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Vanessa Assumma

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Architettura

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-03/C Estimo e valutazione


Assumma Vanessa, Marta Bottero, Elena De Angelis, Ana Jacinta Soares, AN INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK TO ASSESS THE TERRITORIAL RESILIENCE IN WINEMAKING REGIONS: THE DOURO VALLEY, in: -, 2024(atti di: Industry Day M4A. Maths for Agriculture. Trends and Challenges, University of Coimbra, 7 Giugno 2024) [atti di convegno-poster]

Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta; Ishizaka, Alessio, Enhancing territorial resilience assessment with a decision-aiding model in regional planning of Socio‐Ecological Systems, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY», 2024, 154, Article number: 103691, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]

Assumma V.; De Angelis E., Mathematical Models for the Assessment of an Environmental System in Landscape Ecology, «COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS», 2024, 15, pp. 50 - 65 [articolo]Open Access

Mondini, Giulio; Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta; Caprioli, Caterina; Datola, Giulia; Dell'Anna, Federico, Planning Sustainable and Resilient Cities: The Role of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), in: Science of Valuations, Cham, Springer, 2024, pp. 199 - 212 (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY) [capitolo di libro]

Datola, Giulia; Assumma, Vanessa; Appiotti, Federica; Bottero, Marta; Rinaldi, Enrico; Campostrini, Pierpaolo; Lombardi, Patrizia, The ResCult project: Implementation of the risk analysis interface for the Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli and the Covent of San Nicola (Italy), «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE», 2024, 67, pp. 164 - 182 [articolo]

La Riccia, Luigi; Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta Carla; Dell’Anna, Federico; Voghera, Angioletta, A Contingent Valuation-Based Method to Valuate Ecosystem Services for a Proactive Planning and Management of Cork Oak Forests in Sardinia (Italy), «SUSTAINABILITY», 2023, 15, Article number: 7986, pp. 1 - 28 [articolo]Open Access

Sugoni, Giorgia; Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta Carla; Mondini, Giulio, Development of a Decision-Making Model to Support the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Revision of the Municipal Plan of Turin (Italy), «LAND», 2023, 12, Article number: 609, pp. 1 - 35 [articolo]Open Access

Assumma V., EDITORIAL, «VALORI E VALUTAZIONI», 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 2 [replica/breve intervento]

Vanessa Assumma, Editorial | Editoriale, «VALORI E VALUTAZIONI», 2023, 33, pp. 1 - 4 [replica/breve intervento]

Assumma, Vanessa; Datola, Giulia; Quagliolo, Carlotta; Oppio, Alessandra, Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions Impacts: A Preliminary Framing of Assessment Methods, in: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops. ICCSA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cham, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2023, 14108, pp. 512 - 527 (atti di: 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2023), Atene, Grecia, 3-6 Luglio 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Corti, Martina; Assumma, Vanessa; Pittau, Francesco, Evaluation of NBS Solutions for Climate Resilience and Adaptation in the Sub-saharan Africa: The Case of Ghana’s Ashanti Region, in: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops. ICCSA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cham, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2023, 14108, pp. 398 - 414 (atti di: 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2023), Atene, Grecia, 3-6 Luglio 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Vanessa Assumma, Sebastiano Barbieri, Marta Bottero, Caterina Caprioli, Extended abstract: Supporting the planning and management of tourism destinations between urban showcase and gentrification, in: International Tourism Congress 2023: Book of extended abstracts. The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations, Mirandela, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2023, pp. 76 - 77 (atti di: International Tourism Congress, Bragança, 23-25 Novembre 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Quagliolo, Carlotta; Assumma, Vanessa; Comino, Elena; Mondini, Giulio; Pezzoli, Alessandro, An Integrated Method to Assess Flood Risk and Resilience in the MAB UNESCO Collina Po (Italy), in: New Metropolitan Perspectives. Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages Perspectives, Cham, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS», 2022, 482, pp. 2545 - 2555 (atti di: International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspectives, Reggio Calabria, 25-27 Maggio) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Giulia Datola; Vanessa Assumma; Marta Bottero, Assessing the Economic Value of the Unmovable Cultural Assets for Improving Their Resilience: The Case Study of the Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, in: New Metropolitan Perspectives Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages Perspectives, Cham, Springer, 2022, pp. 2565 - 2574 [capitolo di libro]

Assumma, Vanessa; Bottero, Marta; Mondini, Giulio; Zanetta, Elisa, Circularity Above Linearity: Toward a Circular Mining Approach of the Planning for Mining Activities, in: Urban Regeneration Through Valuation Systems for Innovation, Cham, Springer, 2022, pp. 105 - 118 [capitolo di libro]

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