Foto del docente

Tiziano Rovelli

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Curriculum vitae

Scientific Activity

My research activity has been carried out in experimental particle physics field, with high energy accelerators at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland), in medical physics, in didactical physics and plasma physics.

I'm currently involved in a new beam-dump experiment called SHADOWS (Search for Hidden And Dark Objects With the SPS) realization, to search for FIPs (Feeble Interacting Particles) in new physics field of dark matter and dark energy.
Feasibility studies of a new experiment called XSEN (CMS eXtension for Studying Energetic Neutrinos), which had, as its main goals, the study of interaction of the tau neutrino and the study of neutrinos interaction at TeV energies.
Involved in muon detector simulation and hardware realization of SHIP (Search for HIdden Particles) experiment, to explore the domain of hidden particles and to make tau neutrinos measurements.
L3IA (Line for Laser driven Light Ion Acceleration) experiment proposal. The main goal is to establish a beam-line operation taking advantage of the experimental results (from Pisa CNR laser) and of the numerical modeling. My task is actually the ions simulation in TNSA regime during a plasma wave produced by a laser pulse on thin metal target.
I'm also working in muon detector optimisation for a new experiment, dedicated to the hidden particles search, as predicted by some models of hidden sectors. This experiment, at the CERN SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron), is called SHIP (Search for Hidden Particles). The experiment will search for weakly interacting particles like Heavy Neutral Leptons, light supersimmetric particles, ecc.

Research activity in medical physics field with low energies accelerators, carried out within the MC-INFN (INFN collaboration between people using Monte Carlo codes), that aims to understand how some important physical quantities are treated by the main Monte Carlo codes.

Research activity dedicated to the development of a Cerenkov radiation detector devices applied to medical Physics.

Scientific publications

Currently about 1500 refereed publications on international journals and various publications on national journals, internal notes, etc..
A list (not exhaustive) of the international publications can be found following this link: INSPIRE papers list
More detailed publications lists can be found here.


Latest news

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