Present Position:
Full Professor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Bologna School of Law
Adjunct Professor of International Law, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University
• J.D. (Law School, University of Bologna, 1991, magna
cum laude)
• PhD (Department of Law, European University
Institute, Florence, 1995)
Courses Taught:
• Comparative Constitutionalism
• Comparative Law
• European Union Law
• Gender and the Law
• Multiculturalism and the Human Rights of Women
• Religion in Comparative Constitutional Law
• International Human Rights
• Transnational Constitutional Identity
Research Interests:
Comparative Constitutionalism; Gender and the Law, Human Rights Law; European Union Law; The European Court of Human Rights; Minority Rights; Law and Religion; Federalism; Secession and Self-Determination; Equality and Anti-Discrimination; Reproductive Rights; Multiculturalism; Law and Culture
Visiting Professorships and Memberships:
Visiting Professor, Columbia Law School, New York City (Spring 2020)
Visiting Professor, Hebrew University School of Law, Jerusalem (Fall 2018)
Visiting Professor, Fordham School of Law, New York City (Spring 2015)
Visiting Professor, Toulouse School of Law, France (Fall 2014)
Visiting Professor and Floersheimer Distinguished Visitor, B. Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University, New York City (2008-2016)
Visiting Professor, Radyzner School of Law, Inter Disciplinary Center, Israel (Fall 2012)
Visiting Professor, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna (recurrent since 2009).
Senior Fellow, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University (New York City) (Spring 2018)
Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, European University Institute, Florence (February/April 2021; January/March 2009)
Vice-President of the International Association of Constitutional Law (2018-)
Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Association of Comparative Law (2021-)
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Public Law (2013-2016)
Director of the Alberigo School for Advanced Religious Studies (2021-)
Member of the Board of Administrators of the Foundation for Religious Studies John XXIII (UNESCO Chair for Religious Pluralism and Peace) (2016-)
Member of the Executive Committee of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna (2016-2022)
(Selected) Visiting Lectureships:
Queen Mary University of London (Law), March 2019
Boston College Law School (March 2018)
Osgoode University (Law), March 2015
Columbia University (Law), March 2015
University of Texas at Austin (Law), January 2015
University of Montreal (Law), January 2014
Columbia University (Political Science), February 2011
Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, Bloomington, February 2011
University of Oxford (Law), May 2009
University College London (Law), May 2009
Yale Law School, September 2007, September 2009; September 2010
University of Oslo, Department of Public Law (Oslo, Norway), December 2007
Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland), April 2006
Selected Publications (accessible on SSRN)
Handbook on Constitutions and Religion (S. Mancini ed.), (Elgar Publishing)
The Conscience Wars. Rethinking the Balance between Religion, Identity, and Equality (S. Mancini & M. Rosenfeld eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2018.
"Transatlantic Conversations. The Emergence of Society-Protective Antiabortion Arguments in the United States, Europe, and Russia" (with Kristina Stoeckl), The Conscience Wars. Rethinking the Balance between Religion, Identity, and Equality (S. Mancini & M. Rosenfeld eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2018.
"Global Religion in a Post-Westphalia World", Handbook on Global Constitutionalism (A. Lang & A. Wiener eds.) (Elgar Publishing, 2017)
Dorsen, Rosenfeld, Sajo, Baer, and Mancini's Comparative Constitutionalism: Cases and Materials, 3d(West, 2016)
Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious
Revival (with M. Rosenfeld), Oxford University Press,
“The Tempting of Europe, the Political Seduction of the
Cross. A Schmittian Reading of Christianity and Islam in European
Constitutionalism", Constitutional Secularism in an Age of
Religious Revival (Susanna Mancini & Michel
Rosenfeld eds., Oxford University Press 2014) .
"Secession and Self Determination," Oxford Handbook of
Comparative Constitutionalism (Michel Rosenfeld & Andras
Sajo eds., Oxford University Press, 2012).
”From the Struggle for Suffrage to the Construction of a
Fragile Gender Citizenship: Italy 1946-2009, ” Women's Suffrage
in Europe (R. Rubio-Marin, B. Rodriguez-Ruiz eds., Brill,
Leiden and Boston, 2012).
"Patriarchy as the Exclusive Domain of the Other. The Veil
Controversy, False Projection and Cultural Racism,"
International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2, 2012.
"Unveiling the Limits of Tolerance. Comparing the Treatment of
Majority and Minority Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere" (with
Michel Rosenfeld), Law, State and Religion in the New
Europe, (Lorenzo Zucca & Camil Ungureanu eds.,
Cambridge University Press, 2012)
“To Be or Not To Be Jewish: The UK Supreme Court Answers
The Question,” European Constitutional Law Review,
”The Crucifix Rage: Supra-National Constitutionalism Bumps
Against the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty,” European
Constitutional Law Review, 1/ 2010.
“The judge as Moral Arbiter? The Case of Abortion,”
(with Michel Rosenfeld), Constitutional Topography: Values
and Constitutions, (Andras Sajo & Renata Uitz eds.
.Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2010).
“Europe: Liberty for All?” (with Michel
Rosenfeld) Saisphere, 2009.
“The Power of Symbols and Symbols as Power. Secularism and
Religion as Guarantors of Cultural Convergence,” Cardozo Law
Review, 30:6, 2009.
“Rethinking the Boundaries of Democratic Secession:
Liberalism, Nationalism, and the Right of Minorities to
Self-Determination,” International Journal of Constitutional
Law, Special Fifth Anniversary Symposium Issue,
”Language rights as Cultural Rights: A European
Perspective,” (with Bruno De Witte) (Cultural Human
Rights, (Martin Scheinin & Francesco
Francioni eds., Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2008).