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Agata Mazzeo

Adjunct professor

Department of History and Cultures

Teaching tutor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae


PhD degree, with honours (January 2014 to June 2017)

University of Bologna (Italy) in cotutelle agreement with the University of São Paulo (Brazil)

PhD Program: Storia, Culture, Civiltà [History, Cultures, and Civilizations]

Curriculum: Anthropology (11/A5, M-DEA/01)

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna [University of Bologna, Italy]

PhD Program: Saúde Global e Sustentabilidade [Global Health and Sustainability]

Faculdade de Saúde Pública [Faculty of Public Health]

Universidade de São Paulo – USP [University of São Paulo, Brazil]

PhD dissertation’s title:

Movements and Militant Memory. Ethnography and Anti-Asbestos Activism in Brazil


Ivo Quaranta, PhD (University of Bologna)

Rubens de Camargo Ferreira Adorno, PhD (University of São Paulo)

Master of Science (MSc) in Medical Anthropology, score: 7.9/10; 70 ECTS  (September 2011 to August 2012)

Master’s Program: Amsterdam Master’s in Medical Anthropology-AMMA

Universiteit van Amsterdam - UvA (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Thesis’ title: “Casale Monferrato is not the City of Asbestos; Casale Monferrato is the City that Fights Against Asbestos!” An exploratory study on the socio-political actions of going beyond suffering related to an environmental disaster caused by asbestos manufacturing.

Supervisors: Jan Willem Duyvendak, PhD and Christian Bröer, PhD

Co-reader: Stuart Blume, D. Phil.

Master’s Degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, score: 110/110; 120 ECTS (November 2006 to March 2010

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy)

Thesis: “Indagine antropologica sull’esperienza di malattia provocata dall’esposizione ambientale all’amianto. Il caso Fibronit di Bari” [Anthropological research on the illness experience caused by environmental exposure to asbestos. The Fibronit case in Bari city].

Supervisor: Quaranta Ivo, PhD

Bachelor’s Degree in Literature, score: summa cum laude; 180 ECTS (November 2001 to March 2006)

Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” (Bari, Italy)

Thesis title: Aspetti di vita culturale e sociale di una comunità Rom (Bari, Japigia, 2005) [Cultural and social life aspects of a Roma community (Bari, Japigia, 2005)].

Supervisor: Vera Di Natale, PhD



July 5-7, 2017: Anti-asbestos activism as a moral response to an invisible global health disaster [paper]; Engaging Ethnography and Global Health Disasters [panel that I coordinated]. European Association of Social Anthropologists-EASA Medical Anthropology Network Biennial Conference “Bodies in Transition― Power, Knowledge and Medical Anthropology”. Lisbon, Portugal.

June 6, 2017: Disastri amianto-correlati e pratiche di attivismo: riflessioni emerse da una ricerca etnografica condotta in Brasile [Asbestos-related disasters and practices of activism: reflections emerged from an ethnographic research conducted in Brazil]. Seminar for graduate students “Brasile: storia di un Paese che non ha ancora attuato il bando dell’amianto” [Brazil: history of a country that has not prohibited asbestos yet] organised by Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda - Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico UO Epidemiologia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan. Milan, Italy.

April 11, 2017: Experiences of suffering and practices of struggle: ethnography and anti-asbestos activism in Brazil. Seminar for graduate students, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

April 10, 2017: Etnografia e attivismo anti-amianto. Riflessioni a partire da una ricerca sul campo in Brasile [Ethnography and anti-asbestos activism. Reflections from a fieldwork in Brazil]. Seminar for graduate students, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

December 15, 2016: Etnografia e attivismo anti-amianto in Brasile [Ethnography and anti-asbestos activism in Brazil]. Seminar for doctoral students, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

December 7, 2016: Pratiche di attivismo ed esperienze di sofferenza nei disastri provocati dalla lavorazione dell’amianto fra Italia e Brasile [Practices of activism and experiences of suffering in the disasters caused by asbestos manufacturing between Italy and Brazil]. Seminar for graduate students, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

July 20-23, 2016: Mining the Eternal: some reflections about asbestos extraction and manufacturing effects on bodies and landscapes. Conference “Anthropological legacies and human futures”, organised by the European Association of Social Anthropology-EASA and the University of Milano-Bicocca. Milan, Italy.

June 9-11, 2016: Some Reflections on the Anti-Asbestos Struggle of a Brazilian NGO.“6th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference” organised by the publishing house Il Mulino and the University of Bergamo. Bergamo, Italy. 

November 18-22, 2015: Suffering Bodies Take Action Against Asbestos.114° Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association-AAA “Familiar/Strange”. Denver (Colorado), USA.

September 30, 2015: Poder, práticas corporais e lutas civis nas experiências dos desastres causados pela laboração do amianto [Power, bodily practices and activism in the experiences of disasters caused by asbestos’ manufacturing]. Seminar “Saúde, Antropologia e Ambiente: Discutindo o Amianto no Brasil” [Health, Anthropology and Environment: Debating Asbestos in Brazil], Faculty of Public Heath, University of São Paulo-USP. São Paulo, Brazil.

July 28 – August 1, 2015: O Poder dos Corpos que Sofrem. Reflexões emergidas de uma pesquisa antropológica sobre os movimentos sociais organizados pelas vítimas da exposição ao amianto [The Power of Suffering Bodies. Reflections emerged from an anthropological research on social movements organised by victims from asbestos exposure]. 11° Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Coletiva, organised by the Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva-ABRASCO, and the Federal University of Goiás–UFG. Goiânia (Goiás), Brazil.

June 17, 2015: Poder, práticas corporais e lutas civis nas experiências dos desastres causados pela laboração do amianto [Power, bodily practices and activism in the experiences of disasters caused by asbestos’ manufacturing]. Seminar for graduate students, Faculty of Public Heath, University of São Paulo-USP. São Paulo, Brazil.

June 16, 2015: Práticas de comunicação de risco em contextos contaminados por poluição provocada pelo processamento do amianto [Communication Risk Practices in Contexts Contaminated by Pollution Caused by Asbestos Manufacturing]. International Advanced Seminar, Laboratorio Interdisciplinar de Estudos e Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde Pública-LIESP, Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo-USP. São Paulo, Brazil.

February 5, 2015: Pratiche corporee nelle esperienze dei disastri provocati dalla lavorazione dell'amianto [Bodily practices in the disaster’s experiences caused by asbestos manufacturing]. Seminar for graduate students, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

May 29 - June 1, 2014: The suffering bodies’ power and potentialities in contexts of environmental disasters.VIII European Association of Social Anthropologists-EASA, Medical Anthropology at Home-MAAH network conference “Assemblages, transformations, and the politics of care”. Bologna-Bertinoro, Italy.

March 6-7, 2014: Riflessioni emerse dallo studio dei movimenti sociali organizzati dalle vittime dei disastri ambientali provocati dalla lavorazione del cemento-amianto [Reflections emerged from the investigation of social movements organised by the victims of environmental disaters caused by asbestos-cement manufacturing]. Conference “Ricerca attivista ed etnografia militante: nuove sperimentazioni nello studio socio-antropologico dei movimenti sociali” [Activist research and militant ethnography: new experimentations in the socio-anthropological study of social movements], organised by Laboratorio di Etnografia dei Movimenti Sociali-LEMS, University of Milano-Bicocca, and the Department of Language and Eastern Studies, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Modena, Italy.

December 13-14, 2013: Dell’Inevitabilità dell’Essere Coinvolti [On the Inevitability of Being Engaged]. First Conference of the Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata-SIAA. Lecce, Italy.

June 12-14, 2013: (When) To Be Engaged is Inescapable.“Encounters and Engagements: creating new agendas for medical anthropology” organised by EASA European Association of Social Anthropologists, Medical Anthropology Network, AAA American Anthropology Association Society for Medical Anthropology, and Univerisitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, Spain.

January 23-25, 2013: “The Making and Unmaking” of the Risk: Risk Experiences and Practices Related to Exposure to Asbestos Fibres in Two Italian Urban Contexts. International Sociological Association-ISA and European Sociological Association-ESA conference “Risk and Uncertainty: Ontologies and Methods”, University of Amsterdam-UvA. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



June 8, 2017: Dal corpo che soffre e “ricorda”: pratiche di lotta, impegno e comunità [From the suffering and “remembering” body: practices of struggle, committment, and community] [Lecture]. Lotte e Amianto: Sofferenza, Coinvolgimento, Impegno. Uno Sguardo Transnazionale [Struggles and Asbestos: Suffering, Engagement, Commitment. A Transnational Perspective]. [Public conference I organised together with the Associazione Familiari e Vittime Amianto-AFeVA, Association of Relatives and Victims of Asbestos, Emilia-Romagna]. Bologna, Italy.

October 8, 2016: Uma História de Desastres e Lutas entre Itália e Brasil [A History of Disasters and Struggles between Italy and Brazil]. “I Encontro Nacional das Vítimas do Amianto” [First National Meeting of Asbestos Victims] organised by the Associação Brasileira dos Expostos ao Amianto-ABREA [Brazilian Association of Exposed to Asbestos]. Campinas (São Paulo), Brazil.

October 6-7, 2016: Casale Monferrato e Osasco. As Cidades que Convivem e Lutam contra o Legado do Amianto [Casale Monferrato and Osasco. The Cities that Coexist and Mobilise against Asbestos Heritage]. Conference “Seminário Internacional Amianto: Uma Abordagem Sócio-Jurídica” [Asbestos International Seminar: A Socio-Juridical Approach] organised by the Ministério Público do Trabalho-MPT and Departamento Intersindical de Estudos e Pesquisas de Saúde e dos Ambientes de Trabalho-DIESAT. Campinas (São Paulo), Brazil.

April 8-10, 2016: Anti-Asbestos Activism in 21st Century. Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization-ADAO 12th Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference “Where Knowledge and Action Unite”. Washington D.C., USA.

February 16, 2016: L’esperienza del rischio, della malattia e dell’impegno socio-politico in contesti urbani contaminati dall’amianto [The experience of risk, illness, and socio-political engagement in asbestos-contaminated urban contexts]. Conference “Il Progetto SENTIERI per il Monitoraggio Epidemiologico Permanente delle Popolazioni Residenti nei Siti di Interesse Nazionale” organised by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome, Italy.

April 27-30, 2015: Movimentos Sociais e Vítimas do Amianto em Casale Monferrato [Social Movements and Asbestos Victims in Casale Monferrato]. Lectures given during the training and awareness campaigns about occupational accidents and diseases organised by the Subsecretaria de Vigilância, Fiscalização Sanitária e Controle de Zoonoses of the Prefeitura de Rio de Janeiro and by the Centro de Saúde do Trabalhador-CESAT.

April 27: Auditório Prefeitura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

April 28: Auditório Universidade Veiga de Almeida Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil.

April 30: Salão Internacional da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública “Sérgio Arouca”, Research Institute ENSP/FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

May 8, 2014: La cittadinanza attiva, fra corpo e politica. Incontro con alcuni attivisti del movimento anti-amianto in Italia [The active citizenship, between body and politics. Encounter with some activists of anti-asbestos movement in Italy]. Presentation and conference that I organised as the final event of the educational project I participated in entitled “Risorse idriche, territorio e società” [Water resources, territory, and society]. Bologna, Italy.

November 27, 2012: Talk at the conference “Mesotelioma Pleurico… Una Battaglia da Vincere” [Pleural Mesothelioma… A Fight that has to be won], organised by the Associazione Familiari Vittime Amianto-AFVA [Association of Relatives/Victims of Asbestos]. Bari, Italy.

April 28, 2010: Talk at the public event organised by the Associazione Familiari Vittime Amianto-AFVA [Association of Relatives/Victims of Asbestos] on the international Workers’ Memorial Day in commemoration of asbestos victims. Bari, Italy.



EASA - European Association of Social Anthropologists

SIAA - Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata [Italian Society of Applied Anthropology]



ItalianNative speaker

English: Excellent level

Brazilian PortugueseExcellent level

SpanishAdvanced level 

ArabicBasic level



2016 to date:

Referee for ANUAC, journal edited by the Associazione Nazionale Universitaria degli Antropologi Culturali [National University Association of Cultural Anthropologists].

April 2017:

Invited member of the committee for the “Vivaio Eternot Award 2017” assigned to individual and collective social actors committed to anti-asbestos activism.

2014-2015 / 2013-2014:

Realization of the educational projects Risorse alimentari, territorio e società [Food resources, territory, and society], and Risorse idriche, territorio e società [Water resources, territory, and society)], awarded by the public competitions “ConCittadini”, promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, in the scholastic years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. Centro per l’Istruzione degli Adulti [Centre for the Education of Adults] – CPIA Metropolitano di Bologna. Bologna, Italy.


Awarded with a grant for postgraduate studies assigned by the Puglia Region by public competition.

March 2012:

Awarded with the certification DITALS (II) – Certificazione di competenza in Didattica dell’Italiano a Stranieri [Certification of Competency in Teaching Italian Language to Foreigners]. Università per Stranieri di Siena [University for Foreigners of Siena]. Siena, Italy.

November 2009 to November 2010:

Volunteer in National Civil Service

Museo di Antropologia [Museum of Anthropology], Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. Bologna, Italy.

To attend the conference, the organisational/scientific committee has awarded me a fellowship to cover the travel/accommodation costs.
To attend the conference, the organisational/scientific committee has awarded me a fellowship to cover the travel/accommodation costs.