Foto del docente

Alessandro Bozzetti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/07 General Sociology

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 322KB )


Junior assistant professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.


After completing my PhD in Sociology in 2017, I have been a research fellow on the project titled Forms and dynamics of discrimination, intolerance and hate speech in the youth population in Italy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (2018-2019), and on the HousINgBO Project (2019-2021), a laboratory on student housing conditions in Bologna, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and the University of Bologna, and coordinated by the Urban Innovation Foundation. I am currently Junior assistant professor in relation to the project Cultures and Practices of Sustainability in Ecological Transition.

Migration issues, higher education, hate speech and prevention of youth radicalization are my main fields of research. In particular, I am interested in the analysis of the forms of conflict, intolerance and discrimination practices based on explicit and implicit stereotypes (ethnic, gender and sexuality related): with this aim I conducted several research on (and with) second-generation of migrants, focusing mostly on their participation to promote issues of solidarity, integration, social cohesion in several action-research projects. I currently conduct research on the studentification process within urban contexts, aimed at studying the housing choices of off-site university students; the impact on the socio-economic and cultural side of the student residential concentration in particular districts of the city; possible intervention policies aimed at facilitating access to a fair rent and promoting quality housing conditions for students. At the same time, I'm investigating aspects related to the experiences and coping strategies implemented by university students following the emergence of an extraordinary situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic. I am concurrently conducting a survey - across the country - to investigate the behaviors and habits of citizens, so as to identify factors associated with environmental sustainability practices, while delving into the meanings attributed to these practices.

I conduct research mainly through mixed methods, using qualitative (biographical interviews, focus group and participant observation) and quantitative (questionnaires) methodologies, and I have good expertise in data analysis. I have taken part to several national and international research, including several European projects.








PhD in Sociology

University of Bologna (Italy) – Department of Sociology and Business Law

Received on 05.09.2017, defending the dissertation: Seconde generazioni e istruzione universitaria: opportunità e sfide


Master in Sociology (110 cum laude)

University of Bologna (Italy) – Faculty of Political Sciences

Received on 20.09.2010, defending the thesis Il potere della comunicazione o la comunicazione del potere? Relazioni pericolose tra media, politica e criminalità [Laurea Magistrale in Criminologia Applicata per l’Investigazione e la Sicurezza – classe LM 88 – Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale]


Bachelor in Sociology (110 cum laude)

University of Bologna (Italy) – Faculty of Political Sciences

Received on 22.07.2008, defending the thesis: Indulto senza amnistia? La legge 241/2006 [Laurea Triennale in Sociologia e Scienze Criminologiche per la Sicurezza – classe L36 – Scienze sociologiche]





22.12.2021 – ongoing

Junior Assistant Professor [Ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipo A]

Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy).


2.12.2020 – 1.12.2021

Post-doctoral research fellow [Assegnista di ricerca]

Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy).


2.12.2019 – 1.12.2020

Post-doctoral research fellow [Assegnista di ricerca]

Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy).


15.05.2018 – 15.05.2019

Post-doctoral research fellow [Assegnista di ricerca]

Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy).


01.01.2014 – 5.09.2017

PhD student

Department of Sociology and Business Law of the University of Bologna (Italy).

Details on the research projects carried out during the PhD and the postdocs are provided in the next section of the CV.




Coordination of or participation to research projects


From 22.12.2021 - ongoing

Project “Cultures and practices of sustainability in the ecological transition – Citizen agency and territorial governance models in waste management: a comparative analysis of accountability tools and processes in metropolitan areas in Italy”

University of Bologna (Italy)

As Junior assistant professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy), I am conducting a survey - on the national territory - aimed at studying the behaviors and habits of citizens, to be able to identify the factors associated with environmental sustainability practices, while delving into the meanings attributed to these practices. A special focus is placed on the student population, which several surveys have already identified as particularly sensitive to these issues: some of the main dimensions investigated are the diffusion of sustainable practices and behaviors - with particular attention to those related to separate waste collection -, level of knowledge of the topic and related information sources, value orientations - with particular reference to climate change and participatory practices. Supervisor: Prof. Nicola De Luigi.


2.12.2019 - 1.12.2021

Project “The studentification process in the universities cities: the impact of student residential concentration in bologna”

University of Bologna (Italy)

As postdoc at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy), I’m involved in the conduction of a mixed-method study on the studentification process in Bologna. The study, within the HousINgBO Project, a laboratory on student housing conditions in Bologna promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Student Council and the Urban Innovation Foundation, aims to investigate the housing conditions of students enrolled at the University of Bologna and, in particular, the difficulties encountered in finding accommodation, the socio-economic and cultural impact of the student residential concentration and possible policies to be adopted. With the emergence of the pandemic situation, the research aimed to deepen the students’ condition in a more articulated way at the time of Covid-19, investigating aspects (well-being, experience of distance learning, expectations) related to experiences and strategies of coping implemented by the students. I am working in collaboration with Prof. Nicola De Luigi (Tutor).


20.03.2020 - 31.08.2020

Project “RaP – Rhizome Against Polarization”

Fondazione WE WORLD GVC ONLUS (Italy)

As expert researcher, I have been in charge of conducting a study in order to analyze the forms of conflict, intolerance and discrimination mainly based on gender and ethnicity, and in order to promote practices of contrast to the phenomena of polarization, radicalization and violent extremism that came to light in Italy in recent years. The project focuses mainly on the analysis of the presence of violent extremist movements in Italy from the late ’90s and on the factors that cause forms of extremist behavior, with particular attention to their spread among the youth population. Particular attention is paid to the different Addressing Factors (Drivers of Violent Extremism) contained in the Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism, related both to conducive conditions and structural context (lack of socio-economic opportunities; marginalization and discrimination; poor governance and violation of human rights; unresolved conflict; radicalization in prisons) and to the specific processes of radicalization (individual backgrounds and motivations; collective grievances and motivations; distortion and misuse of beliefs, political ideologies, ethnic and cultural differences; leadership and social networks). In addition to the research activity, as part of this project I coordinated:
- the Winter School in "Prevention of extremism and violent radicalization” (15.01.2021 - 30.01.2021), with 35 participants (social workers, students, teachers and educators) interested in better understanding the youth dynamics of radicalization and polarization, the signals to be taken into consideration and the tools to prevent and contrast these dynamics;
- the Round Table “What strategies for the prevention of youth radicalization? Educational and community work for the city of young people” (19.03.2021). 


2.10.2018 – 31.12.2019

Project “Shaping Fair Cities: Integrating Agenda 2030 within local policies in times of great migration and refugee flows ”

University of Bologna (Italy)

I have been in charge of conducting a quantitative study in order to investigate public opinion on SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), mainly focused on the perception of migratory phenomena and related local policies with respect to gender equality. The aim of the project, funded by the European Commission - DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Program, was to create peaceful and inclusive societies, to promote inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and were focused on the actions to be implemented in order to fight climate change. To investigate citizens’ opinion and knowledge about the SDGs, migration, gender equality, climate change, and the role their city should play for sustainable development, a survey was run between July and September 2018 by twelve of the Shaping Fair Cities (SFC) project partners.


15.05.2018 – 15.05.2019

Project “Forms and dynamics of discrimination, intolerance and hate speech in the youth population in italy”

University of Bologna (Italy)

As postdoc at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy), I have been involved in the conduction of a mixed-method research focused on the diffusion of hate speech among students enrolled in secondary school in four different Italian local contexts: Bologna, Naples-Caserta, Palermo and Verona. The final aim of the study, within the Facciamo Tombola Project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, was to better understand these dynamics in order to promote practices of opposition to the phenomena of discrimination, intolerance and incitement to hatred that emerged in Italy in recent years. To pursue the research objective, some of the main educational organizations and associations operating in the four areas have been involved: 57 individual interviews and 5 focus group have been carried out in this phase. The quantitative research was carried out through the administration of an online survey to over 4,500 secondary school students. The main topics investigated were: the use of internet and social networks; the on-line and off-line spread of offensive messages or comments; the different degree of acceptability and tolerance towards verbal violence compared to the physical one; attitudes towards migratory phenomena, gender roles and sexual orientation. I have worked in collaboration with Prof. Marco Borraccetti and Prof. Nicola De Luigi.


26.04.2018 – 20.10.2019

Project “ArtsTogether”

University of Bologna (Italy)

I have been involved in the realization of the ArtsTogether Project, funded by European Commission, AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) Union Actions Programme. The main objective of the ArtsTogether project was to create specific measures that target migrant children in early childcare and primary education, aiming to provide comprehensive support to eliminate the educational disadvantage they experience and cultural barriers. The survey that involved two of the five countries participating in the project (Italy and Greece) had the goals to analyze the challenges encountered by migrant children in learning process and social integration at schools; to identify specific learning and cultural barriers inside the educational system; to examine and analyze best practices; to examine social inclusion methods through artistic and intercultural activities at schools. The research project was coordinated by Prof. Debora Mantovani.


31.07.2017 – 30.11.2018

Project “New generations and social cohesion observatory”

Migrantes Foundation (Italy)

I have been appointed as Expert/Consultant for the conduction of a qualitative action-research project on youth participation. In detail, 13 focus groups were conducted involving 20 young people (under 26) and 33 adults to discuss topics such as school and training, work, active participation and migration. After deepening and exploring the issues to be investigated from an intra-generational perspective (with young people and adults separately), visions and expectations were compared from an inter-generational point of view. The goal was to propose participatory reflection and planning with the new generations, central actors of the dynamics of interaction and social cohesion of the territory, offering food for thought coming directly from the youngest and related to the challenges that characterize the social context they live in. The research project was coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Martelli (University of Bologna).


01.11.2014 – 31.12.2014

Project “Responsibility 2”

Libera - Emilia Romagna. Associations, Names and Numbers Against Mafia (Italy)

I have been involved in data analysis and in the drafting of a research report starting from questionnaires collected between students regarding the perception of the presence and spread of mafia associations on the Italian territory. The analysis have been conducted under the supervision of Prof. Nicola De Luigi (University of Bologna) and Prof. Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna).


01.01.2014 – 05.09.2017

Project “Second-generation migrants and higher education: opportunities and challenges” (Phd research project)

University of Bologna (Italy)

During my Phd, I have carried out a research on the presence of second-generation students in Italian Universities: after a contextualization from a numerical point of view, paying attention to the role played by variables such as age, gender, and the previous educational path at the time of the transition to Higher Education, the research focused on the case-study of the University of Bologna. The aim has been to describe the opportunities and the difficulties of second-generation students enrolled at the university: to achieve this goal, the research path has been divided into two different levels, a quantitative and a qualitative one, according to the mixed methods approach. Starting from the 537 questionnaires and the 30 interviews collected, the study highlighted the students’ motivations for the choice of long-term educational paths and the role played by family, teachers and educational institutions in inspiring that choice. The research has been conducted under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Zurla.


01.01.2014 – 30.06.2014

Project “Vales (School Evaluation and Development)”

Invalsi - National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education and Training System (Italy)

The project implemented various quantitative and qualitative research activities aimed at evaluating the dynamics and relationships (between peers and with teachers) within primary and secondary schools. Observation activities within the classrooms and interviews with school principals were carried out in order to achieve the goal of the project.


01.07.2013 – 30.11.2013

Project “Mapping Data Sources on Roma”

University of Bologna (Italy)

The project was funded by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and was developed through an online survey aimed at mapping existing data sources on the socio-economic conditions of the Roma. The goal of this project was to identify existing official and other data sources collected by public authorities, in order to monitor progress in the inclusion of the Roma population. The research has been conducted under the supervision of Prof. Marco Borraccetti.


01.12.2012 – 31.03.2016

Project “Second-generation migrants in forlì”

Caritas - Migrantes Foundation (Italy)

I have been in charge of conducting a mixed-method study on the several issues affecting young people with a migratory background and, at the same time, on the sense of irrelevance that youth population seems to experience as a whole. The research has been based on more than 1,000 questionnaires administered within schools and VET institutions, and on the involvement of 217 interviewees through individual interviews, focus groups and participant observation. The research project was coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Martelli (University of Bologna).


01.12.2012 – 31.05.2014

Project “ECOSMEG – European Cosmopolitanism and Sites of Memory through Generations”

University of Bologna (Italy)

I have been involved as Tutor in this European Active Remembrance EACEA Project, aimed to allow new generations to approach in their own ways history and sites of memories. The Project was led by the University of Bologna-Forlì Campus and coordinated by Prof. De Bernart, in partnership with the Universities of Calabria and Teramo in Italy, the University of Zagreb and the M. Barleti University in Tirana.


01.05.2012 – 30.09.2012

Project “Data protection: redress mechanisms and their use”

University of Bologna (Italy)

The project was funded by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and was developed through qualitative techniques (individual interviews and focus groups): the project focused on the use of compensation mechanisms, on the identification of good practices and difficulties, trying to understand if the current Italian system meets individuals’ expectations. The research has been conducted under the supervision of Prof. Marco Balboni and Prof. Paolo Zurla.


01.04.2011 – 31.10.2011

Project “Socio-economic conditions, lifestyles and welfare expectations”

University of Bologna (Italy)

This research has been funded by the the Province of Forlì-Cesena and carried out by the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bologna. I have been involved in the administration (face-to-face) of questionnaires to citizens of the Province and in the elaboration of the final research report. The research was coordinated by Prof. Paolo Zurla.



Visiting fellowships

24.11.2015 – 26.05.2016

Visiting Scholar

Universiteit Van Amsterdam – Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Conduction of research activities on second-generation migrants and higher education under the supervision of Prof. Robert C. Kloosterman (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research – Programme group Geographies of Globalization).





A.Y. 2022/2023

Junior assistant professor [Ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipo A]

University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences (Italy)

Environmental sustainability and urban contexts at the Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Local and Global Development

Politics and Society in the Global World at the Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Management of Nature (Curriculum: Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals)

Life transitions and generational integration policies at the Master Governance and Local Welfare Innovations.


A.Y. 2021/2022

Junior assistant professor [Ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipo A]

University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences (Italy)

Politics and Society in the Global World at the Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Management of Nature (Curriculum: Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals)

Sociology at the First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences

Life transitions and generational integration policies at the Master Governance and Local Welfare Innovations


A.Y. 2020/2021

Adjunct professor (Professore a contratto)

University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences (Italy)

Sociology at the First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences


A.Y. 2017/2018 - 2020/2021

Teaching tutor [Tutor didattico]

University of Bologna, Department of Sociology and Business Law (Italy)

Laboratory of Quantitative Social Research at the First cycle degree programme (L) in Sociology


A.Y. 2016/2017 - 2019/2020

Teaching tutor [Tutor didattico]

University of Bologna, Department of Sociology and Business Law (Italy)

Laboratory of Qualitative Social Research at the First cycle degree programme (L) in Sociology


05.04.2019 – 06.04.2019

Teaching Expert

University of Bologna, Department of Social and Political Sciences (Italy)

Seminars for young scholars (8 hours) enrolled in the Advanced Training Course for Operator in the Field of Immigration


A.Y. 2011/2012 - 2013/2014

Teaching tutor [Tutor didattico]

University of Bologna, School of Political Science (Italy)

Course of Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) at the First cycle degree programme (L) in Sociology




Marco Polo Fellowship (2015)

University of Bologna, Department of Sociology (Italy)

Awarded in support the visiting period at Universiteit Van Amsterdam.

Grant amount: 2.000 euros




2019 - 2020

Esa – European Sociological association

2018 - 2022

Isa – International Sociological association

Areas of Interest & Expertise: Immigration & Ethnicity

2018 - 2019

Sisec – Società Italiana di sociologia economica




Research networks

From 2019 - ongoing

Migration Observatory

Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerabilities (CRID), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)

The Observatory, coordinated by Prof. Gianfrancesco Zanetti and Prof. Thomas Casadei, deals with the monitoring and evaluation of inclusion policies, analyzing their developments in a social, economic and cultural key.



Editorial boards and collaborations with scientific journals

29.03.2017 - ongoing

Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali (Bologna, il Mulino)

Editorial Assistant and member of the Editorial Office.



Good experience in using the Internet, Windows operating system, Office package, SPSS and STATA software.




Organization of scientific conferences

21.09.2017 to 23.09.2017

Member of the organizing committee of the Tenth ESPAnet Italia Conference: “The Welfare and the losers of globalization: social policies facing old and new inequalities” (University of Bologna - Forlì Campus, Italy).



Presentations at scientific conferences

Conference “Insolite strade. Sfide e strategie della prossimità e della prevenzione” (Bologna, Italia), with a presentation of early result of the research “Bande giovanili di strada in Emilia-Romagna tra marginalità, devianza e insicurezza urbana” (with Crocitti S. and Selmini R.).

13.04.2023 – 15.04.2023
International Mid-term Conference of AIS-Sociology of Education Research Committee “Education as Commons. Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education” (Palermo, Italia), with the presentation “The educational paths of young people with migrant backgrounds: What effects within the higher education system?”.

Conference “Ripensare la sicurezza urbana e la prevenzione. Ricerca, politiche e pratiche nell’Europa contemporanea” (Bologna, Italia), with the presentation “Sicurezza urbana e aggregazioni giovanili nello spazio pubblico: un nuovo folk devil? (with Selmini R.).

18.11.2022 – 19.11.2022
Fourth international conference “Didattiche.2022”. Accogliere, mettere a fuoco, aumentare”, with the presentation “Razzismo, estremismo e radicalizzazione giovanile: quali strumenti di prevenzione e contrasto sviluppare a livello scolastico?”

1.09.2022 – 3.09.2022
XV ESPAnet Italia Conference “La sfida del PNRR. La ricostruzione del welfare e le dinamiche della complessità” (Bari, Italia), with the presentations “Gli effetti del diritto allo studio sulla relazione studio-lavoro: in che modo le borse di studio e l’esonero dalle tasse influenzano la probabilità di lavorare degli studenti universitari?” (with De Luigi N. and Vergolini L.) and “Culture e pratiche di sostenibilità nella transizione ecologica: uno strumento di indagine”.

Seminar “L’Università in Città: opportunità e contraddizioni di una narrazione emergente” (Torino, Italia), with a presentation focused on the Bologna case-study.

“The prevention of anti-social behaviour, extremism and radicalisation in young individuals - Final Conference of the European Project DIVE IN: Preventing Violent Radicalisation Among Young Individuals in Europe By Innovative Training Approaches”, with the presentation “Violent extremism and youth radicalisation: vectors, manifestations and action strategies”.

8.09.2021 – 11.09.2021
XIV ESPAnet Italia Conference “Covid and welfare policies in Italy: emerging effects and contrast dynamics”, with the presentation “Il benessere degli studenti universitari durante la pandemia di Covid-19: servizi e misure per una popolazione estremamente eterogenea” (with De Luigi N.)

02.06.2021 - 05.06.2021
Second International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica “Reinventing Education” (Cagliari, Italia), with the presentation “The remote learning transition at the University of Bologna: student experiences and expectations for a post-pandemic future” (with De Luigi N.)

Discussant at the presentation of the book “Economic and Social Perspectives on European Migration” (Fauri, F., Mantovani, D., Strangio. D, 2020).

Post-docs Webinar Series – Department of Political and Social Sciences (University of Bologna), with the presentation “La Condizione Studentesca Universitaria ai Tempi del Covid-19: Benessere e Aspetti Abitativi” (discussant: Gasperoni G.)


22.11.2019 - 23.11.2019

International Conference – Open Schools for a diverse society: Challenges and Proposals (Brescia, Italy), with the poster “Arts Together: Integrating Migrant Children at Schools through Artistic Expression” (with Mantovani D.)



Round Table “Arts Together – Integrating Migrant Children at Schools through Artistic Expression” (Bologna, Italy), with the presentation “The Arts Together Project: the first results”



National Conference - Digital skills for a democratic culture: new tools for new challenges (Pavia, Italy), with the presentation “From false perceptions to hate speech: what differences between online and offline offensive behavior?”


19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019

Twelfth ESPAnet Italian Conference - Welfare Territories: (de-)globalizations, innovations and conservation (Urbino, Italy), with the paper “Attitudes towards immigration and discriminatory practices: an (underestimated) challenge for the integration of young people with migratory backgrounds”.


12.09.2019 - 14.09.2019

Thirty-third National Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science – SISP (Lecce, Italy), with the paper “The student house. A research on the studentification process in the city of Bologna” (with De Luigi N. and Guerzoni M.)


20.08.2019 - 23.08.2019

Fourteenth ESA Conference – Europe and beyond: boundaries, barriers and belonging (Manchester, UK)m with the paper “The Educational Trajectories of Second-Generation Students Towards Higher Education: the Italian Case”.


19.06.2019 - 21.06.2019

Discussant at the International Conference – Migration from, to and within Europe: Economic and Social Opportunities and Costs (Forlì, Italy)


06.06.2018 - 08.06.2018

First International Conference of Scuola Democratica Journal - Education and Post-Democracy (Cagliari, Italy), with the paper “Secondary School Students and Hate Speech Between Online and Offline (with De Luigi N.)


25.03.2019 - 29.03.2019

Shaping Fair Cities - International Training of Trainers, with the paper “Presentation of the surveys’ results and analysis”


10.12.2018 - 11.12.2018

Sharmed - Final Conference (Modena, Italy), with the paper “The Arts Together Project”


4.10.2018 - 5.10.2018

Ninth RJS Conference Jeunes & Sociétés – Jeunes, formation professionnelle et insertion sur le marché du travail (Lausanne, Switzerland), with the paper “Gender and Origin Differences among VET Italian Students: A Possible Pathway to Higher Education?” (with De Luigi N.)


15.07.2018 - 21.07.2018

Nineteenth World Congress of Sociology – Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities (Toronto, Canada), with the paper “Second Generation Immigrants and Higher Education: The Italian Case Study”


25.06.2018 - 27.06.2018

Capacity Building Workshop, Arts Together Project Meeting (Innsbruck, Austria), with the report “Arts Together State-of-the-Art Report” (with Mantovani D.)


25.01.2018 - 27.01.2018

Second SISEC Conference (Milano, Italy), with the paper “The University Experience of Second Generation Youth: a "new" research perspective”



Tenth Edition of AIS – Youth Forum (Naples, Italy), with the paper “Second generations and university education: food for thought starting from an exploratory research”


10.05.2017 - 11-05.2017

International Conference on Migration and Welfare (Rome, Italy), with the paper: “Second-generation Immigrants and Higher Education in Italy: An Upward Social Mobility?”


12.10.2016 - 14.10.2016

Eight RJS Conference Jeunes & Sociétés – Genre et jeunesses (Lyon, France), with the paper “Gender gap among second-generation students in higher education: the Italian case”.


21.10.2014 - 24.10.2014

Seventh RJS Conference Jeunes & Sociétés – Jeunes migrants verse n et depuis l’Europe (Poitiers, France), with the paper “Highly skilled Italian migrants: will or need in the new generations?” (with Zurla P.)


19.06.2013 - 22.06.2013

Tenth biennial Conference of IAGS - International Association of Genocide Scholars (Siena, Italy), with the paper “What Remains? Youth and Sites of Memory” (with De Bernart M.)



Other seminars and conferences

Speaker at the seminar “Non me lo posso permettere – Sulla crisi abitativa bolognese”, organized by Fuori Posto Festival, Bologna.

Trainer at the seminar “Sicurezza urbana e aggregazioni giovanili nello spazio pubblico: un nuovo folk devil?”, with the presentation “Devianza giovanile e bande: rappresentazione mediatica e quantificazione del fenomeno”.

Speaker at the seminar “Lotta per la cittadinanza italiana: ostacoli e buone pratiche”, organized by Sirius Network.

Speaker at the seminar “Adolescenti e violenza. Complessità del fenomeno e pratiche per l’intervento”, organized by Centro Studi Erickson, with the presenation “Radicalizzazione ed estremismo violento”

Teaching activities as part of the training course “L’equipe multidisciplinare nel settore Accoglienza (progetto Sai)”, organized by Arca di Noè Soc. Cooperativa Sociale, with the presentation “Radicalizzazione e polarizzazione: segni identificativi e rischi dell’estremismo e della radicalizzazione violenta”

Speaker at the in-depth seminar on the theme of "origins," included in the calendar of the 2022 edition of “From Dialogue to Peace”, dedicated to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and peace education, carried out with the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Castel Bolognese, Italia).

Participation in the podcast “” to present the book “Oltre la selezione scolastica. I giovani di origine straniera all’università”,

Presentation of the SPOSI curriculum as part of the meeting “Specializzarsi: piano di studi e curriculum” within the series of meetings “Un caffè a Palazzo Hercolani”.

16.06.2021 – 7.07.2021
Trainer for CEFA Onlus within the Universal Civil Service Project Bologna 2030: active citizenship against discrimination” (Module n.3: Forms and dynamics of discrimination, intolerance and hate speech).

Speaker at the networking meeting “Il ruolo della scuola nella prevenzione degli estremismi violenti”, organized by Exit Cooperativa Sociale, with the presentation “Estremismo violento e radicalizzazione giovanile: vettori, manifestazioni e strategie di intervento”.


Speaker at the online meeting “La DAD è tratta? Dialoghi sull’Università di oggi e domani”, organized by Bologna Possibile e Volt Bologna.

Coordination of the Round Table “What strategies for the prevention of youth radicalization? Educational and community work for the city of young people ”, organized by We-World, and presentation of a report entitled “Violent extremism and youth radicalization: vectors, manifestations and intervention strategies”.

15.01.2021 – 30.01.2021
Coordination of the Winter School in "Prevention of Extremism and Violent Radicalization", organized by WeWorld - GVC Onlus, and presentation of a report entitled "Italian scenarios: the results emerging from the RaP - Rhizome Against Polarization project".


“Avitem (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Urban and Territorial Studies) - Metropolitan Seminar Great Bologna”, with the paper “The issue of the student accommodation”.


“Bologna starts again. Beyond the Coronavirus emergency", organized by the Municipality of Bologna, following the collaboration in the drafting of the report “Bologna starts again” (chapter “University, training and research, student citizenship”)


“The university experience in the COVID-19 emergency: data and opinions”, organized by the University of Bologna, with a paper entitled “The university experience and the COVID-19 emergency”.


“The young faces of multiethnic Italy between participation and citizenship” Seminar (Forlì, Italy), with the presentation of the research “The gaze of young people on the city: thinking and living a community”.



La Tombola della Migrazioni (event organized by CEFA Onlus Bologna, Italy), with the presentation “I meccanismi di diffusione delle discriminazioni”



Day of art and creativity - Thoughts without borders (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “Migrations. Number and stories”.



“Being youth in Forlì” Seminar (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “The gaze of young people on the city: thinking and living a community”.



Speaker at several seminars and World Café (Bologna, Naples, Verona - Italy) on the theme “Forms and origins of the discrimination between perception and reality” within the research project “Facciamo Tombola - Forms and dynamics of discrimination, intolerance and hate speech in the youth population in italy ".



“Migrant citizens between education and training. From access to services to creating opportunities” Seminar (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “Young migrants and their educational training strategies”.



“Migrant women: between civil rights, integration and culture” Conference (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “Introduction to the Shaping Fair Cities project and presentation of the research tool”.



“Migrations. A better school for everyone. What processes to encourage inclusion?” Seminar (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “The educational transitions of young people of foreign origin”.



European Researchers' Night 2017 (Forlì, Italy), with the report “Universities and second generation of migrants. Educational paths of young people of foreign origin”.



“Guarantee and Promote the Right to Health today: Vulnerabilities and Minors” (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “Migrations and new generations: trajectories, interactions and planning”.



Immigration Forum - Citizenship: beyond the clichés (Forlì, Italy), with the paper “A research with the second-generation of migrants in Forlì”.

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