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Andrea is a Junior assistant professor (RTD-A) at the University of Bologna.
He is part of the Language Technologies Lab, lead by Paolo Torroni, and is currently involved in the Italian FAIR (Future Artificial Intelligence Research) project, regarding the development of scalable, transferable, neuro-symbolic machine learning techniques, under the supervision of Michela Milano.
He obtained National Scientific Qualification to the role of Associate Professor in Computer Engineering (ASN 2023-2025 sector 09/H1 II Tier, II quarter).
Andrea obtained his PhD from the University of Bologna in 2021 with a dissertation on the integration of deep neural networks and symbolic knowledge.
He is an expert in deep learning architectures for natural language processing.
He has worked as a Post-doc Research Fellow on the Humane-AI-Net ICT-48 European project on human-centric ethical AI, on the StairwAI ICT-49 project on the development of horizontal matchmaking services. He has been involved in several legal analytics projects such as CLAUDETTE, PRIMA, POLINE, ADELE and LAILA.
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