Foto del docente

Tommaso Sonno

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics


Guiso, L.; Herrera, H.; Morelli, M.; Sonno, T., Economic insecurity and the demand for populism in Europe, «ECONOMICA», 2024, 91, pp. 588 - 620 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mendola Mariapia; Prarolo Giovanni; Sonno Tommaso, Curse or Blessing? Multinational Corporations and Labor Supply in Africa, in: CEPR Discussion Paper, Londra, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2022, pp. 1 - 21 (DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

Tommaso Sonno; Davide Zufacchi, Epidemics and Rapacity of Multinational Companies, in: Centre for Economic Performance (LSE) Discussion Paper, London, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2022, pp. 1 - 36 (CEP DISCUSSION PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]

Carlo Altomonte; Gianmarco Ottaviano; Armando Rungi; Tommaso Sonno, Business Groups as Knowledge-Based Hierarchies of Firms, in: CEPR Discussion Paper, Londra, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2021, pp. 1 - 40 (DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

Carlo Altomonte; Domenico Favoino; Monica Morlacco; Tommaso Sonno, Markups, intangible capital and heterogeneous financial frictions, in: Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper, Londra, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2021, pp. 1 - 54 (CEP DISCUSSION PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]

Bonardi, Jean-Philippe; Gallea, Quentin; Kalanoski, Dimitrija; Lalive, Rafael; Madhok, Raahil; Noack, Frederik; Rohner, Dominic; Sonno, Tommaso, Saving the world from your couch: The heterogeneous medium-run benefits of COVID-19 lockdowns on air pollution, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2021, 16, Article number: 074010 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tommaso Sonno, Globalization and conflicts: the good, the bad and the ugly of corporations in Africa, in: Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper, Londra, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2020, pp. 1 - 51 (CEP DISCUSSION PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]

Guiso, Luigi; Herrera, Helios; Morelli, Massimo; Sonno, Tommaso, Global crises and populism: the role of Eurozone institutions, «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2019, 34, pp. 95 - 139 [Scientific article]

Luigi Guiso; Helios Herrera; Massimo Morelli; Tommaso Sonno, Populism: Demand and Supply, in: CEPR Discussion Paper, Londra, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2018, pp. 1 - 61 (DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

Morelli, Massimo; Sonno, Tommaso, On economic interdependence and war, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE», 2017, 55, pp. 1084 - 1097 [Scientific article]

Altomonte, Carlo; Colantone, Italo; Rungi, Armando; Sonno, Tommaso, Global value networks, in: João Amador, Filippo di Mauro, The Age of Global Value Chains: Maps and Policy Issues, London, CEPR Press, 2015, pp. 85 - 106 [Chapter or essay]

Altomonte, Carlo; Sonno, Tommaso; Vandenbussche, Hylke, Firm-level productivity and exporting. Diagnosing the role of financial constraints, in: Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Product Market Review 2013. Financing the real economy, Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, 2013, pp. 30 - 48 [Chapter or essay]

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