Foto del docente

Veronica Cola

Research fellow

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: VET/09 Veterinary Clinical Surgery


Sabetti M.C.; Cola V.; Foglia A.; Stanzani D.; Galiazzo G.; Perfetti S.; Tagliavia C.; Pisoni L.; Pietra M., Endoscopic and surgical treatment of non-neoplastic proximal duodenal ulceration in dogs, and anatomical study of proximal duodenal vascularisation, «JOURNAL OF SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE», 2024, 65, pp. 113 - 122 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zanardi, M. Di Benedetto, V. Cola, C. Tassani, S. Pinna, S. Del Magno, L. Pisoni, Is canine distemper virus infection associated with hypertrophic osteodistrophy?, in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, 2023, pp. 167 - 168 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [Abstract]

Chalfon C.; Finotello R.; Sabattini S.; Gramer I.; Morris J.S.; Aralla M.; Morello E.M.; Ferraris E.; Ramos S.; Polton G.; Schiavo L.; Dobson J.; Cola V.; Marconato L., Patterns of nodal metastases, biological behaviour and prognosis of canine mast cell tumours of the pinna: A multi-institutional retrospective study, «VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY», 2023, 21, pp. 332 - 338 [Scientific article]

Ciammaichella L.; Foglia A.; Del Magno S.; Cola V.; Zanardi S.; Tinto D.; Capitani O.; Joechler M.; Pisoni L., Retrospective evaluation of a hand-sewn side-to-side intestinal anastomosis technique in dogs and cats, «OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL», 2023, 13, pp. 278 - 287 [Scientific article]Open Access

S. Zanardi, V. Cola, L. Ballarini, C. Tassani, S. Pinna, L. Pisoni, S. Del Magno, Treatment of a femur atrophic non-union in a dog with the use of a titanium porous cylinder, in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, Cremona, EV soc. cons. a r.l., 2023, pp. 165 - 166 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [Abstract]

M. Di Benedetto, S. Zanardi, C. Tassani, S. Del Magno, L. Pisoni, V. Cola, S. Pinna, Treatment of medial instability of Tarsometatarsal and Carpometacarpal joints in two dogs with synthetical reinforcement of medial collateral ligament., in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, Cremona, EV soc. cons. a r.l., 2023, pp. 116 - 117 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [Abstract]

sara del magno, stefano zanardi, armando foglia, veronica cola, roberta troia, massimo giunti, maria morini, carlotta lambertini, luciano pisoni, Congenital Lobar Emphysema in a Kitten with Concomitant Hiatal Hernia and Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism, «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION», 2022, 58, pp. 141 - 145 [Scientific article]

Del Magno Sara.; Gruarin M.; Foglia Armando; Cola V.; Agnoli C.; Galuppi R.; Dondi Francesco; Pisoni L., Disseminated aspergillosis in a German shepherd mixed breed dog with unusual initial localization to the iliac wing, «VETERINARIA ITALIANA», 2022, 58, pp. 353 - 360 [Scientific article]

Veronica Cola, Sara Del Magno, Armando Foglia, Gualtiero Gandini, Samuel Okonji, Andrea Di Paola, Monika Joechler, Luciano Pisoni, Dura mater marsupialization for spinal arachnoid diverticulum in dogs: 19 cases, «VETERINARIA», 2022, 36, pp. 31 - 43 [Scientific article]Open Access

Scarpellini R, Troia R, Giunti M, Mondo E, Giacometti F, Savini F, Tumietto F, Dondi F, Magagnoli I, Pisoni L, Cola V, Balboni A, Battilani M, Piva S, Management of two healthcare-associated infections outbreaks of Serratia marcescens and Enterobacter cloacae in a Veterinary University Hospital, and implementation of a surveillance system, in: Abstract book LXXIV congresso SISVet, 2021, pp. 144 - 144 (atti di: LXXIV congresso SISVet, Online, 23-26 giugno 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Faroni E.; Sabattini S.; Lenzi J.; Guerra D.; Comazzi S.; Aresu L.; Mazzanti A.; Zanardi S.; Cola V.; Lotito E.; Marconato L., Sleeping Beauty: Anesthesia May Promote Relapse in Dogs With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in Complete Remission After Chemo-Immunotherapy, «FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2021, 8, Article number: 760603 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cola V.; Foglia A.; Pisoni L.; Dondi F.; Avallone G.; Gruarin M.; Zanardi S.; Rinnovati R.; Del Magno S., Kidney-Sparing Surgery for Renal Subcapsular Abscess Caused by Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in a Dog, «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION», 2020, 56, pp. 242 - 247 [Scientific article]

Sara Del Magno, Armando Foglia, Linda Golinelli, Deborah De Bastiani, Veronica Cola, Luciano Pisoni, Lisa Grassato, Marco Pelizzola, Roberta Troia, Massimo Giunti, The use of small-bore wire-guided chest drains for the management of feline pyothorax: A retrospective case series, «OPEN VETERINARY JOURNAL», 2020, 10, pp. 443 - 451 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cola, Veronica; Del Magno, Sara; Valentini, Simona; Zanardi, Stefano; Foglia, Armando; Spinella, Giuseppe; Capitani, Ombretta; Buracco, Paolo; Pisoni, Luciano, Deep Vegetal Foreign Bodies in Cats: A Retrospective Study of 10 Cases, «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION», 2019, 55, pp. 249 - 255 [Scientific article]

Spinella, Giuseppe; Dondi, Francesco; Grassato, Lisa*; Magna, Luca; Cola, Veronica; Giunti, Massimo; Magno, Sara Del; Valentini, Simona, Prognostic value of canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity and lipase activity in dogs with gastric dilatation-volvulus, «PLOS ONE», 2018, 13, Article number: e0204216 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

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