Walter E. Zegada-Lizarazu has a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in
Agriculture and Biotechnology for Sustainable Dryland Development
from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. Afterwards he
obtained a Ph.D. title in Agricultural Sciences from Nagoya
University in Japan with emphasis root water uptake and tracing (
D2O) water sources. During his postdoctoral period back at
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, he worked on issues related to
increase the water productivity of irrigated annual crops and fast
growing trees in an arid environment. Then, at Bologna University,
he specialized on dedicated biomass and industrial feedstock crops
looking at soil plant water relations, rooting patterns, and
productivity issues. Since then he is also involved in
interdisciplinary projects and collaborations with relevant
industries working on eco-physiological studies of non-traditional
crops for the production of rubber, latex accumulation, and
biopolymers. He has participated in the elaboration of competitive
research proposals at national and international levels on
agronomic and crop physiology issues of energy and agro-industrial
crops. Scientific responsible for the implementation and
development of the activities of several EU projects (e.g. 4FCrops,
SWEETFUEL, WATBIO, Water4Crops). Evaluator of project proposals for
the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research,
Development and Innovation, and reviewer of international
scientific journals. Co-supervisor of several graduate and
undergraduate research students. Occasional teaching and lab.
seminars, and member of the teachers team of an experimental
educational program of study abroad (course in Bioenergy Crops to
Europe) set up by North Dakota State University. Author of 24
journal articles, 5 book chapters, and 33 conferences.