Foto del docente

Alberto Vitale Brovarone

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-01/B Petrology

Curriculum vitae


2008-2011: PhD Thesis, Torino-Montpellier (bi-national). “From rifting to orogen: structure of Alpine Corsica and inheritance of rifting-related architectures in HP terranes”.

2007: MSc in Geological Sciences, note 110/110 magna cum laude. “Distribution and tectono-metamorphic evolution of metabasalts from low-grade to lawsonite-bearing eclogite in the area of Morosaglia, Alpine Corsica, France”, declared “worth of printing”.


2020-: Full Professor at BiGeA, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.

2018 – 2020: “Levi Montalcini” research position, Italy (“Brain-gain” Excellence program by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research).

From 2014 : CNRS researcher (CR2) at Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés (IMPMC), Paris, France. On secondment from 2018.

2017: Italian National Scientific Habilitation for Associate and Full Professor (Professore Ordinario 04/A1).

2017: French HDR (Habilitation à la Direction de Recherche HDR).

2012 – 2014: postdoc at IMPMC-UPMC and Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris (France). Laboratoire d’excellence (LabEx) Matisse fellowship. HP fluid-rock interactions and C cycling.

2011-2012: post-doc at ISTeP, Paris VI, CNRS, Paris (France), on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of New Caledonia.


2019: Joubin James award, University of Toronto, Canada.

2018: “Giuseppe and Paolo Gatto” award by Accademia dei Lincei.

2017: Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) Emerging Leader Award, to early career scientists for distinguished performance and unique potential as leaders of the deep carbon sciences.

2015 – 2018: Prime d’Excellence Scientifique (allowance for Scientific Excellence) CNRS for Research and doctoral supervision.

2008: Winner of the “Ugo Pognante” 2008 prize: best MA thesis on Alpine geology.



2019-: Evaluator for the Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie action.

2019-: Advisory board Results in Geochemistry.

2019-2021: Councilor, European Association of Geochemistry (EAG).

2016-2020: Co-organizer of the Serpentine Days 2020, Sestri Levante, Italy.

2019: Co-organizer of the 2019 FORSTERITE workshop (Pyrenees, France).

2017: French candidature committee for the 2022 International Eclogite Conference.

2018: Co-organizer of the Goldschmidt 2018 session “Linking the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere Through Serpentinization Reactions”.

2017: Co-organizer of the Goldschmidt 2017 session “Metamorphic and melting processes: from subduction zones to ultra-high temperature terranes”.

2014: Co-convener of the AGU fall meeting session “Processes, pathways, and properties along the subduction interface”

2013: Co-convener of the AGU fall meeting session “Fluids in Slabs: Chemical and Physical Studies of Volatile-Bearing Minerals in Subduction Zones” (V013).

2013: Associate editor of the Lawsonite special issue, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, in progress (ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2011: 2/47 -Geology).

2011: Field leader of the pre-meeting field trip, CorseAlp2011, Monte San Petrone, Corsica, France, 10-11/4/2011.

2011: Co-organizer of the international CorseAlp2011 meeting (Alpine Workshop), Saint Florent, Corsica, France, 10-16/4/2011.

Reviewer of manuscripts for: Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Science Advances, Geology, Journal of Petrology, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, LITHOS, Tectonophysics, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Tectonics, European Journal of Mineralogy, Earth Planets and Space, Lithosphere, Applied Geochemistry …




2018-2020: Pauline Bacle (co-sup. F. Pietrucci, IMPMC). Molecular dynamic simulations of HP CH4-producing reaction rates.

2018-2019: Francesco Giuntoli. Quantitative microstructural study of fluid-mediated HP abiotic methanogenic processes. Now Marie Curie Fellow at Bologna University.

PhD students

2018-2021: Han Hu, Peking University, China (“foreign supervisor”).

2018-2021: Antoine Boutier, DST, Torino University.

2014-2017: Francesca Piccoli, IMPMC, UPMC-DCO. Now PostDoc in Bern (Switzerland).

ERASMUS+ (post M2)

2017: Giulia Consuma, University of Padova. Analytical and experimental study on serpentine reduction at high-pressure conditions. Now PhD student in Bologna (Italy).

Undergraduate students

2019: Francesco Ressico, DST, University of Torino. High-pressure serpentinization in Alpine Corsica.

2016: Julien Reynes, IPGP-IMPMC (co-supervisor I. Martinez, IPGP). Circulation de fluides et métasomatisme du plancher océanique à la zone de subduction : le cas des chloritites alpines. Now PhD student in Bern (Switzerland), supervisor J. Hermann.

2015: Loïc Bouat, IMPMC, UPMC. Caractérisation pétrologique des jades de Corse et comparaison avec les jades des Alpes et des complexes métamorphiques d’Amérique centrale et d’Asie.

2014: Francesca Piccoli, IMPMC, UPMC (co-supervisor O. Beyssac). Petrological and Geochemical Study of High-Pressure Metasomatic Marbles, Alpine Corsica. Soon PostDoc in Bern (Switzerland).

2013: Mathieu Soret. ISTeP, UPMC (Co-supervisor P. Agard, B. Dubacq). Caractérisation tectonique, pétrologique et géochimique d’une zone de déformation majeure située à la base d’une ophiolite obductée (Nouvelle Calédonie).Currently PostDoc at Vancouver (Canada).

2010-2012: Miro Picatto. University of Torino (co-supervisor D. Castelli, UNITO). The blueschist-eclogite transition in the Schistes Lustrés of Alpine Corsica: a tectonostratigraphic and metamorphic study. Currently geologist at GDPconsultants, Torino, Italy.



Invited and keynote presentations

2019 – Deep Carbon 2019, National Academy of Science, Washington D.C., USA. Invited.

2019 – Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain. Invited.

2018 – Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA. Invited.

2018 – Metamorphic Studies Group meeting, Plymouth, UK. Serpentinization and abiotic methanogenesis from oceanic detachment faults to subduction: structural inheritance and deep C cycling. Keynote.

2017 – Third DCO international symposium 2017, St. Andrews, Scotland. High-pressure serpentinization, deep H2and abiotic methanogenesis. Invited.

2017 – Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France; High-pressure serpentinization, deep H2 and abiotic methanogenesis. Keynote.

2017 – SGI-SIMP international meeting, Pisa, Italy. Deep abiotic hydrocarbons: subduction zones are undisclosed reservoirs. Keynote.

2015 – SGI-SIMP international meeting, Firenze, Italy. Limits in modeling organic carbon-bearing rocks in upper crust and forearc slab conditions. Invited.

Invited seminars

NTU Taipei, Taiwan (2011), NCKU Tainan, Taiwan (2011), ISTeP Paris VI (2012), ENS Paris (2012), ETH Zurich (2012), Lausanne (2013), IMPMC Paris VI (2013), IPGP (2014), Orléans BRGM (2014), Clermont-Ferrand (2015), Orléans ISTO (2015), Kyoto (2016), St Andrews, Scottland, DCO meeting (2017); Bern, (2109); Padova (2019), Toronto (2019).




Chinese Tianshan (2018), Vermont, USA (2018), Corsica (2006-2019), Alps (2006, 2010, 2011, 2014-2019), Elba Island (2006), New Caledonia (2011, 2012), Taiwan (2011), California (2013), Dominican Republic (2015).


ROV-SMOOTH (30/11/2016-05/01/2017, PI Mathilde Cannat, IPGP)

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