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Stefano Pio Zingaro

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INF/01 Informatics


Formal collaboration with:
Fondazione Bologna University Business School
In-company training activities for Otsuka Pharmaceutical Italia S.r.l. on the topics of Machine Learning.
Collaboration with:
Fondazione MAST
A 2-sessions course for a gentle introduction of AI (connectionist) principles. The goal of the laboratory is to make explicit the learning process for a software (Machine), through two simple and intuitive activities (modules). The reference technique for Machine Learning that will be presented to the class is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This technique has distinguished itself in recent years, both in research and in industry, for its wide use in the classification of images, text and sound. Explaining the classification process of an object involves four fundamental aspects: the choice of the training model objects and the training process of the machine; the perception of the object (from the machine point of view) and/or its representation, its association with a class and its denomination; the comparison with the known examples, the perception of differences with respect to the initial representation, the recognition of the error; the acquisition of new knowledge, intended as an extension of previous knowledge that manifests itself through the ability to classify a new element (learning). At the end of lab, the student is able to identify the best criteria to provide examples that can validate an automated learning model.
Formal collaboration with:
University of Southern Denmark
In 2018, the Head of the Concurrency and Logic research group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Professor Fabrizio Montesi, invited me in a research project concerning the usage of programming language abstractions to manage data handling in Edge Computing scenarios.
Formal collaboration with:
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
Within the EIT Digital Program 2017, I collaborated in the project named "City Enabler For Digital Urban Services" (CEDUS). The CEDUS team includes four technology providers (ATOS Spain S.A. — Fondazione Bruno Kessler — Telefonica Investigacion y Desarollo S.A. Unipersonal — Images & Reseaux), and three targets costumer cities (Provincia Autonoma di Trento in Italy — Ayuntamento de Malaga in Spain — Rennes M ́etropole in France). CEDUS will provide a software product relying on FIWARE platform, called City Enabler (CE), for crawling, collecting and rendering on a map valuable data at urban scale as well as rapidly developing urban services. The University of Bologna, under the PhD program in Engineering and Computer Science, having an active role in the research field of Big Data Analysis and Smart Cities Innovation is providing scientific support to the project. On one hand the aim is to investigate possible integration of existing technologies in the world of micro-services and on the other hand the goal is to supply urban service providers with valuable data by collecting and analyzing different aggregation methods in order to able to meet needs of the three major players involved in metropolitan areas life: citizens, companies and city administration.

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