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Teresa Ragazzini

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


Leone O; Longhi S; Quarta CC; Ragazzini T; De Giorgi LB; Pasquale F; Potena L; Lovato L; Milandri A; Arpesella G; Rapezzi C., New pathological insights into cardiac amyloidosis: implications for non-invasive diagnosis., «AMYLOID», 2012, 19, pp. 99 - 105 [Scientific article]

A.Righi; C.Betts; C.Marchetti; G.Marucci; L.Montebugnoli; C.Prati; L.Eusebi; L.Muzzi; T.Ragazzini; M.P.Foschini, MERKEL CELLS IN ORAL MUCOSA, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY», 2006, 14, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]

Foschini MP; Righi A; Cucchi MC; Ragazzini T; Merelli S; Santeramo B; Eusebi V, The impact of large section and 3D tecnique on the study of lobular in situ and invasive carcinoma of the breast., «VIRCHOWS ARCHIV», 2006, 448, pp. 256 - 261 [Scientific article]

T. Ragazzini; E. Magrini; M.C. Cucchi; M.P. Foschini; V. Eusebi, The fast track biopsy (FTB): Description of a rapid histology and immunohistochemistry method for evaluation of preoperative breast core biopsies, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY», 2005, 13, pp. 247 - 252 [Scientific article]

L. DI TOMMASO; FOSCHINI M.P.; T. RAGAZZINI; E. MAGRINI; A. FORNELLI; I.O. ELLIS; V. EUSEBI., Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the breast, «VIRCHOWS ARCHIV», 2004, 444, pp. 13 - 19 [Scientific article]

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