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Zelda Alice Franceschi (1972) is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna where she teaches History of Anthropology, Anthropology of the Americas and Cultural Anthropology. She lives in Bologna and she has two sons and one daughter. Since 2004 she has been working in Chaco (Argentina) among wichi communities.
She is studying natives’ autobiographies, the Anthropology of Nutrition, Material Culture and the Relationship between Writing and Orality, the relationship between indigenous-mission-mecanization. She has also studied the birth and the construction of Anthropology and in particular the History of American Anthropology. In this specific area of research she has studied the methodology of autobiographical writing in Anthropology focusing on letters, diaries and autobiographies. On these topics she has published several essays, monographies in Italian, Spanish and English.
She has also taught at Argentinian Universities (Córdoba, Buenos Aires-Uba- Salta ), in Colombia (Universidad Nacional of Bogota)and in Canada(Université de Montreal).
She is a member of CIHA:
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