Foto del docente

Stefano Severi

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IBIO-01/A Bioengineering

Curriculum vitae

Stefano Severi is Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems of the University of Bologna, Italy. He received his Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in July 1993 and his PhD in Bioengineering in May  1998, both from the University of Bologna. He has written over 200 papers, 80 of which published in peer reviewed international journalswith Impact Factor. Since 1996, he has participated to 13 extramural grants with investigators from other institutions and has been PI in 18 research contracts with 9 biomedical companies. In particular, he has been PI of "EureCa - Effects of uremia on cardiac activity: in vivo, in vitro and in silico analysis" (Italian Ministry of University and Research) involving 3 research groups; Responsible for a Task in "CHIRON - Cyclic and person-centric Health management: Integrated appRoach for hOme, mobile and clinical eNvironments" (ARTEMIS JOINT UNDERTAKING, GA 2009-1-100228); PI in "Patient-specific computational modeling of the atrium under pathological conditions: understanding arrhythmogenesis in dialysis and atrial fibrillation for improved prevention and therapy" (MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program). He serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed international journals and for the Italian Ministry of Research.



July 1993
Degree in Electronic Engineering, University of Bologna.

May 1998
PhD in Bioengineering, University of Bologna.
Thesis: "Hemodynamic instability during hemodialysis: analysis of the cardiac response by signal processing and numerical simulation."

November 1999-October 2000
Postdoc research scholarship on "Bioengineering of artificial organs", University of Bologna

November 1997-March 2000
Consultant with functions of Laboratory management and teaching support at the Engineering Faculty, University of Bologna, Cesena campus.

July 2000-September 2006
Technician at the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory and (from 2005) the Molecular and Cellular Engineering Laboratory, University of Bologna, Cesena campus.

October 2006-
Researcher at the Department of Electronics and Computer Science and Systems, University of Bologna, Cesena campus.



1996-2000 Cardiovascular prosthetic and diagnostic systems - Italian Ministry of University and Research

1998-2002 Bioengineering of the respiratory system - Italian Ministry of University and Research

2001 Spectral analysis of cardiac variability during hemodialysis therapy with different techniques - Principal Investigator - Italian Ministry of University and Research

2003-2005 Modelling of cardiovascular regulation: from physiological knowledge to clinical use - Italian Ministry of University and Research

2004 SISTER Project "Therapy Support Integrated System" - Emilia-Romagna Region

2004 Monitoring and control of vascular access - Gambro SpA

2004-2005 Inherited arrhythmogenic syndromes and sudden death: from epidemiology to functional genomics. - Italina Ministry of Health

2004-2005 Multidisciplinary study of a genetic model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Italian Ministry of University and Research

2004-2005 24-hours ECG profiles during free biofiltration acetate and potassium with constant dialysate profiled: a multicenter study. Hospal Italia S.p.A

2004-2005 Influence of the treatment with artificial kidney on the cardiac electrical activity - Hospal Italia S.p.A

2005-2006 Macrolides and ion transport across CFTR - Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation ONLUS

2004 - Measurement and decoding of the neural activity during motor tasks driven by visual memory - Italian Ministry of University and Research

2006 Pathophysiology of ventricular hypertrophy and of its transition towards heart failure: role of defects in intracellular Ca2+ fluxes - National Institute for Cardiovascular Research

2006 Mechanical stimulation (stretching) of cultured stem cells to optimize differentiation to the cardiac phenotype - National Institute for Cardiovascular Research

2008-2010 Effects of uremia on cardiac activity (EUreCA): in vivo, in vitro and in silico analysis - Italian Ministry of University and Research - Scientific Coordinator


American Journal of Kidney Disease, Blood Purification, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Physiological Measurements



1996-2006 Class and laboratory lessons, seminars and supervision to theoretical and experimental thesis within the courses of Automation and health organization, Biomedical signal processing, Bioengineering, Biomedical instrumentation, Cellular and molecular bioengineering at the II Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.

2006- Courses of Bioengineering Laboratory (Level A and B) at the II Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.

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