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Vittoria Laghi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-07/A Structural Analysis and Design


Laghi V.; Palermo M.; Tonelli L.; Gasparini G.; Ceschini L.; Trombetti T., Tensile properties and microstructural features of 304L austenitic stainless steel produced by wire-and-arc additive manufacturing, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2020, 106, pp. 3693 - 3705 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vittoria Laghi, Michele Palermo, Andrea Incerti, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Caratterizzazione sperimentale di una malta innovativa duttile per il miglioramento delle prestazioni sismiche di sistemi di muratura non rinforzata, in: Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, 2019, pp. 30 - 38 (atti di: XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 Settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Vittoria Laghi, Michele Palermo, Giada Gasparini, Valentina Alena Girelli, Tomaso Trombetti, Geometrical Characterization of Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufactured Steel Elements, «ADVANCED MATERIALS LETTERS», 2019, 10, pp. 695 - 699 [Scientific article]Open Access

Michele Palermo, Giada Gasparini, Stefano Silvestri, Vittoria Laghi, Tomaso Trombetti, Il miglioramento sismico di una struttura ospedaliera mediante un sistema di dissipazione esterno di tipo MPD, in: Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, 2019, pp. 171 - 177 (atti di: XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 Settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Jonathan Manzi, Vittoria Laghi, Michele Palermo, Tomaso Trombetti, Mechanical characterization of Additive Manufactured stainless-steel structural elements through tensile tests and Digital Image Correlation, in: Atti del XXVII Congresso C.T.A., 2019, pp. 3 - 10 (atti di: XXVII Congresso C.T.A., Bologna, 3-5 Ottobre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Laghi V.; Palermo M.; Gasparini G.; Trombetti T., Optimization studies on diagrid columns realized with wire-and-arc additive manufacturing process, in: 20th Congress of IABSE, New York City 2019: The Evolving Metropolis - Report, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019, pp. 177 - 181 (atti di: 20th IABSE Congress, New York City 2019: The Evolving Metropolis, usa, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Palermo M.; Laghi V.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G.; Trombetti T., Seismic design of frame structures equipped with innovative hysteretic dissipative devices, in: ISEC 2019 - 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC Press, 2019, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC 2019, usa, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Stefano Silvestri, Vittoria Laghi, Michele Palermo, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Stima del rapporto di smorzamento per strutture a telaio con sistemi dissipativi mediante riduzione a sistema equivalente a singolo grado di libertà, in: Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, 2019, pp. 90 - 101 (atti di: XVIII Convegno ANIDIS 2019 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 Settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Laghi V.; Palermo M.; Gasparini G.; Silvestri S.; Trombetti T., The application of weld-based additive manufacturing steel to structural engineering, in: ISEC 2019 - 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC Press, 2019, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC 2019, usa, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Michele PALERMO, Vittoria LAGHI, Stefano SILVESTRI, Giada GASPARINI, Tomaso TROMBETTI, COMPARING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT DAMPERS PLACEMENT IN FRAMED BUILDINGS, in: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018, 2018, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 Giugno 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Palermo, V. Laghi, S. Silvestri, G. Gasparini, T. Trombetti, COMPARING THE PERFORMANCES OF FRAMED BUILDINGS EQUIPPED WITH DIFFERENT DAMPERS CONFIGURATIONS, in: Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy June 25-29, 2018 Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 2018, unico, pp. 7661 - 7670 (atti di: Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 25-29 giugno 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Michele Palermo, Vittoria Laghi, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Coupled response of framed structures connected to strongback, «JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING», 2018, 144, pp. 04018148-1 - 04018148-19 [Scientific article]

Vittoria LAGHI; Michele PALERMO; Monica PRAGLIOLA; Valentina Alena GIRELLI; Gijs VAN DER VELDEN; Tomaso TROMBETTI, Towards 3D-printed steel grid-shells: the main idea and first studies, in: Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2018, 2018, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: IASS Symposium 2018 Creativity in Structural Design, MIT, Boston, USA, 16-20 July 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Vittoria Laghi, Michele Palermo, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, A bracing system for optimized seismic performance of multistory frame structures, in: Proceedings of the 6th Structural Engineers World Congress – SEWC 2017, Cancun, Mexico, 14-17 November 2017, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 6th Structural Engineers World Congress – SEWC 2017, Cancun, Mexico, 14-17 November 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Stefano Silvestri, Claudia Giunchi, Vittoria Laghi, Samuele Mazza, Michele Palermo, Applicative solutions for the seismic improvement of a hospital building with the use of viscous dampers, in: Atti del XVII Convegno ANIDIS 2017 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, 2017, pp. 133 - 143 (atti di: XVII Convegno ANIDIS 2017 - L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, Pistoia (Italia), 17-21 settembre 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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