Foto del docente

Alberto Parmeggiani

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-03/A Mathematical Analysis


Keywords: Geometric analysis of PDEs Solvability Lower-bound estimates Spectral theory

  • Geometric analysis of PDEs, and in particular the almost-positivity of systems of pseudodifferential operators and the symplectic sub-unit geometry.
  • Geometric analysis of PDEs on compact Lie groups.
  • Solvability of PDEs, in particular that of systems of PDEs.
  • Spectral theory, and in particular the spectra (and pseudo-spectra) of polynomial-coefficient differential systems and the study of spectral zeta-functions of elliptic differential systems.
  • Hypoellipticity.
  • Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic operators.
  • Problems related to the weak KAM theory.

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