Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
Plant species diversity changes in the Strict Reserve of Montecristo Island
- Scope: By means of a resurvey approach, this project aims to detect the diversity and compositional changes island of Montecristo after 50 years of management as strict reserve.
- Target student(s): one or two MSc students of Scienze e Gestione della Natura, Global Change Ecology & SDGs, or Biodiversità ed Evoluzione.
- Cooperation: with National Park of Tuscan Archipelago and Carabinieri (under definition; needs to be defined before project could start).
- Time schedule: Preparation in early 2024, field sampling in early May 2024, analyses and writing within 2024.
Resurvey of small Mediterranean islands
- Scope: Collaborating to the resurvey project of small Mediterranean islands
(https://site.unibo.it/resmile/en), by relocating plots on a subset of small islands and resurveying them on Spring 2024.
- Target student(s): one or two BSc students in Scienze Naturali, Scienze Ambientali or Scienze Biologiche or MSc students of Scienze e Gestione della Natura, Global Change Ecology & SDGs, or Biodiversità ed Evoluzione. Basic knowledge on plant identification and/or motivation to do field work are required.
- Cooperation: Biome Lab members and potentially researchers from other universities.
- Time schedule: Preparation in late 2023 - early 2024, field sampling from March 2024, analyses and writing within 2024.
Floras of Mediterranean islands
- Scope: This project aims at collecting published or unpublished data regarding the floras of Mediterranean islands, as a step to create a thematic comprehensive database.
- Target student(s): one or two BSc students in Scienze Naturali, Scienze Ambientali or Scienze Biologiche or MSc students of Scienze e Gestione della Natura, Global Change Ecology & SDGs, or Biodiversità ed Evoluzione.
- Cooperation: Potential collaboration with international researchers sharing data and with GIFT database custodians.
- Time schedule: Data collection from late 2023; analysis and writing following data collection, depending on the starting time. Expected time: several months.
Plant diversity analysis of GBIF data for Mediterranean islands
- Scope: GBIF is a large repository of biodiversity data, coming from different sources. The aim of this thesis is to extract all the vascular plant occurrences for Mediterranean islands, and to compare them with other databases.
- Target student(s): one MSc student of Scienze e Gestione della Natura, Global Change Ecology & SDGs, or Biodiversità ed Evoluzione..
- Cooperation: Biome Lab members and other international researchers.
- Time schedule: Data collection from late 2023; analysis and writing following data collection, depending on the starting time. Expected time: several months.
Review on the impacts of introduced mammals on Mediterranean islands
- Scope: Collecting data on the introduction of mammals on (small) islands in the Mediterranean and
reviewing their impacts on biodiversity.
- Target student(s): one BSc student in Scienze Naturali, Scienze Ambientali or Scienze Biologiche.
- Cooperation: Biome Lab members and other international researchers.
- Time schedule: Data collection from late 2023 – early 2024; analysis and writing following data collection, depending on the starting time. Expected time: several months.
Floristic and vegetational survey of a wetland within the "Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi della Badessa"
- Scope: By means of a field survey, description of the plant species and assemblages occurring in a remnant wetland habitat located in the "Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi della Badessa".
- Target student(s): one or two BSc students in Scienze Naturali, Scienze Ambientali or Scienze Biologiche.
- Cooperation: with Giancarlo Marconi (Unione Bolognese Naturalisti) e David Bianco (Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi della Badessa).
- Time schedule: Preparation in early 2024, field sampling in early June 2024, analyses and writing 2024 (max early 2025).
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
First cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Caratterizzazione della vegetazione spontanea lungo gli argini del fiume Panaro nel tratto fra Modena e Camposanto
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Analisi comparativa tra due database floristici del bacino Mediterraneo
- Investigating the impact of species richness and drought on the community-level Leaf Economics Spectrum in grassland ecosystems
- Looking into the past: 30 years of vegetation resurvey studies, methodology, biases and mitigations.
- MEDIS-BioD: Mediterranean Islands Biodiversity Database
- Prime indagini sui cambiamenti della vegetazione dell’Isola di Montecristo nell’arco di mezzo secolo
- Resurvey of plant communities to detect diversity dynamics on three small Mediterranean islands changes
- Taxonomic and functional variations in understory herbaceous vascular plant communities within beech and fir forests of the National Park “Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna” after over 50 years
- Tea bags and litter bags for studying litter decomposition in semi-natural and restored wetlands in Denmark
- The role of Protected Areas in the conservation of plant diversity in Italy