Foto del docente

Natale Alberto Carrassi

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Contenuti utili

Positions avilables

I am always looking for students (PhDs and MScs) and Postdocs appealed to work in a vibrant, multidisciplinary, and cutting-edge area where dynamical systems, climate science, machine learning and data assimilation converge. 

No matter whether your background is in Physics, Mathematics, Computer or Climate Science do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to work with us, even if the available positions in that moment do not seem fitting your interests and desires. There will be always a lot of flexibility and we will try to adapt the research objectives and work approach to make you happier. 

Last but not least, Bologna is a greatly welcoming, open-minded, and vibrant place to live or to spend a few years! 

Current and "coming soon" available positions. Contact me if you are interested (


Open now:  

   - 1 Postdoc position (3 years). The position is in the context of the international project SASIP and is devoted to developing a ensemble-based data assimilation for the new Arctic-wide sea-ice model neXtSIM_DG being developed in SASIP. In a second phase the model will also be dynamically coupled to an ocean and to an atmospheric model, promoting the use of coupled data assimilation. Link for applying here.

  - 1 Postdoc position (3 years). The position is funded by the MELTED (MachinE Learning for arcTic ice prEDiction) Project in collaboration with University of Milan and the CMCC. The Postodc  will investigate the combined use of machine learning and data assimilation to (i) develop emulators, and/or, (ii) discover new parametrisation of sea-ice processes. 

For both postdoc positions qualifications include a PhD in physics, computer and/or automation engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics or related fields. Candidates having a strong background in cryospheric sciences, or a related field of environmental engineering also encouraged to apply. Strong numerical and computational skills are required as well as English language skills both in oral and written communication. Strong programming skills in Python or MATLAB are required.