Foto del docente

Alessandra Zanobetti

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae

Professor of Private International Law and of Public International Law, School of Law, University of Bologna.

Professor of Private International Law, Department of Law, University LUISS, Rome.

Professeur invité de droit international privé, Faculté de Droit, Université Paris Nanterre.

Coordinator for International Relations of the School of Law, University of Bologna.


-          1978 : Laurea in giurisprudenza, cum laude, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

-          1979 : Centre for Studies and Research, Hague Academy of International Law.

-          1979-1981 : Scholar at the Italian « Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche ».

-          Periods of study and research in centres for research and University institutions, in particular at the Hague Academy of International Law (1976), at the «  Centre Universitaire international de Luxembourg » (1980), at the « Institut suisse de Droit comparé » in Lausanne, at the Library of the Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva, at the ILO Library in Geneva, at the CREDIMI - Centre de recherche sur le droit des marchés et des investissements internationaux in Dijon, at the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal.

Teaching activities:

Teaching of International Law, Private International Law and European Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

Teaching of Private International Law, Faculty of Law, University LUISS, Rome (2006-2008-2011).

Teaching of Private International Law in post-graduate programmes (Master per giuristi internazionali” (since 1994) and “Corso di perfezionamento in Diritto di famiglia” (2002-2007), University of Bologna; “Master in Diritto commerciale internazionale”, University La Sapienza, Rome (2005-2007); Scuola forense of the Luiss University, Rome (since 2006); European Master in Transnational Trade Law and Finance (EMTTLF), University of Deusto (since 2008). Master in International Trade Law, Turin (2010 and 2013); Università di Macerata, Scuola Superiore "G. Leopardi" (2011); Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Master di diritto del lavoro (from 2012).

Visiting professor at the Universities of Bourgogne, Dijon Robert Schuman, Strasbourg; Paris Nanterre, Paris; Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales de Paris; University of Bordeaux.

Teaching of « European Contracts Law », Summer School of the "Loyola Law School" and "Brooklyn Law School", Bologna (2000).

Courses for the Italian « Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione ».

Course of International Law and European Law for a group of Albanian diplomats, Tirana, on behalf of the Italian Foreign Office, Direction « Cooperazione allo sviluppo », in the framework of the establishment of the Albanian Diplomatic Academy (September 2004).

Associations :

Barrister, Bar of Bologna, special regime for full-time academic staff (until 2005).

Member of the “Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca in Diritto delle Comunità europee”, University of Bologna.

Member of the Società italiana di diritto internazionale.

Member of the Société française de droit international.

Languages :

Italian : mother tongue

French : fluent

English : fluent

Spanish : good

Collaboration with Legal Journals:

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (2009-2010).

Collaboration with the Review « Famiglia e diritto », column « Panorama sovrannazionale » (2006-2010).

Member of the Scientific Panel of Lex electronica (, on-line review of the Public Law Research Centre, University of Montreal.

Member of the Comité cientifico dei Cuadernos de derecho transnacional.
