Foto del docente

Alberto Borghetti

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IIND-08/B Electrical Power Systems

Curriculum vitae

Alberto Borghetti received a laurea degree cum laude in Electrical Engineering in 1992 at the University of Bologna, Italy. Since then he has been working at the Electric Power Systems Laboratory of the same University, currently as Professor of Electrical Power Systems.

He currently teaches courses on power stations, distributed generation, and electrical power systems.

From 2007 to 2016 he taught a course on Power generation and distribution for an annual postgraduate program in "Oil & Gas plant design" promoted by ENI Corporate University, ENI Exploration & Production and Tecnomare in collaboration with the University of Bologna.

Since 2003 he has been serving as instructor in various postgraduate courses of the European Association EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership), organized by Univ. of Bologna (2003 and 2007), University of Cagliari (2004 and 2007), CESI – Milan (2004), EPFL-Switzerland (2006, 2012 and 2014), Sungkyunkwan University - Seoul (2009), KTH - Stockholm (2013).

He has been serving as a member of the PhD Committee in Electrical Engineering of the University of Bologna since 2008. He has been a member of the board or external reviewer for the final evaluation of doctoral theses at various universities in Italy (Padua, Genova, Pisa, Pavia, Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Salerno) and abroad (Uppsala University - Sweden, Technical University Berlin - Germany, Dublin Institute of Technology - Ireland, The University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Canada, The Vaasa University – Finland, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - India, Université Grenoble Alpes - France).

The scientific activity focuses on: power system analysis, dynamic behavior of power stations and electric power systems, decision support tools for power producers in a competitive electricity market, coordination of surge protection particularly against the effects of lightning, automatic fault location in medium voltage distribution networks, power quality improvements in distribution networks, analysis and control of distribution systems with embedded generation from renewable sources and of microgrids.

In 1997 he carried out a research activity at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois funded by the CNR short-term mobility grant program.

In 2001 and 2002 he has been the scientific coordinator of two research projects between CESI and the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Bologna about issues related to distributed generation.

He has participated in the Management Committee of the European COST Action P18 "The physics of lightning flash and its effects" (2005 - 2009).

He was local responsible for a national project PRIN 2005 on power systems vulnerability of and a project PRIN 2007 on heat and power co-generation units.

He has been local responsible for the project SMARTGEN - "Study, development and validation of methods and instruments for the management of active distribution networks with generation from renewable sources" (2011-2014) co-financed by the Ministry of Economic Development in the framework of the program “Research for the electricity sector” and of the three-year European ENIAC JU project E2SG "Energy to smart grid" (2012-2015) coordinated by Infineon Technologies AG.

He participates in the Center for Industrial Research on Renewable Resources, Environment, Sea and Energy and in the Advanced research center on electronic systems ARCES of the University of Bologna.

He is author or coauthor of more than 170 publications in various journals, monographs, proceedings of national and international conferences.

He is co-author of 6 brochures of CIGRÉ (International Council on Large Electric Systems) and of IEEE Standard 1410 - "IEEE Guide for improving the lightning performance of electric power overhead distribution lines".

IEEE Fellow (class 2015) for contributions to modeling of power distribution systems under transient conditions.

Resident Corresponding, Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute (since 2022).

He received the ICLP Scientific Committee Award in 2016.

He received the 2018 CIGRE Technical Council Award for Study Committee C4.

From 2010 to 2016 he served as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and from 2018 to 2021 of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Since 2018 he serves as an Associate Editor of "Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE)".

From Jan. 2019 to Feb. 2023, he served as an Editor-in-Chief for Electrical Engineering – Archiv fur Elektrotechnik.

He served as Technical Program Committee chairperson of the 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (Cagliari, Italy, 2010), chair of the Bologna Cigré Colloquium on Lightning and Power systems (Bologna, Italy, 2016), Technical Program Committee chair of the International Conference of Power System Transients IPST, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2021.

He has been involved in the technical committee of several international conferences (including, IEEE PowerTech Conference 2007-2009-2011-2015-2017,2019, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference North America 2012 and 2014, Power Systems Computation Conf. PSCC 2016,2018,2020, 2022, SEST 2021, 2022).

He has been invited speaker at: - IEEE Int. Conference on Smart Technologies for Power Energy and Control, STPEC 2020, Sept. 25-26, 2020, online (presentation on “Resource Scheduling of a Local Energy Community”) - 2020 Purple Mountain International Forum, August 15-16, 2020, online (presentation on “Impact of neighborhood energy trading and renewable energy communities on the operation of distribution networks”) - 2nd Asia energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, AEES 2020, May 28-31, 2020, online (presentation on “Application of the Monte Carlo method to lightning protection and insulation coordination practices”) - 13th International Conference ELEKTRO 2020, May 25th - 28th, 2020, online (invited lecture on “Scheduling of the resources in a local energy community”) - 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2019), MNIT Jaipur, India, 20th-22nd Dec. 2019 (plenary talk on “Day-ahead scheduling of a local energy community”) - International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), September 9 –September 11, 2019, Porto, Portugal (plenary talk on “Distributed Energy Management in Local Communities”) - Höfler's days,Portorož, Slovenia, Oct. 22-23, 2018 (presentation on Lightning performance of overhead power lines in urban areas) - International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), Pune, India, 2017 (tutorial on “Distributed Volt/Var control in medium voltage networks” and plenary talk on “Improved analysis of the lightning performance of distribution lines”) - V Russian conference on lightning protection in Saint Petersburg, 2016 (plenary talk on “Advancements in Insulation Coordination for Improving Lightning Performance of Distribution Lines”) - 23rd Int. Conference on Electricity distribution, CIRED, Lyon, France, 2015 (tutorial on " ICT and Power System Co-simulation for the analysis of networked control strategies in distribution systems") - 18th Power Systems Computation Conference PSCC, Wrocław, Poland, 2014 (tutorial on "ICT Integration for a Smarter Power System") - International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC EUROPE, Rome, Italy, 2012 (tutorial on “EMC Aspects of Lightning”) - Itajubá Federal University - UNIFEI, Brazil, 2010 (lecture on "Lightning induced voltages on distribution lines") - Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea, 2009 (lecture on "Tools for distribution systems operation with embedded generation") - 16th PSCC, Glasgow, UK, 2008 (tutorial on "Blackouts and Blackout Prevention") - Zürich Symp. on EMC, Singapore, 2006 (tutorial on "EMC Aspects of Lightning ") - 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution CIRED, Turin, Italy, 2005 (round table on "Lightning Protection of MV and LV Lines") - 3rd Int Symp. on Power Quality Sicel, Bogotá, Colombia, 2005 (invited lecture on "Power system restoration").

He participates in the PES WG "Lightning performance of distribution lines".

Within CIGRÉ, he has served as secretary of WG C4.407 "Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications," and he has participated in the WG C4.408 "Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning", in the WG C4.605 "Modelling and aggregation of loads in flexible power networks", and in the WG C4.26 “Evaluation of Lightning Shielding Analysis Methods for EHV and UHV DC and AC Transmission-lines”. Since 2017 he is member of the advisory group AG C4.1 “Strategic directions” of Study Committee C4 “Technical performance” and served as Special Reporter for the Session 2018.