Foto del docente

Susanna Guernelli

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-05/A Organic Chemistry


Massaro, M.; Amorati, R.; Cavallaro, G.; Guernelli, S.; Lazzara, G.; Milioto, S.; Noto, R.; Poma, P.; Riela, S., Direct chemical grafted curcumin on halloysite nanotubes as dual-responsive prodrug for pharmacological applications, «COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES», 2016, 140, pp. 505 - 513 [Scientific article]Open Access

S. Riela; F. Arcudi; G. Lazzara; P. Lo Meo; S. Guernelli; F. D'Anna; S. Milioto; R. Noto, Binding abilities of new cyclodextrin-cucurbituril supramolecula hosts, «SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2015, 27, pp. 233 - 243 [Scientific article]

Fontana, Antonella; Guernelli, Susanna; Zaccheroni, Nelsi; Zappacosta, Romina; Genovese, Damiano; Crescentini, Lucia De; Riela, Serena, Micellization properties of cardanol as a renewable co-surfactant, «ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2015, 13, pp. 9214 - 9222 [Scientific article]

M.Massaro; C. G. Colletti; R. Noto; S. Riela; P. Poma; S.Guernelli; F. Parisi; S. Milioto; G. Lazzara, Pharmaceutical properties of supramolecular assembly of co-loaded cardanol/triazole-halloysite systems, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS», 2015, 478, pp. 476 - 485 [Scientific article]Open Access

Susanna Guernelli; Romina Zappacosta; Gabriella Siani;Domenico Spinelli; Antonella Fontana, Elucidating chemical reactivity and transition state of mononuclear rearrangement of heterocycles through the use o fcompartimentalized micellar media, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL», 2014, 383-384, pp. 114 - 120 [Scientific article]

S.Guernelli; R. Noto; D. Spinelli; M. Liria Turco Liveri; A. Fontana, Mononuclear Rearrangement of Heterocycles in Zwitterionic Micelles of Amine Oxide Surfactants, «JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE», 2012, 381, pp. 67 - 72 [Scientific article]

S.Riela; G. Lazzara; P. Lo Meo; S. Guernelli; F. D'anna; S. Milioto; R. Noto, Microwave-assisted synthesis of novel cyclodextrin-cucurbituril complexes, «SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2011, 23, pp. 819 - 828 [Scientific article]

G. Consiglio; B. Cosimelli; S. Guernelli; C. Z. Lanza; F. Sancassan; D. Spinelli; M. Stenta., A Novel Approach to the Evaluation of the Importance of Steric and Electronic Effects in SNAr Reactions: A Computational, Thermodynamic and 1H and 13C NMR Study of "Meisenheimer-Type" Adducts in the Benzo[b]thiophene Series., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2010, 30, pp. 5807 - 5816 [Scientific article]

G. P. Spada; S. Guernelli; M. Lucarini; .. (trad.): Brown, Foote, Iverson, Anslyn - Chimica Organica / 4e, NAPOLI, EdiSES, 2010, pp. 1132
. Opera originale: Autore: - Titolo: Organic Chemistry – Fifth Edition, by W. H. Brown, C. S. Foote, B. L. Iverson, E. V. Anslyn, Brooks/Cole, 2009 [Book (translation)]

C. Gasparri; S. Guernelli; S. Boncompagni; G. Angelini; G. Siani; P. De Maria; A. Fontana, Fine-tuning of POPC liposomal leakage by the use of b-cyclodextrin and several hydrophoboc guests, «JOURNAL OF LIPOSOME RESEARCH», 2010, 20(3), pp. 202 - 210 [Scientific article]

A. Fontana; M. Viale; S. Guernelli; C. Gasparri; E. Rizzato; M. Maccagno; G. Petrillo; C. Aiello; S. Ferrini; D. Spinelli, Strategies for improving the water solubility of new antitumour nitronaphthylbutadiene derivatives, «ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2010, 8, pp. 5674 - 5681 [Scientific article]

F. D'Anna; V. Frenna; S. Guernelli; C.Z. Lanza; G. Macaluso; S. Marullo; D. Spinelli, New examples of specific-base catalysis in monunuclear rearrangements of heterocycles found via a designed modification of the side-chain structure, «ARKIVOC», 2009, 2009, pp. 125 - 144 [Scientific article]

V. Frenna; F. D’Anna; S. Guernelli; G. Macaluso; S. Marullo; D. Spinelli, Isomerization and rearrangement of (E)- and (Z)-phenylhydrazones of 3-benzoyl-5-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole: evidence for a “new” type of acid-catalysis by copper(II) salts in mononuclear rearrangement of heterocycles, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2008, 21, pp. 306 - 314 [Scientific article]

A. Fontana; S. Guernelli; P. Lo Meo; E. Mezzina; S. Morganti; R. Noto; E. Rizzato; D. Spinelli; R. Zappacosta, On the behaviour of (Z)-phenylhydrazones of some 5-alkyl-3-benzoyl-1,2,4-oxadiazoles in solution and in gas-phase: kinetic and spectrometric evidence in favour of self assembly, «TETRAHEDRON», 2008, 64, pp. 733 - 740 [Scientific article]

F. D'Anna; V. Frenna; S. Guernelli; G. Macaluso; G. Petrillo; E. Rizzato; D. Spinelli, Substituent effects on the mechanism changeover in a multi-pathway reaction: a model for the behavior of biological system?, «ARKIVOC», 2008, vi, pp. 15 - 29 [Scientific article]

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