Foto del docente

Alberto Musso

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-02/A Business Law

Curriculum vitae

Sabbatical at Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition in Munich and at University of La Coruña. Law School (Nov. 2023-Oct.2024).

Legal member of the University Trademark and Sponsorship Commission (2009-2021)

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the "A. Cicu" Library of the University of Bologna (2012-2016)

Member of the University Masters and Higher Education Commission, chaired by Prof. G. Fiorentini (2012-2015)

Member of the Board of Directors of the University of Bologna (from November 2010 to October 2011)

Member of the Board of Directors of the Alma-Mater Foundation (from November 2010 to October 2011)

Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna (from November 1st, 2004, to October 31, 2010)

Full Professor in Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna (2002-today)

Former Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law (II) and Competition Law, Faculty of Law

Former Professor of Commercial Law, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Former Professor of Copyright Law, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (DAMS)

Professor in Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law at University of Bologna, "Collegio Superiore"

Professor in various Master Programs (Level I and II): "Master in Editoria Cartacea e Multimediale" (former Director Prof. U. Eco and current Director Prof. A. Lorusso); "Master in Esperto Progetti Finanziamenti e Fondi Europei" (Director Prof. F. Casolari); "Master in Diritto dell'Impresa e del Mercato" (Director Prof. P. Manzini); "Master in Giurista e Consulente della Sicurezza Alimentare (Law and Food Safety)" (Director Prof. F. Briguglio);"Master per Giuristi Internazionali" (Director Prof. L.S. Rossi); "Master in Intellectual Property" (Director Prof. F. Munari)

National Coordinator of the MIUR Research Project on New technologies, Copyright and Digital Rights Management (2006)

Member of the Executive Committe of ATRIP (from September 2009)

Member of the International Advisory Council of the IP Osgoode Program (York University - Canada)

Former member of the Board of Editors of the Law Review "Il Diritto di Autore", Giuffrè (Milan) - SIAE

Former member of the Advisory Committee of the Region Emilia-Romagna for E-governance Law (President Prof. F. Mastragostino)

Former member of the Management Committee of European School of Tax Law (Director Prof. A. Di Pietro)

President of Session at the ATRIP Annual Congress in Buenos Aires (July 2007) and speaker at the Annual Congress in Munich (July 2008)

President of the University Course "Operatore Giuridico d'Impresa" at University of Bologna – Pole of Ravenna, Faculty of Law, and Member of the Council of the Scientific-Teaching Pole of Ravenna (2002-2003)

Member of the Council of the Department of Legal Sciences "Cicu" of University of Bologna (2001-03)

Professor in Intellectual Property Law at the Advanced Course for Company Lawyers S.P.I.S.A., Bologna (Director Prof. C. Bottari)(2000-2021)

Former Professor of Copyright Law and Publishing Law at University of Bologna, in the Course of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Literature, University of Bologna (Director Prof. U. Eco)

Associate Professor in Commercial Law, University of Bologna, Faculty of Law (2000-2001)

Researcher in Commercial Law, University of Bologna, Faculty of Law (1996-2000)

Admitted to practice in Italy (Bologna; 1996)

Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law, University of Bologna, Faculty of Law, Arts and Communication Sciences; S.P.I.S.A., Bologna, Advanced Course for Company Lawyers

Lecturer in Competition Law and Intellectual Property, University of Nijmegen, Master "Pallas Programme in Business Law" (1993-1997)

Ph.D. in Intellectual Property Law, University of Ferrara (1992)

Graduated in Law, University of Bologna (cum laude; 1987)

Main publications: Monographs "Diritto di autore sulle opere dell'ingegno letterarie e artistiche" (Copyright on Literary and Artistic Intellectual Creations) - Commentario del Codice Civile Scialoja-Branca, a cura di Francesco Galgano. Art. 2575-2583, Bologna: Zanichelli, 2008; "La rilevanza esterna del socio nelle società di capitali" (The External Relevance of Shareholder in Limited Companies), Milan: Giuffré, 1996; "Concorrenza ed integrazione nei contratti di subfornitura industriale" (Competition and Integration in Subcontracting), Milan: Giuffré, 1993; editor with M. Fabiani of the entry "Italy", in International Copyright Law and Practice, Newark (NJ): LexisNexis (since 2004); several articles and contributions in law reviews about intellectual property, new technologies, competition and company law.

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