Foto del docente

Susanna Mancini

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-11/B Comparative Public Law


S.Mancini; M.Rosenfeld, Introduction, in: Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival, oxford, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2014, pp. xi - xxvii [Chapter or essay]

S. Mancini, Strong Religion and Weak Minorities: A Cautionary Tale from Europe, in: Key Developments in Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law, Den Haag, ELEVEN INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING, 2014, pp. 33 - 47 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini, The Tempting of Europe, the Political Seduction of the Cross A Schmittian reading of Christianity and Islam in European constitutionalism, in: Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival, oxford, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2014, pp. 111 - 135 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini; M.Rosenfeld, Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival, oxford, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013, pp. 370 . [Editorship]

S. Mancini, La religione nello spazio pubblico europeo, «PERCORSI COSTITUZIONALI», 2013, 2-3, pp. 61 - 78 [Scientific article]

S. Mancini; M. Rosenfeld, The Dilemmas of Identity in a Jewish and Democratic State: A Comparative Constitutionalist Perspective on Bakshi and Sapir, Gans, and Stopler, in: Israeli Constitutional Law in the Making, oxford, Hart Publisher, 2013, pp. 517 - 529 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini, From the struggle for suffrage to the construction of a fragile gender citizenship: Italy 1861-2009, in: The Struggle for Female Suffrage in Europe, LEIDEN BOSTON, Brill, 2012, pp. 373 - 388 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini, La Corte distrettuale di Colonia vieta la circoncisione, «QUADERNI COSTITUZIONALI», 2012, 3, pp. 635 - 638 [Comment on a court sentence]

S.Mancini, Patriarchy as the Exclusive Domain of the Other: the Veil Controversy, False Projection and Cultural Racism, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW», 2012, 10.2, pp. 411 - 428 [Scientific article]

S. Mancini, Secession and Self-Determination, in: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law, OXFORD, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 481 - 500 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini; M.Rosenfeld, Sotto il velo della tolleranza Un confronto tra il trattamento dei simboli religiosi di maggioranza e di minoranza nella sfera pubblica**, «RAGION PRATICA», 2012, 39, pp. 421 - 452 [Scientific article]

S.Mancini, Un affare di donne L'aborto tra eguale libertà e controllo sociale, PADOVA, Cedam, 2012, pp. 202 . [Research monograph]

S. Mancini; M. Rosenfeld, Unveiling the limits of tolerance: comparing the treatment of majority and minority religious symbols in the public sphere, in: Law, State and Religion in the New Europe, CAMBRIDGE, cambridge university press, 2012, pp. 160 - 191 [Chapter or essay]

S.Mancini, Belgium: only by name? Vanishing federalism and invisible minorities, in: Topographical Names and Protection of Linguistic Minorities, FRANKFURT, peter lang publishing group, 2011, pp. 181 - 201 [Chapter or essay]

Mancini S., La Francia, tra neutralità militante e tutela dell’omogeneità culturale, in: Stato democratico e società multiculturale, TORINO, Giappichelli, 2011, pp. 97 - 118 [Chapter or essay]