From June 2014 Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences at the University of Bologna. Scientific and research activity has been constantly focused on the study of endocrine and metabolic diseases of childhood with particular focus on thyroid disease in childhood, diagnostic and follow-up aspects of neonatal screening and disorders of growth and puberty.
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1977. She specialized in Pediatrics at the University of Bologna in 1980. She specialized in Endocrinology at the University of Florence in 1983. To complete her knowledge, she performed in November 1979 a stage at the neonatal screening center for the congenital Hypothyroidism of the University Livre of Bruxelles directed by Prof.F.Delange
Academic career
After a few years (from 1977 to 1979) of activity as an Internal University Medical Doctor with Assignments of Tasks, she became the 1980 Confirmed University Researcher (SSD MED38) at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Bologna. From 2005 she was awarded the title of Professor Aggregate in relation to the teaching activity of Pediatrics . In November 2013 he obtained the national scientific qualification for second-class professorships for the competition sector 06 / G1 - General Pediatrics, specialist and infantile neuropsychiatry. Since June 2014 she is an associate professor at the University of Bologna.
Teaching activity
From AA 2005/2006 she has continuously conducted didactic activities through teaching assignments in pediatrics in the master's degree programs and undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and in the courses of the Pediatric Specialization School. From AA 2014/2015 she holds teaching activities as a holder of various courses in Master's Degree and Brief Degree for the School of Medicine and Surgery and at the Pediatrics Specialization School of the University of Bologna.
Scientific activity
She has participated in numerous research projects, including, as Principal Investigator, the AIFA Announcement 2008. Prog.FARM8PBJAP Title of research "Effects of L-Thyroxine supplementation on long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants with transient hypothyroxinemia born at or less than 28 weeks gestation" and, as Head of Research Unit of Bologna, 2010. Project Code: RF-2010-2309484. Title of research "Studies on the involvement of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of congenital hypothyroidism: novel perspectives for the management of a largely unexplained disorder" and the AIFA 2007 Prog. FARM8A8FHP Title of research "Evaluation of long-term benefit-risk profile of levothyroxine treatment in children with congenital hypothyroidism: Influence of initial levothyroxine dose on neurodevelopmental, growth, cardiovascular and skeletal outcomes". Referee of international and Italian journals in pediatric endocrinology. Associate with numerous European and Italian scientific societies in pediatrics, pediatric endocrinology and metabolic diseases. Research activity has been carried out in over 200 scientific publications in indexed journals.
Current bibliometric data : mean IF = 4,443; H-index =32
Membership in scientific committees
Between 2001 and 2009 Member of the Management Committee of the Neonatal Screening Society (since 2008 Italian Society of Metabolic Diseases and Neonatal Screening-SIMMESN, of which she is a founding member) In 2007-2009 Member of the Management Committee of the Italian Society of Endocrinology and Pediatric Diabetes (ISPAD) Since 2016 Member of the National Commission for Neonatal Screening on behalf of the Steering Committee of the Italian Society of Metabolic Diseases and Neonatal Screening (SIMMESN) Between 2015-2017 and 2017-2019 Member (as Treasurer) of the Management Committee of the Italian Society of Endocrinology and Pediatric Diabetology (ISPAD).
In 1980 Carlo Francioni Prize awarded for the best thesis in Pediatrics, University of Bologna; 3 scientific publications cited on Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinolgy in 2007 , 2009 and 2020.
Other activities
Member of the National Coordination Group for Congenital Hypothyroidism within the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Member of the National Commission for Neonatal Screening on the Designation of the Steering Committee. Since 2017 Coordinator of Italian School for Pediatric Endocrinology.