2022 - Junior Assistant Professor at DICAM - University of Bologna.
Sept 2022 - May 2023 - Lecturer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
May 2021 - Dec 2022 - Research fellow at DICAM - University of Bologna. Title: "Structural design of innovative elements produced with Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) 3D printed steel: experimental characterization and definition of the design protocols".
Aug - Dec 2021 - Visiting fellow at TU Braunschweig for the research project TRR277 "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" in collaboration with TU Munich.
2021-2022 - Academic tutor for Structural Safety Course - Master's degree in Civil Engineering, Bologna.
2020-2022 - Academic tutor for Tecnica delle Costruzioni con Laboratorio Course - Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, Bologna.
2019-2022 - Academic tutor for Advanced Structural Design Course - Master's degree in Offshore Engineering, Ravenna.
Jan - Apr 2019 - Visiting Researcher at TU Delft financed by "Marco Polo" scholarship.
Sept - Dec 2018 - Internship at MX3D B.V. (Amsterdam) financed by "Erasmus+" scholarship for Ph.D students.
2017-2020 - Ph.D student at University of Bologna (XXXIII Cycle) - Structural and Environmental Health Monitoring (SEHM2). Doctoral thesis: Study of innovative 3D-printing steel structures
2017-2018 - Academic tutor for Progetto di Strutture Course - Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Architettura, Cesena.
2017-2018 - Tutor Didattico per il Corso di Laurea di Civil Engineering, Università di Bologna.
Sep 2017 - Abilitation to Engineer profession.
2016-2017 - Fellow researcher at Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale su Edilizia e Costruzioni, Università di Bologna. Main activities: earthquake-resisting design, seismic response of masonry infills in frame structures, dissipative devices.
2016-2017 - Academic Tutor for the Master's Course in Civil Engineering, University of Bologna.
July 2016 - Master's Degree in Civil Engineering 110/110 cum laude, curriculum Structural Engineering, Università di Bologna. Master's thesis: "Comparison of Earthquake-related consequences through loss analysis of different braced frame structural systems". Advisors: Prof. Ing. Marco Savoia, Prof. Eng. Stephen Mahin.
Jan-Mar 2016 - Research Student, University of California Berkeley (USA) for research activity on Master's thesis.
Jan-June 2015 - Exchange Student, University of California Berkeley (USA).
July 2014 - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering110/110 cum laude, University of Bologna. Bachelor's thesis: "Analisi teorica e sperimentale di correnti di gravità in mezzi porosi". Advisor: Prof. Ing. Vittorio Di Federico.
2023 - "Industria 4.0" prize during the "Giovediscienza" event for competitive research projects (3.000€ value).
2022 - "For Women in Science 2022" scholarship for excellent Italian female researchers promoted by L'Oreal in collaboration with UNESCO.
2022 - "Seal of Excellence" for the "WAAMGRID" project - Maria Sklodowska Curie Action - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Global Fellowship 2021.
2022 - "Special Mention by Autodesk" for the "FloWall" project during the 3D Pioneers Challenge 2022 for the category "Construction.
2021 - "Special Mention by Autodesk" for the "WAAM diagrid column" project during the 3D Pioneers Challenge 2021 for the category "Construction.
Feb 2021 - First runner up at the "3-Minute Thesis Competition - Unibo Edition" for PhD candidate at University of Bologna.
Oct 2020 - First prize for "Best Research Pitch Presentation" supported by IEEE at IEEE Day 2020.
2019 - Winner of the "Marco Polo" scholarship for visiting research period at TU Delft.
2018 - Winner of the "Erasmus+" scholarship for Ph.D students for the internship period at MX3D B.V.
2014 e 2016 - Winner of the "Gino Pilandri" scholarship from Comune di Cervia for excellent students.
2016 - Winner of the sholarship for research thesis abroad at University of California Berkeley.
2015 - Winner of the "Overseas" scholarship for exchange students at University of California Berkeley.
2011 - "Roberto Ruffilli" recognition from Camera di Commercio Forlì-Cesena for excellent students.