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Valerio Cozzani

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ING-IND/25 IMPIANTI CHIMICI


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Principali pubblicazioni precedenti al 2004


a. Lavori a stampa su riviste internazionali

A1.    Cozzani, L.Petarca, S.Pintus, L.Tognotti: “Ignition and Combustion of Single Levitated Char Particles”. Combustion and Flame 103:181-193 (1995)

A2.    V.Cozzani, L.Petarca, L.Tognotti: “Devolatilization and pyrolysis of Refuse Derived Fuel: characterization and kinetic modelling by a thermogravimetric and calorimetric approach”. Fuel 74:903-912 (1995)

A3.    V.Cozzani, C.Nicolella, L.Petarca, M.Rovatti, L.Tognotti: “A fundamental study on Conventional Pyrolysis of a Refuse Derived Fuel”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 34:2006-2020 (1995)

A4.    V.Cozzani, C.Nicolella, M.Rovatti, L.Tognotti:. “Modelling and experimental verification of physical and chemical processes during pyrolysis of a Refuse Derived Fuel”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 35:90-98 (1996)

A5.    V.Cozzani, A.Amendola, S.Zanelli: “Hazardous substances formed as a consequence of industrial fires”, in Industrial Fires, EUR 17477 EN, European Commission: Luxembourg 1996; vol. III, p.257-266

A6.    V.Cozzani, A.Lucchesi, G.Stoppato, G.Maschio: “A new method to determine the composition of biomass by TG analysis”. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 75:127-133 (1997)

A7.    V.Cozzani, C.Nicolella, M.Rovatti, L.Tognotti: “The influence of secondary reactions on the product yields obtained in the pyrolysis of polyethylene”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 36:342-348 (1997)

A8.    V.Cozzani: “Characterization of Coke formed in the Pyrolysis of Polyethylene”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 36:5090-5095 (1997)

A9.    E.Ranzi, M.Dente, T.Faravelli, G.Bozzano, S.Fabini, R.Nava, V.Cozzani, L.Tognotti: “Kinetic modeling of polyethylene and polypropylene thermal degradation”. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 40:305-319 (1997)

A10.  V. Cozzani, M. Smeder, S. Zanelli: “Formation of hazardous compounds by unwanted reactions in industrial accidents”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 63:131-142 (1998)

A11.  V.Cozzani, S.Zanelli: “Precursors of dangerous substances formed in the loss of control of chemical systems”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 65:93-108 (1999)

A12.  V.Cozzani, L.Petarca, G.Nardini, S.Zanelli: “Analysis of an accident at a solvent recovery plant”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 67:145-161 (1999)

A13.  V.Cozzani: “Reactivity in oxygen and carbon dioxide of char formed in the pyrolysis of a refuse-derived fuel”. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 39:864-872 (2000)

A14.  F.Barontini, V.Cozzani, L.Petarca: “Calorimetric and kinetic analysis of the DGEBA/TBBA reaction for the production of linear brominated epoxy resins”. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 39:855-863 (2000)

A15.  F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, A. Cuzzola, L. Petarca: “Investigation of hexabromocyclododecane thermal degradation pathways by gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry”. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 15:690-698 (2001)

A16.  F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, L. Petarca: “Thermal stability and decomposition products of hexabromocyclododecane”. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 40:3270-3280 (2001)

A17.  M.G. Wolfinger, J. Rath, G. Krammer, F. Barontini, V. Cozzani: “Influence of the emissivity of the sample on differential scanning calorimetry measurements”. Thermochimica Acta 372:11-18 (2001)

A18.  F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, L. Petarca, S. Zanelli: “Modeling the Formation and Release of Hazardous Substances in the Loss of control of Chemical Systems containing Brominated Flame Retardants”, in: “Loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries”, H.J. Pasman, O. Fredholm, A. Jacobsson Eds., Elsevier: Amsterdam 2001; p.1251-62

A19.  V. Cozzani, S. Zanelli: “An Approach to the Assessment of Domino Accidents Hazard in Quantitative Area Risk Analysis”, in: “Loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries”, H.J. Pasman, O. Fredholm, A. Jacobsson Eds., Elsevier: Amsterdam 2001; p.1263-74

A20.  V.Cozzani, L.Foschi, G.Francalanza, S.Zanelli: “The use of Quantitative Area Risk Assessment techniques in land-use planning”, in “Risk management in the European Union of 2000”, G.A. Papadakis (Ed.); EUR 19664 EN, Commission of the European Communities: Luxembourg 2001; p.411-419

A21.  K. Marsanich, F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, L. Petarca: “Advanced pulse calibration techniques for the quantitative analysis of TG-FTIR data”. Thermochimica Acta 390:153-168 (2002)

A22.  F. Barontini, E. Brunazzi, V.Cozzani: “A novel methodology for the identification of azeotropic binary mixtures by TG-FTIR techniques”, Thermochimica Acta 389:97-110 (2002)

A23.  F. Barontini, E. Brunazzi, V.Cozzani: “The use of a separability coefficient for the assessment of vapor-liquid enrichment by TG-FTIR analysis”. Thermochimica Acta 408:17-29 (2003)

A24.  J. Rath, M.G. Wolfinger, G. Steiner, G. Krammer, F. Barontini, V. Cozzani: “Heat of wood pyrolysis”. Fuel 82:81-91 (2003)

A25.  F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, L. Petarca: “The influence of aluminum on the thermal decomposition of hexabromocyclo-dodecane”. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 70:353-368 (2003)


b. Lavori completi pubblicati su libri o su atti di congressi internazionali

B1.    V.Cozzani, S.Pintus, L.Petarca, L.Tognotti: “Burnout times of single char particles”. Selected Papers of 1st AIDIC meeting on chemical and process engineering; ETS: Pisa 1994; p.65-76

B2.    V.Cozzani, E.Manetti, L.Petarca, L.Tognotti: “Laser ignition of single char particles”. AIDIC Conference Series; ERIS C.T.: Milano 1995; vol.1, p.75-83

B3.    V.Cozzani, C.Nicolella, L.Petarca, M.Rovatti, L.Tognotti: “Product yields from the pyrolysis of refuse-derived materials”. AIDIC Conference Series; ERIS C.T.: Milano 1995, vol.1, p.157-166

B4.    L.A.Aronica, V.Cozzani: “Safety aspects in the production of azo dyes by reduction of nitroderivatives”. AIDIC Conference Series, ERIS C.T.: Milano 1997; vol.3, p.75-81

B5.    V.Cozzani, C.Nicolella, L.Petarca, L.Tognotti: “Influence of the feed composition on the product yields in the conventional pyrolysis of Refuse-Derived Fuel”. Chemical Industry and Environment II, N. Piccinini e R. Delorenzo Ed., Politecnico di Torino: Torino 1996; p.753-759

B6.    V.Cozzani, S.Zanelli, A.Amendola, M.Smeder: “EUCLIDE database for the study of chemical reaction hazards”. Proc. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Center for Risk Research: Stockholm 1997; p.224-233

B7.    V.Cozzani, A.Amendola, S.Zanelli: “Formation and release of hazardous substances as a consequence of out of control conditions”. Proc. 9th International Symposium on Loss prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Editorial Signo: Barcelona, 1998; p.1276-1285

B8.    F.Barontini, V.Cozzani, L.Petarca: “Thermal runaway hazards in batch processes for the production of brominated epoxy resins”. AIDIC Conference Series, ERIS C.T.: Milano: 1999; vol.4, p.115-122

B9.    S. Bonvicini, L. Vanni, V. Cozzani: “The importance of modeling assumptions in hazardous material transportation risk analysis”. Proc. Eur.Conf. Safety and Reliability, MG: Torino 2001; p.577-584

B10.  V. Cozzani, F. Gozzi, A. Mazzoni, S. Zanelli: “Assessment of probabilistic models for the estimation of accident propagation hazards”. Proc. Eur.Conf. Safety and Reliability, MG: Torino 2001; p.807-814

B11.  F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, L. Petarca, S. Zanelli: “Formation of Hazardous Substances in the Loss of Control of Chemical Systems containing Brominated Flame Retardants”. AIDIC Conference Series, Elsevier: Milano: 2002; vol.5, p.25-32

B12.  E. Salzano, V. Cozzani: “The use of probit functions in the quantitative risk assessment of domino accidents caused by overpressures”. Proc. Eur.Conf. Safety and Reliability, Balkema: Lisse 2003; p.1365-1373

B13.  F. Barontini, E. Brunazzi, V.Cozzani: “A Methodology for the Screening of Vapor-Liquid Enrichment and the Identification of Azeotropic Binary Mixtures by TG-FTIR”. Proc. 5th SKT Conference, Netzsch: Selb 2003; p.37-51


c. Lavori a stampa su riviste nazionali

C1.    V.Cozzani, S.Pintus, L.Tognotti: “L'analizzatore elettrodinamico-termogravimetrico: applicazioni allo studio della combustione eterogenea”. La Rivista dei Combustibili, 47:205-220 (1993)

C2.    V. Cozzani, A. Amendola, S. Zanelli: “The formation of hazardous substances in industrial accidents”. La Chimica e l'Industria 79:1357-1362 (1997)

C3.    V. Cozzani, M. Mossa Verre, S. Zanelli: “Direttiva “Seveso-II”: le principali innovazioni”. La Chimica e l'Industria 80:487-490 (1998)

C4.    V.Cozzani, S.Zanelli: “Prodotti pericolosi in incidenti nella produzione di cloroalcani”. La Chimica e l'Industria 81:879-883 (1999)

C5.    G.Russo, E.Ragno, E.Salzano, V.Cozzani, S.Zanelli: “Applicazione della Direttiva Seveso-II: le attività di ricerca promosse dal GNDRCIE”. La Termotecnica 10:39-50 (1999)

C6.    V. Cozzani, S. Bonvicini, L. Vanni, G. Spadoni, S. Zanelli: “Trasporto di merci pericolose, parte prima: dati storici di incidente”. La Chimica e l'Industria 83(9):69-75 (2001)

C7.    V. Cozzani, S. Bonvicini, L. Vanni, G. Spadoni, S. Zanelli: “Trasporto di sostanze pericolose, parte seconda: incertezze nei dati storici di incidente”. La Chimica e l'Industria 83(10):64-69 (2001)

C8.    F. Barontini, E. Brunazzi, V.Cozzani: “Equilibri liquido-vapore: tecniche TG-FTIR”. La Chimica e l'Industria 84(5):55-60 (2002)

C9.    F. Barontini, V.Cozzani, K. Marsanich, L.Petarca, S.Zanelli: “Formazione di sostanze pericolose nella perdita di controllo di sistemi chimici: il caso dei ritardanti di fiamma bromurati”. La Rivista dei Combustibili 56:54-68 (2002)

C10.  A. Lunghi, L. Gigante, P. Cardillo, F. Barontini, V. Cozzani, K. Marsanich, S. Zanelli: “Sviluppo di procedure sperimentali di riferimento per l'identificazione di prodotti formati in incidenti”. La Rivista dei Combustibili 56:225-238 (2002)



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