both in metals and metal matrix composite. Particular attention has been paid to study:

  • The solid joining processes (Linear and Friction Stir Welding) of light alloys and metal matrix composites
  • The aluminium alloys for high temperature components
  • The effects of the heat treatment and surface modification of the mechanical and tribological behaviour of light alloys (Ti, Al, Mg)
  • The heat treatment of tool steels produced by powder metallurgy
  • The heat treatment of aluminium alloys and steels produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)

These activities led Alessandro to:

  • The publication of 80 journal papers, 49 conference papers, 4 conference abstracts and 1 monograph,
  • The coordination of 3 international research projects, in 2 national research projects, 1 regional research project and more than 20 research project financed by companies.
  • The participation to 7 national and regional research project and 10 research project financed by companies
  • To file a patent
  • To develop international collaborations in the field of metallurgy

Hereafter some of research projects Alessandro has coordinated or participated.

International, National and Regional Research Projects

  • Principal Italian investigator of the Mobility Project Italy-Egypt EG13MO5 (12-12A1) entitled: “The development of aluminium nanocomposites using friction stir processing and semisolid casting for structural applications”. (1/1/2013-31/12/2015).
  • Principal Italian investigator of the Mobility Project Italy-Egypt EG16MO05 entitled “Modification of the aluminium pistons' crown by means of nanoparticle addition and friction stir processing” (1/1/2016-31/12/2018).
  • Coordinator of the European Project NEWMAN - Nickel frEe poWders for high perforMAnce compoNents (proposal 19028) financed by the EIT KIC RAW MATERIALS. (1/1/2020-31/12/2021)
  • Coordinator of the Regional project FAR 2006 “Development of an innovative high pressure casting process for the production of magnesium or aluminium components by integrating the vacuum and low pressure technologies with the support of process simulation software” in collaboration with Rifimpress SRL. (16/10/2008-30/12/2009)
  • Coordinator, for the University of Bologna, of the Regional project RIMMEL “RIvestimenti Multi-funzionali e multi-scala, per componenti MEccanici in acciaio e Leghe di alluminio fabbricati con additive manufacturing” (Multifunctional and multiscale coatings for mechanical components produced by additive manufacturing with steel and aluminium alloys” (POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020 Num. 4155 of the 07/03/2019).
  • Principal investigator of the Industrial Cooperation Project “Production of innovative PVD e CVD coatings for face milling AlSi alloys” (2008) with ETM s.r.l. Granarolo Emilia (BO).
  • Participant in the project P.N.R.M.I.A. task 10: "Development of metal matrix composite for the aeronautics and aerospace industry ", (1996-2002).
  • Participant in the project COFIN 1999: “Metallurgical and mechanical aspect of the near net shape deformation of metal matrix composite with aluminium alloy matrix”
  • Participant in the project COFIN 2002. “Innovative nanostructured aluminium alloys for the production of structural joints”.
  • Participant in the project FIRB 2006. “Improvement and development of the motor industry, including motorbikes, with low consumption and low environmental impact engines” in collaboration with Ducati Motor.
  • Participant in the project FAR 2006. “Design of mechanical aluminium alloy components for high performance and reliability under thermo-mechanical fatigue for engine application” in collaboration with Ferrari Spa.
  • Participant in the Strategic Research Project of the University of Bologna (2007) “Advanced metal matrix composite for the mechanical industry”.
  • Participant in the project PRIN 2008 “Low temperature carburizing of stainless steels”. (22/03/2010 – 22/09/2012)
  • Participant in the Industrial Cooperation project “Study on alternative and innovative materials for high-reliability mechanical components in the field of earth-moving equipment” with Berco SpA, Copparo (FE), (2010-2011).
  • Participant in the Industrial Cooperation project “Research center for the foundry industry - CRIF” with SCM Group Spa – Fonderie SCM, Rimini (2011-2012).
  • Participant in the project INDUSTRIA 2015: “New process for the thixotropic deformation of bronze alloys with high energy saving and high industrial diffusion” (Acronym TIXOFORM).
  • Participant in the project ACMEC “Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) technologies to design and build innovative integrated custom mechatronic systems”. Coordinator Prof. Andrea Tilli, Financed by POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020

Research Project Financed by Companies

  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Residual stress assessment, tensile tests and microstructural characterization of casting aluminium alloys” with FERRARI SpA, Maranello (MO) (2014).
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Development of a methodology for the assessment of the effect of austempering heat treatment parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of steels” with Fonderie Zanardi SPA, Minerbe (VR) (2014).
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Physical, mechanical and microstructural characterization of casting aluminium alloys” with FERRARI SpA, Maranello (MO) (2014-2015).
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Tensile tests on aluminium alloys and aluminium alloys bonded to polymeric composites, scratch tests on surface coatings” with Ducati Motor Holding SpA, Borgo Panigale (BO) (2015)
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Tribological and fatigue characterization of alloys for engine” with Ducati Motor Holding SpA, Borgo Panigale (BO) (2015)
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Innovative steels: fatigue behaviour characterization with and without notch. Tribological test for the assessment of static friction” with Ducati Motor Holding SpA, Borgo Panigale (BO) (2016)
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “High temperature axial fatigue tests on innovative aluminium alloys” with Jönköping University (Jönköping Svezia) (2016).
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “High temperature axial fatigue tests on aluminium alloys” Scania CV AB, Sweden (2016)
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Optimization of plastic deformation process and heat treatment for the production of high strength Ti-6Al-4V fasteners for automotive and aerospace fields” with Vimi Fasteners Spa, Novellara (RE) (2016).
  • Principal investigator of the research project entitled “Effect of exposure at high temperature on microstructure and hardness of ADI and IDI cast irons” with Fonderie Zanardi SPA, Minerbe (VR) (2017).
  • Principal investigator of the research project “Metals with improved performance induced by cryogenic treatments” with Pasello Trattamenti Termici SRL, Calderara di Reno (BO) (13/10/2017 - 31/12/2017)
  • Principal investigator of the research project “Optimization of steels for plastics forming: state of the art and definition of guidelines for the improvement of steels’ performance” with SACMI Imola S.C. (18/10/2018)
  • Principal investigator of the research project “ Optimization of Selective laser melting process and heat treatment of the AlSi10Mg alloy, mechanical, microstructural characterization, and production of vehicle parts with design for additive manufacturing techniques.” with Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A (2020)


  • Donati L., Troiani E., Minak G., Morri A., Ceruti A. (2008). Sistema di giunzione di corpi mediante la tecnica di saldatura a frizione e rimescolamento (Friction Stir Welding - FSW), elemento strutturale di giunzione di corpi e procedimento di giunzione relativo. Rm 2008 A 438, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna C.F. 01131710376 Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna, Bo Bologna (Bo) Italia



He is:

  • Member of the technical committee of the Journal “Fonderia e Pressofusione” Ed. Tecniche Nuove S.p.A, Via Eritrea 21, Milano.
  • Member of the technical committee “Light alloys” of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM)
  • Member of the technical committee “Metals and application technologies” of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM).
  • Member of the board of the “Coordination of Research and University Teaching in Metallurgy” of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM)

Moreover he carried out reviewer activities for the most relevant peer-reviewed international journals in the field of metallurgy such as:

  • Materials & Design
  • Materials Science & Engineering A
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Metals
  • Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
  • Composites Part A
  • Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  • La Metallurgia Italiana

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