Home > Avvisi > My new book CONSTITUTIONS AND RELIGION is out https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/constitutions-and religion9781786439284.html
My new book CONSTITUTIONS AND RELIGION is out https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/constitutions-and religion9781786439284.html
Constitutions and Religion is the first major reference work in the emerging field of comparative constitutional law and religion. It offers a nuanced array of perspectives on various models for the treatment of religion in domestic and supranational legal orders.
Arranged into five main sections, the Research Handbook addresses a range of topics through the lens of comparative constitutional law, including history, concepts and theories; models of managing religion; the politics of religion; supranational constitutionalism and challenges and controversies. The contributors take an interdisciplinary approach to survey historical, legal, political and philosophical views of the contemporary multifaceted treatment of religion within the constitutional order. Chapters explore in depth the interplay between domestic, European and international law, the interaction of the traditions of the major religions with the constitutional ordering of religion and the state, as well as the key challenges brought about by the repoliticizisation of religion.
This innovative Research Handbook will be a definitive resource for academics and students interested in religious studies, international and European Union law, international relations, comparative constitutionalism, history, legal and political theory, and sociology.
Pubblicato il: 28 novembre 2020