Foto del docente

Alessandra Fanfani

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Curriculum vitae

* Education

- PhD in Physics at the University of Bologna (March 2001)
- Scholarship awarded by the University of Bologna (Sep-Dec 1997) to continue the studies carried out during the graduation's work
- Degree (“Laurea”) in Physics at University of Bologna (July 1997)
- Summer Student fellowship at CERN (Jul-Aug 1996)

* Academic career:

- Since September 2016 Associate Professor in Experimental Physics, at the University of Bologna

- From October 2005 to 2016 Researcher (Assistant Professor) in Experimental Physics, at the University of Bologna

- Research associate, Department of Physics at the University of Bologna (2001-2005)
- PostDoctoral position at the University of Bologna (2000-2001)

* Research activities and experience
Since 1998 I'm a member of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) collaboration at the LHC working, on several research topics:

- Muon simulation and reconstruction

Responsible for generation activities, Monte-Carlo simulation for the muon group (Muon Physics Object), necessary for the study of muon reconstruction performance. The measurements of the muon trigger and reconstruction efficiencies are key ingredients in any CMS physics analysis dealing with muons in the final state.

- Data analysis
Since the start of the data taking by the CMS detector I've been working on data analysis ranging from astroparticles studies perfomed with cosmic muons to studies related to b-quark physics.
Muon object contact in the B-physics group in CMS (reviewing the muon usage in all the analyses within the B-physics group).

- Development and integration of data and work-flow management tools in a distributed environment

I’m participating in the project PNRR National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing, working in Spoke 2 (“Fundamental Research & Space Economy”).
I took part of several Grid projects as the European DataGrid EDG, EGEE I ,EGEE II, INFN-Grid and LHC Computing Grid (LCG), working on integration and development of tools for data access in a distributed environment that are essential to handle the large amount of data collected by the CMS experiment.
From 2006 to 2008 I've been responsible of the development of the CMS Montecarlo production system
in the environment of the distributed computing centers of CMS. I've been involved in the development and integration of the analysis tool (CRAB) that provides an user-friendly interface for access the data by the whole CMS collaboration. I've been reviewer for the Journal of Grid Computing in 2010. 

From 1997 to 2000 I've been a member of the OPAL (Omni Purpose Apparatus for LEP) collaboration working on studies of bb(bar) events at LEP2.

* Teaching activities
The current teaching activities are reported in the “Teaching” section” .Previous teaching experiences include Physics lectures (24hours) in the Geological Science's degree, General Physics II (48hours) in the Physics degree. Supervisor of several diploma and master thesis in Physics.

* Other activities & institutional activities

MIUR reviewer for the evaluation of national projects (PRIN, VQR,..)

Member of Logistic commission at DIFA A. Righi

Member of Quality Assurance commission within Biomedical engineering course (Cesena)

Member of the panel area 2 (Physical sciences) in the  University Research Evaluation (VRA) Committee