Foto del docente

Alessandra Cappellini

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-12/A Human Anatomy

Curriculum vitae



  • Tax ID code: CPPLSN72D50H620M
  • E-mail: []
  • Tel. 051-2091511; 051-2091528; 3389142057
  • Born in Rovigo on 10 April 1972.
  • Classical high school diploma in the academic year 1990-91 at the “Celio” Gymnasium High School in Rovigo.
  • Two-year period 1997-1999: for the preparation of the experimental degree thesis, she attended as an internal student the Receptor Binding Study laboratory of the Pharmacology section, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Ferrara (head Prof. Andrea Boreas).
  • 03/08/2000: Degree in Biological Sciences (single-cycle degree course, duration 5 years) with Physiopathology specialization, at the University of Ferrara with a score of 110/110 cum PRAISE, discussing the thesis entitled: “Thermodynamics of neuronal nicotinic receptor binding equilibrium”.
  • Academic Year 2000-2001: post-graduate internship at the Department of Morphology and Embryology, Human Anatomy Section, of the University of Ferrara (Director Prof. Capitani Silvano; Laboratory Managers Prof. Zauli Giorgio and Prof. Secchiero Paola).
  • July 2002: Master's degree in Clinical and Experimental Cytometry at the University of Urbino (Coordinator Prof. Stefano Papa), with a score of 106/110, discussing the thesis entitled "Flow cytometric evaluation of the Akt content phosphorylated in serine 473 ”.
  • November 2002: State exam at the University of Ferrara, obtaining the qualification to practice the profession of Biologist.
  • December 2004: achievement of the PhD in Human Morphological Sciences, at the University of Bologna, discussing the thesis entitled "Involvement of the signal transduction pathway based on phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Akt in the drug resistance of human leukemic cells ”.
  • 04/01/2005: permanent employment as University Researcher at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, (Campus Folcara, Via S.Angelo 03043 Cassino (FR)) in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector M-EDF/02 (Methods and Teaching of Sports Activities), at the Faculty of Sports Sciences, as pertaining to the Department of Sports and Health Sciences of the same University (currently the Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences).
  • 18/06/2009: Registration in the Register of the National Order of Biologists (ONB) in the Special List Section A, with Order Number 018101 (currently still regularly registered).
  • June 2009-September 2010: private consultancy as a Biologist registered in the Register of the National Order of Biologists, for starting and carrying out the accreditation process at Laboratori Clodia S.a.S. (diagnostic, microbiological and biomolecular analyses) Via G.Poli 9/B 30015 of Chioggia (Venice), in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement stipulated between the aforementioned laboratory and the Department of Exercise and Health Sciences of the University of Cassino.
  • December 2015: change of the SSD from M-EDF/02 (Methods and Teaching of Sports Activities) to BIO/16 (Human Anatomy), Competition Sector 05/H1 Human Anatomy, Macrosector 05/H Human Anatomy and Histology, as foreseen in the pursuant to the Ministerial Decree 30.10.2015 n.855-D.R. n.724 of 18 December 2015.
  • December 2017: Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Second Level Professor, Competition Sector 05/H1 Human Anatomy; SSD BIO/16 Human Anatomy.
  • March 2019: transfer as confirmed Researcher at the University of Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum, as part of the DIBINEM Department, where he currently carries out his activity (Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna).
  • December 2022: took up service as Second Level Professor at the University of Bologna.


1997-1999: "Receptor Binding" studies using agonist and antagonist drugs for the human neuronal nicotinic receptor, evaluating its thermodynamic parameters (DG°, DH° and DS°).

2000-2001 (POST-GRADUATE INTERNSHIP): studies on hematopoietic differentiation induced by erythropoietin (EPO), on primary CD34+ cells purified from peripheral and cord blood, evaluating the variations in the expression of multiple surface proteins, using flow cytometric phenotyping.

Studies on the effect of TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) on the differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis of different stabilized cell lines and primary CD34+ cells.

2000-2004 (PhD at the Department of Human Anatomical Sciences and Pathophysiology of the Locomotor System): study of the anti-apoptotic signal transduction pathways in HL-60 leukemic cell clones with particular reference to the PI3K/Akt axis.

Study of the intracellular mechanisms that induce apoptosis in cell lines and primary lymphocytes treated with UV radiation.

Analysis by microarrays and proteomics of the expression of genes involved in apoptosis in leukemic cells.

Since 2002, particular interest has been in the study of the intracellular signal transduction pathway involving Akt, a protein that plays a key role in the transduction of antiapoptotic signals and is implicated in the aggressiveness of numerous different types of human tumors.

April 2005: following regular Comparative Evaluation Competition, permanent employment as University Researcher at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, in the Disciplinary Scientific Sector M-EDF/02 (Methods and Teaching of Sports Activities) at the Faculty of Sports Sciences, as pertaining to the Department of Sports and Health Sciences of the same University (current Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences).

Since 2006, interest has been focused on the study of P-glycoprotein (MDR), a membrane protein with pump function, responsible for drug resistance in various types of solid and hematological human tumors. In particular, the experimental activity was dedicated to the induction of mutation and cloning of MDR, and to obtaining stable clones of MCF7 breast cancer tumor cells.

2009: collaboration in the creation of a National Project (GIMEMA, Italian Group of Adult Hematological Diseases), with particular attention to the study of intracellular signaling induced by the synergistic co-administration of two drugs (Clofarabine and Torrisel) already in use in the clinical setting in therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Since 2011, Dr. Cappellini Alessandra, as a cytometrist, has been carrying out research in the predominantly hematological field, in national and international collaboration with various research groups, focusing her attention on the study of intracellular signal transduction in pharmacological therapies for leukemia myeloid and lymphoid, with particular attention to the combined/synergistic effect of different drugs selective for specific signaling pathways in different types of leukemia. The signal transduction pathway on which she has mainly focused is represented by the PI3K/Akt pathway, known to be involved in the signaling of apoptotic signals.

Since 2016, following the funding granted by the PRIN 2015 Project, Dr. Cappellini has collaborated with Prof. Follo Matilde's Unit 1 (University of Bologna) in the study of the genetic and epigenetic implications of the Phospholipase C beta1 protein, in field of myelodysplastic syndromes.

In the period 2016-2018 she began to be interested in solid tumors: osteosarcomas and melanoma.

In particular, with regard to osteosarcomas, malignant neoplasms of the skeletal system which are very frequent in pediatric age, she has studied the role and expression of the nuclear protein LAMINA A in the carcinogenic phenomena of metastasis and as a differentiative/prognostic marker protein.

The studies in the hematological field conducted for many years have allowed her to take part in the drafting of two reviews on acute lymphoblastic leukemia, with particular reference to its therapeutic targets and the signal transduction pathway involving the protein kinase CK2, as an innovative target for the treatment of T lymphoblastic leukemia.

Regarding myelodysplastic syndromes, Dr. Cappellini collaborated on a project relating to erythroid differentiation, linked to the translocation of PKC-a at the nuclear level.

In the field of haematological diseases, she still mainly deals with Myelodysplastic Syndromes. In this regard, he focused attention on the nuclear signal transduction pathway, with particular reference to the nuclear protein PI-PLCbeta, during myeloid differentiation induced by Azacitidine, an active ingredient in clinical use.

2019: Dr. Cappellini dedicates herself to the study of signal transduction in polytransfused low-risk myelodysplastic (MDS) patients undergoing iron chelation therapy with Deferasirox (DFX).

He also contributes to the study of the role of LAMINA A and PRELAMIN A in the migration process of osteosarcoma cells.

2020: Dr. Cappellini is involved in a project on cardiotoxicity induced by chemotherapy treatments (DOXORUBICIN), which investigates in particular the role played by the PLCbeta2 protein.

2021: Dr. Cappellini contributes to the study of the role of astrocytes in the rare disease Autosomal-dominant leukodystrophy (ADLD), with particular attention to the accumulation of the nuclear protein Lamin B1.

Furthermore, she participated as a cytometrist in an integrative medicine study, proposed as a support for usual therapies, which evaluates the action of food supplements (AHCC and ETAS) on colorectal cancer cells and stem cells.

2022: dedicates himself to the study of the growth kinetics of tumor cell populations by developing the flow cytometric method of Bromodesoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation.

A flow cytometric study begins on samples from Myelodysplastic patients to investigate the effects of therapy with Azacitida+Venetoclax, a pharmacological combination recently introduced in the clinic. It investigates in particular the phenotypic variations affecting the different myeliod subpopulations.

He collaborates in a study on the modulation of the inflammatory state, induced by the administration of beta-blocking drugs, carrying out a flow cytometric evaluation of the phagocytic activity of blood cells.


As a Researcher in the period 2005÷2022 she carries out teaching activities for the courses of:

• Course on Theory and Methodology of Human Movement (Academic Years 2005÷2011), for the three-year degree course in Motor Science at the University of Cassino.

• Course in Anthropometry Applied to Motor Activities and Sport (Academic Years 2006÷2016), for the three-year degree course in Motor Sciences at the University of Cassino.

• Anatomy module as part of the Integrated Course (IC) ANATOMY/HISTOLOGY/PHYSIOLOGY (Academic Years 2008÷2011), for the Degree Course in Nursing and for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy of the La Sapienza University of Rome.

• Anatomy and Histology modules as part of the Integrated Course ANATOMO-PHYSIOLOGICAL BASES OF THE HUMAN BODY (Academic Years 2011÷2015), for the Degree Course in Nursing of the La Sapienza University of Rome.

• Theory of movement module as part of the Integrated Course (IC) BIOMECHANICS AND THEORY OF MOVEMENT (Academic Years 2011÷2016), for the three-year degree course in Motor Sciences of the University of Cassino.

• Anatomical Basics as part of the Integrated Course (CI) ANATOMICAL BASES, TECHNIQUE AND TEACHING OF HUMAN MOVEMENT (Academic Years 2016-2018), for the Three-year Degree Course in Motor Sciences of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.

• Anatomical Bases as part of the Integrated Course (CI) of ANATOMY (Academic Year 2018-2019), for the Three-Year Degree Course in Exercise Sciences of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.

• Responsible for the practical internship entitled "Assistance in the entrance exam tests" (1-3 October 2007), at the Osvaldo Soriano Sports Educational Center in Atina (FR).

• Responsible and proponent of the practical internship reserved only for students of the Specialist Degree in "Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive Motor Activities" entitled "Evaluation of fat mass through the skinfold method" (May-June 2008).

Holder of a teaching module called "Movement, sedentary lifestyle and technologies" in the C.I. Hygiene and Prevention in Schools, lasting 10 hours, during the academic year. 2016-2017, as part of the 1st level Executive University Master, in agreement with INPS, called "ICT AND PLANNING: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR LEARNING" underway at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (notice published on official noticeboard and on the University website - issued with Presidential Decree 16 of 11 January 2017), as certified by the Coordinator Prof. Maria Gabriella De Santis, professor of Pedagogy at the same University

• Speaker/presenting teacher from 2006 to 2018 for 31 students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, for the preparation of the final exam of the three-year degree in Sports Sciences (6 for Class L-33; 24 for the L-22 class) and for the Master's Degree in Sports Science (1 for the LM-67 class) in the BIO/16 and M-EDF/02 area, which were based on the analysis of international scientific publications ( as per the title of the final tests themselves).

• Since 2014, President of the commission of numerous final practical tests, as part of the final three-year degree exam for Sports Science students of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.

2019-2020: at Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna) she holds 2 teaching modules:

  • Anatomy Module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Biomedical Sciences, for the Course of Studies in Techniques for Prevention in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) (Imola headquarters)
  • Module of Anatomy of organs and the Nervous System (6 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Human Anatomy, for the Course of Studies in Motor and Sports Activities Sciences (Rimini headquarters)

    2020-2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023: at Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna) she holds 3 teaching modules:

  • Anatomy Module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Biomedical Sciences, for the Course of Studies in Techniques for Prevention in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) (Imola headquarters)
  • Module of Anatomy of organs and the Nervous System (6 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Human Anatomy, for the Course of Studies in Motor and Sports Activities Sciences (Rimini headquarters)
  • Neuroanatomy module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy, for the Course of Studies in Physiotherapy (qualifying the health profession of physiotherapist (Bologna branch).

    2023-2024: at Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna) she holds 5 teaching modules:

  • Anatomy Module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Biomedical Sciences, for the Course of Studies in Techniques for Prevention in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) (Imola headquarters)
  • Module of Anatomy of organs and the Nervous System (6 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (I.C.) of Human Anatomy, for the Course of Studies in Sciences of physical and sporting activities (Rimini headquarters)
  • Neuroanatomy module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy, for the Course of Studies in Physiotherapy (qualifying the health profession of physiotherapist (Bologna branch).
  • Anatomy module (2CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY for the Course of Studies in Physiotherapy (qualifying the healthcare profession of physiotherapist (Bologna branch).
  • Anatomy Module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of HUMAN ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY for the Course of Studies in Neurophysiopathology Techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Neurophysiopathology Technician).

TEACHING ACTIVITY: description of the objectives of the programs carried out in the classroom.

• Course on THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF HUMAN MOVEMENT; HUMAN MOVEMENT THEORY module; ANATOMICAL BASES module: the objective of these courses was to enable students to reach a sufficient level of knowledge, both global and detailed, of the main movements of the human body and of some of the main motor and/or sporting actions, developing their ability to observe and analyze any movement of the human body, both from an executive point of view (i.e. in relation to the anatomical structures of the body segments involved in it), and from an organizational point of view, having clear the fundamental mechanisms of its control at the level central and the laws of biomechanics that characterize and regulate it. Therefore, clarify the concept of human movement as an organic function of man with an educational value, the concept of well-being linked to movement and hypokinetic disease, also making known the effects of movement on the personality and the functions of movement.

• Course in ANTHROPOMETRY APPLIED TO MOTOR ACTIVITIES AND SPORT: the objective of this module was to introduce students to the main tools and methods of anthropometric measurement, for the quantitative evaluation of the dimensions and shape of the human body. The main types of human constitution are therefore described according to the various authors, describing how the concept of constitution includes the evaluation of morphological as well as functional aspects. The different applications of anthropometric and anthroposcopic evaluation in the field of growth evaluation (auxology) and in the sports field (sports anthropometry or chinanthropometry) are then described, both as a method of evaluation of morphological/functional characteristics predisposing to a specific sporting activity, and as characteristics induced by a specific sporting practice.

• MOVEMENT, SEDENTITY AND TECHNOLOGIES module within the C.I. HYGIENE AND PREVENTION IN SCHOOL: the objective of this module was to describe the importance of movement as an educational means and to provide an overview of the more or less simple technologies that are currently applied for the evaluation of the intensity and quality of movement, both in everyday life and in sports (particularly cycling)

• HISTOLOGY and ANATOMY module: the objective of these two modules was to make people understand the importance, for those working in the healthcare sector, of knowledge of the cellular, tissue and global/systemic organization of the human body, making useful references to the main pathologies relating to the various systems. To this end, after having addressed an introductory part relating to the resolving power of microscopes, the potential of various investigation methods (CT; PET; NRM) and the methods for preparing histological preparations, I set up the lessons in order to describe the human body as an entity characterized by continuous exchange with the environment (respiratory; digestive; urinary systems; metabolic/energetic mechanisms) and capable of dealing, while respecting homeostasis, with the different types of inputs, carrying out continuous regulation functions (system nervous and endocrine) and moving in the environment (osteo-musculo-articular system), with continuous references to the microscopic structure of the tissues that allow the performance of these functions.

• Anatomy module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Biomedical Sciences (TPALL course of study, Imola location): the objective is to achieve knowledge of the structure of the main apparatus/systems that can be damaged by any accidents in the workplace or being subjected to compromise of correct functioning, if subjected to excessive stimuli linked to particular characteristics characterizing the working environment.

• Module of Anatomy of organs and the Nervous System (6 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (I.C.) of Human Anatomy (Course of Studies in Motor and Sports Sciences, Rimini): the objective is detailed knowledge of the macro- and microscopic anatomy of the Central and peripheral Nervous System, as a control system of motor and non-motor functions. Furthermore, the student must know the anatomy of all systems of the human body. It is hoped that at the end of the course the student will be able to achieve knowledge of the human body as an entity characterized by continuous exchange with the environment (respiratory, digestive, urinary systems, metabolic/energetic mechanisms) and capable of dealing with, while respecting homeostasis , the different types of inputs, carrying out continuous regulation functions (nervous and endocrine system) and moving in the environment (osteo-musculo-articular system), with continuous references to the microscopic structure of the tissues that allow the performance of these functions.

• Neuroanatomy module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy, for the Course of Studies in Physiotherapy (qualifying the healthcare profession of physiotherapist (Bologna location): the objective is detailed knowledge of the macro- and microscopic anatomy of the Central and peripheral Nervous System, as a control system of motor and non-motor functions.

• Anatomy module (2 CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY for the Course of Studies in Physiotherapy (qualifying for the health profession of physiotherapist: the objective is to achieve knowledge of the structure of main apparatus/systems of the human body and the skeleton in all its components.

• Anatomy module (2CFU) as part of the Integrated Course (C.I.) of HUMAN ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY for the Course of Studies in Neurophysiopathology Techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Neurophysiopathology Technician): the objective is to achieve knowledge of the structure of the main systems of the human body.