a) High school leaving certificate obtained in 1992/93 with the
result of 52/60, at Liceo Scientifico “Luigi Valeriani” Imola (Bo),
b) 5 years degree – Master level (Laurea) in Mechanical
Engineering (specialisation in Materials, Machine Mechanics course)
obtained during the academic year 1997/98 (first registration
1993/94) with the result of 97/100 at the Faculty of Engineering of
Bologna University, Italy.
- Title of the project carried out during the course "Principles
and Methodologies of Mechanical Design" held by Prof. Ing. A.
Freddi: "Avantreno non convenzionale con funzione antidive per
Ducati 916 (Non-conventional front suspension with antidive
function for Ducati 916)”.
- Title of the degree dissertation: "Analisi dinamica del
telaio di un motoveicolo da competizione (Dynamic Analysis of a
race motorbike frame)", supervisors Prof. Ing. A. Maggiore,
Ing. G. Catania and Ing. P. Soatti.
c) certificate to practice the profession of Mechanical Engineer
after passing the State exam in May 1999.
d) Title of “Dottore di Ricerca in Meccanica Applicata”
(Research Doctor in Machine Mechanics) obtained on the 26th May
2003 after the Doctorate course on Machine Mechanics XV cycle
(1/1/2000-31/12/2002). Research activity on mechanical systems
dynamics by experimental and numerical technologies: multibody
analysis in the three-dimensional space with a developed procedure
for the inquiry of the modification in the modal behaviour due to
large spatial motion, modal analysis of the structure of a table
rotating machining modelled by EMA and FEM, optimisation of
connecting stiffness between substructures in automotive field,
experimental modal analysis of a tire, of metallic frames,
experimental vibrations measurements on automotive suspensions and
machining units. 9 months stage in Belgium at LMS International and
Katholieke Universitiet Leuven for research on hybrid modelling
techniques for large automotive structures and for the road noise
modelling inside the vehicle cavity. Title of the Doctorate
Dissertation (written in English): “Development
of numerical and experimental procedures for dynamic analysis of
automotive vehicles”, tutors Prof. Ing. A. Maggiore, Prof.
Ing. U. Meneghetti and Prof. Ing. G. Catania;
e) Title of “European Doctor in Sound and Vibration Studies”,
obtained from the European Commission-EDSVS Network for the
research “Hybrid modelling
for road noise prediction” held at the Katholieke Universitiet
Leuven, Belgium (
f) Title of “Ricercatore Universitario di Ruolo”, obtained on
2nd March 2006 after the public competition for the assignment of a
“Researcher / Assistant Professor” position in Machine Mechanics at
DIEM, Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Meccaniche,
Aeronautiche, Nucleari e di Metallurgia (Mechanical Engineering
Dept.), Facoltà di Ingegneria, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di
Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy. Confirmed on
2nd March 2009.
Scientific areas of interest:
Machine Mechanics, Vibration Mechanics, Sound/Noise and Vibration measurements, Mechanical Systems Diagnostics, Multibody Modelling of Spatial Mechanisms, Experimental Modal Analysis, Component Mode Synthesis, Finite Element Modelling, FRF Based Substructuring, Signal processing and diagnostics, Mechanical System Identification, Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry / Holography, LDV and Image Correlation measurements.
Author of papers presented at international congresses on Structural Dynamics by means of Component Mode Synthesis, Vibro-Acustic FRF-based Substructuring, Multibody Modeling of Spatial Mechanisms, Noise & Vibration Measurements, Static and Dynamic Displacement Measurements by means of full field optical techniques (ESPI/ Digital Holography), SLDV and Hi-Speed DIC.
Invited at the Institut fuer Mechanik und Mechatronik, Abteilung fuer Maschinendynamik, Messtechnik und Aktorik, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, as Visiting Professor for the research project "Full Field Optical Measurements for Advanced Structural Dynamics" and teaching activity.
Author of the volume A. Zanarini, "Analisi cinetostatica grafica di meccanismi piani. Applicazioni per la Meccanica delle Macchine", Societa' Editrice Esculapio, October 2012, ISBN - 978-88-7488-545-9. Graphical kineto-static analysis of planar mechanisms, with related theory and fully solved exercises.
The European Commission financed the project TEFFMA "Towards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis" .
Organizer of the Symposium Full Field Measurements for Advanced Structural Dynamics in the framework of the International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV-2015) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 7 - 10, 2015.
Invited keynote lecture "Concept, design, manufacturing, setting up, maintenance: a machine whole life together with advanced technologies in structural dynamics for improving renewable energy systems" for the 4th International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET2018) a Islamabad, Pakistan, September, 2018, to highlight the achievements of modern tecniques and the results of the fundamental research project TEFFMA.
Field editor on "Energy Issues in Mechanical Engineering" for the Journal of Energy Systems (JES) ISSN: 2602-2052.
Personal website: http://diem1.ing.unibo.it/personale/zanarini/Zanarini_index_EN.htm
Researchgate.net profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro_Zanarini