Foto del docente

Andrea Cimatti

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science

Head of Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"


Main research fields :

- Cosmology

- Formation and evolution of structures (galaxies, clusters)

The main research areas are in the framework of observational cosmology, with particular reference to the following open questions : (1) the nature of Dark Energy and (2) the formation and evolution of the structures (galaxies, clusters, large scale structure). One of the most modern approaches to address the above problems is to conduct galaxy surveys which provide the data needed to derive the physical properties of galaxies as a function of the cosmic time (or redshift) and then investigate their evolution in a coherent manner from the highest redshifts to z=0. The same data can then be used to derive the evolution of the large scale structure of the Universe and place constraints on Dark Energy equation of state. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to use in synergy all the largest telescopes on the ground and in space and to collect galaxy samples at several wavelengths. The involvements in the GMASS (PI A. Cimatti) and COSMOS, and in the space missions ESA Herschel (CoI A. Cimatti in the PACS cosmological surveys) and ESA Euclid are particularly relevant. In particular, the ESA Euclid mission aims at obtaining stringent constraints on the main open questions of cosmology (dark energy, dark matter, formation and evolution of structures and galaxies). Euclid has two channels dedicated to two independent, but complementary, experiments. The first uses the VIS instrument dedicated to imaging and weak gravitational lensing. The second is based on the NISP instrument which provides spectra and redshifts for reconstructing the galaxy large scale structure, and near-infrared imaging in YJH bands for the estimate of photometric redshifts.