Foto del docente

Stefano Toderi

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-03/B Work and Organizational Psychology

Useful contents

Research Questionnaires (Italian validation)

Work Stress (Management Standards method)

Toderi, S., Balducci, C., Edwards, J.A., Sarchielli, G., Broccoli, M. & Mancini, G. (2013). Psychometric properties of the UK and Italian versions of the HSE Stress Indicator Tool: A cross-cultural investigation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29(1), 72-79.

Toderi, S., Gaggia, A., Balducci, & Sarchielli, G. (2015). Reducing psychosocial risks through supervisors’ development: a contribution for a brief version of the “Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool”. Science of Total Environment, 518-519, 345-351.

Work Safety

Toderi, S., Gaggia, A., Mariani, M.G., Mancini, G. & Broccoli, M (2015). Griffin and Neal's safety model: Determinants and components of individual safety performance in the Italian context. Medicina Del Lavoro, 106(6), 447-459.

Toderi, S., Balducci, C. & Gaggia, A. (2016). Safety-specific transformational and passive leadership scale: A contribution to their measurement. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 23(2), 185-202

Career Orientation Inventory - Short version (25 item)

Sarchielli, G., Toderi, S. (2007). Career Anchors: Interest Motives, Research Opportunities, and a Contribution to the Italian Validation of the Career Orientation Inventory (Coi-it). Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 54(252), 21 – 32.

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