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Students are more than welcome to contact Dr Bruschi by email (ugo.bruschi@unibo.it) in order to get information on his teaching and research activity.
Students wishing to speak to Dr Bruschi (as opposed to writing an email) can:
- meet him in Bologna (at the Department of Legal Studies) on Thursdays, from 9am to 11am: please drop a line the day before, in order to decide in which room we shall meet;
- meet him in Ravenna (at the Faculty of Law, Professors’ Office no. 5) by appointment;
- contact him via email in order to arrange an appointment on Teams.
Face-to-face meetings will normally not take place between July and early September, but Dr Bruschi will still be available either via email or on Teams.
Any variation will be published in due course on the News webpage.